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60. Classification of translation transformations according to techniques of translation: Omissions

Omissions represent changes in a SLT which are opposite in nature to additions, though they are also qualified as complex lexico-grammatical transformations. Omissions result in dropping some elements from a SLT which may be caused by a number of factors:

the difference in combinability of SL and TL, e.g. English favours pair synonyms the origin of which has historical and cultural roots that have to be translated by single word correspondences in Russian, e.g. The treaty was declared null and void-Договор был объявлен недействительным.

well-established traditions of expressing some information, e.g. English unlike Russian prefers to use detailed descriptions of size, volume, weight and оthеr measurements [Хайруллин 1997] which are looked upon as redundant in Russian and are usually replaced by their functional analogues, e.g. Every inch of his face expressed amazement - На его лице было написано изумление.

the desire to create compression in an English sentence which is often achieved thanks to frequent uses of participial, infinitival, gerundial phrases, complex object, complex subject and other complexes, e.g. Как сообщается, свыше 30 автомашин застряли в пути на 12 часов из-за снежных заносов - More than 30 cars are said to have stuck twelve hours in snow drifts.

Translation practice shows that omissions are more frequently made while translating from Russian into English in contrast to additions that are usual when translating from English into Russian.

64. Types of lexical transformations: sense (semantic) development

Sense development - a SL word is replaced by a TL word the meanings of which denote notions connected with each other through cause-result links. Since such links are usually connected with an action mere maybe basically 6 varieties of such transformations:

result - cause

result - action

action - result

action - cause

cause - result

cause - action

e.g. When I opened my eyes she had lit the lamp (Gr. Greene) (action/ Когда я открыл глаза, лампа была зажжена.

You can't be serious. - Вы, должно быть, шутите. (Cause is translated by its effect: Since you can't be serious, it follows that you must be joking). In the above example, meaning extension is combined with an antonymic translation. Another example: He answered the phone. - Он поднял трубку. You can't speak on the phone unless you have lifted the receiver. The effect "answered" in the ST is translated by its cause "lifted the receiver" (="поднял трубку") in the ТТ.

68. Lexical-stylistic transformations.

1. Stylistic Correspondence

Stylistic Correspondence is defined by A. Popovitch as a correspondence between translation and ST when the translation adequately reproduces the stylistic invariant of the original text 20. It means that all the elements in the ST and TT correspond to each other on the stylistic and semantic level. It is amazing how B. Zahoder manages to translate adequately the stylistic device of pun which is one of the most difficult for translation.E.g. If only he could stop bumping. – Если бы он только на минутку перестал бумкать.


But whatever his weight is in pounds, shillings and ounces.

He always seems bigger because of his bounces.

Не знаю я сколько в нем метров

И литров и килограмм.

Но тигры, когда они прыгают

Огромными кажутся нам.

2. Stylistic Substitution

Stylistic Substitution happens when the translator does not have corresponding stylistic means for reproducing certain images from the original text. Thus, he substitutes them for others, more appropriate and more natural for his language.

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