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Vital problems of Science.

Nowadays in modern world there are lots of spheres of science: biology, medicine, astronomy, geography, physics and others.

In the sphere ofphysics we can name such outstanding personalities as Albert Einstein, Galileo Galilei, Nikołaj Kopernik. The most famous chemists are Dmitri Mendeleev and Albert Nobel. Biologists - Charles Darwin, Lui Paster. All this great persons made an enormous contribution to science.

Despite the fact of everyday developing science there are lots of problems that remain undecided, for example fight against cancer, invention of new medicine, transplantation, protection our planet from global warming…

One of the sphere of science that is interesting not only for scientists but for ordinary people is origin of life on Earth. There are many hypotheses concerning this question. Some researchers believe in “big bang” theory. According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state which expanded rapidly. This rapid expansion caused the Universe to cool and resulted in its present continuously expanding state. The Universe cooled to allow energy to be converted into various subatomic particles, including protons, neutrons, and electrons. So thanks to this process our Universe and planets appeared.

In 2008 there was first launch of Large Hadron Collider, utility (установка), that should help astrophysicists to reveal “The big bang” in a modern world and see how everything happened billion years ago.

Some people are afraid of this plan, they believe such experiments can be dangerous for human, animals and plants.

Frankly speaking some problems existing with and without Collider. Air and water pollution, saving endangered species of animals and plants, ozone holesformation – all this problems became more serious in recent years.

One of the most discussed topic is genetically modified food. We should be very carefully while choosing goods in supermarkets and try not to buy those which are unhealthy. People should always remember to look to labels and be careful about themselves.

All pollutions, wrong food, are causing a lot of problems with health. And still medicine can’t find answers to a lot of human diseases.

In spite of high development of the modern science there are still a lot of unanswered questions for future generations.

Studying abroad.

Even if the standard of education in your country is of the highest order, it still makes sense to study abroad as it affords you the opportunity to learn a new language and to understand what is happening around the world. Participating in a study abroad program increases your job marketability, especially if the interviewer has also studied abroad.

There are clear advantages to enrolling in a study abroad, such as:

1. Understanding and learning a new culture. It will help you to be more culturally sensitive to others. You can develop solid business relationships through your understanding of other cultures.

2. Understanding foreign politics. Your company businessvalue will increase if you understand the general politics of other countries. You’ll be able to solve problems thatrequire knowledge and an understanding of the politics of the foreign countryvery easily.

3. Broadening your intellectual capacity. It willdevelope a deep and thorough knowledge of economic, political and international issues outside of your native country

4. Learning a foreign language quickly. When you spend time with people of a different country, it is much easier to learn the foreign language in a short span of time.

5. Learning to be patient and flexible: You will learn to be patient and flexible to various aspects of life, especially because of having to face unfamiliar circumstances and having to adjust to them.

6. Most programs offer summer study abroad. This is good because it will give you the experience of studying in a foreign country, while getting the credit you need in the summer(there are semester and year-long programs too).

7. You will become competitive, responsible and independent. It will enable you to adapt very easily to different cultures and survive the pressures of the modern-day competitive world.

8. Changing your life. I will give you a rewarding experience and will transform your life.

9. Chance to meet many interesting and influential people. These friendships may prove beneficial in the long run.

10. Lots of new places, new customs, holidays, meal, and ability to try out new things and be able to make your own decisions; Learning more about yourself; Gaining cross-cultural and communicative skills; Advantages starting the career or entering college.

Disadvantages – feeling extremely lost, lonely, homesick; hard to listen to a foreign language 24 hours a day and take notes during the lectures; different teaching methods

The USA is an indisputable world leader on the amount of students-foreigners.

At first, there is an enormous choice of on-line tutorials - from a model, checked by time and tradition, to unique and modern. If there is some specialty in the world, it is in one or another American university.

Secondly, powerful scientific base. The American universities are not simply higher educational establishments. Each of them is a center of scientific researches.

Thirdly, fine developed infrastructure. The technical equipment of university laboratories is perfect; rich libraries - not only "paper" but also electronic; organization of educational process, and also the way of life and leisure of students are great.

Finally, the quality of the American diploma in the world market of labour does not have competitors.

My future job and career.

Money makes the world go round. In today’s world money is everything to everyone. However too get money most have to get a job. Now when it comes to jobs there are millions and millions of jobs out there, however there are billions of people vying for those jobs. Getting a job is a very hard period in the life of most people. Companies choose an employee from hundreds of candidates according to special rules, that's why there're special 'typical' factors, influencing on employer's choice. Among such factors are: age, sex, experience, family background and marital status, personality and references. If you're to go to an interview tomorrow, sleep well before it and don't forget your CV at home - is the basic rule. What's more, you should choose corresponding dress code for the interview.

The last important aspect is being able to talk about yourself. When going into an interview it is important to be able to talk about your education, experience, and ability to adapt to the job position. Also it is important to talk about why you want the job, and why you would be a great fit for the job. In fact to make sure you’ve got what you want to say write it down before the interview.

After getting a job, you may have some unexpected troubles with boss or the staff, and if you don't want to be laid off, you should follow company rules, it is a must.

Many students when they finish high school do not have a clear idea of what they want to do in future. Part of the problem is the size of the job market. Some of the occupations are already overcrowded. In old industries there may be a little need of new workers. Choosing a career is not easy for most people, yet it is one of the most important decisions you make in your life. It is of most importance to explore your choice of occupation from every angle, collect as much information as you can. Above all - evaluate yourself. Be sure you know your own interests and talents. Unfortunately not everyone takes this trouble. Everyone has skills and talents but yours may not be so obvious. Make a list of your interests, your talents and abilities. Most people have a lot of these but they are undeveloped and may not seem outstanding. By concentrating on a few or on one you may surprise yourself and everyone with how good you can get.

When choosing a future career it is important to keep in the consideration the following things:

- do you like meeting and dealing with people;

- do you like to work inside;

- do you enjoy thinking about problems;

- do you enjoy working with your hands;

- do you like working on you own;

- do you enjoy being creative.

Analyzing all this will help not to make wrong choice. The majority of jobs may be divided into several groups: scientific, practical, outdoor, creative and social. I can't say the exact group, in which my future occupation will be. Anyway I don't think that my future occupation is described in these groups. It can also be a mixture of different types of jobs. I like meeting and dealing with people, and I'm quite sure, that it will help me in my future profession, whatever it is. I don't mind working inside, besides the weather in our region is very often not suitable for outdoor works. To tell the truth I do not enjoy working with my hands, I would prefer to think and solve different problems. I can't say that I enjoy working on my own, but often it can be pleasant and productive to work alone. I enjoy being creative, instead of feeling someone's authority on me. I am quite confident in pointing the character features needed to my future occupation and to most of the occupations. These are: ability to learn quick, politeness, creativeness, accurateness, adaptability, friendliness, capability and others. You must also be a good team member. I think that in this or that degree I posses all these qualities, but some of them need to be developed

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