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  1. Listen to the recording once again and reproduce how the words below were used in the article:

  1. dinosaurs

  2. The Guardian

  3. pale, stale males

  4. bankers

  5. 16-24-year olds

  6. legislators

  7. millions

  8. par

  9. guilty

  10. racism

  11. dynamic

  12. age


  1. Discuss in pairs:

  1. What do you think of ageism?

  2. Do you know anyone who has been affected by ageism? If so, describe it.

  3. Is there ageism in your country?

  4. Were you aware of the new ageism laws before this lesson?

  5. Could the new age discrimination laws endanger the minimum wage system?

  6. Are you in favour of the new age discrimination laws?

  7. Do you think the European Union is right to have introduced these new employment laws?

  8. How do you see employers reacting to this new law?

  9. Will employers try to get around it?

  10. Describe your feelings on age discrimination being abolished in recruitment? Employment and training?

  11. What are your thoughts on the enforced retirement age before 65 being abolished for most?

  12. Will company pensions be affected by these new laws?

  13. Do you think it’s a good idea for companies to push workers out because of their age?

  14. Do you think the new laws will act as a lever to help more older workers to stay in employment, thus reducing the burden of paying pensions on both the state and private pension schemes?

  15. Why do some companies ask for a photograph to go with a CV?


  1. Write a letter to the Guardian newspaper. Tell them what you think of the new employment laws in the European Union. Ask three questions. Show your letter to your classmates in the next lesson. Your classmates will write a reply.

    Unit 12. STYLE


Look up the translation of the following words and word combinations in the dictionary:

  1. assume (v) You’ll look at my clothes, which will probably be my friend’s clothes, and wrongly assume I’m rich.

  2. bargain (n) I got the hat in the sales – it was a bargain.

  3. blunt (adj) A blunt knife is not sharp and does not cut properly.

  4. eccentric (adj) Something that is eccentric is very strange or unusual.

  5. to make ends meet (phr) I’m an artist but work in an art gallery three days a week to make ends meet.

  6. be in sb’s genes (phr) Vanessa’s parents were interior designers, so style is in her genes.

  7. go off (phr v) When your alarm goes off in the morning, it starts making a noise to wake you up.

  8. grip (n) If we shake hands, you’ll notice that my grip is strong.

  9. make a living (phr) If you make a living from something, you earn enough money from it to live.

  10. on a day-to-day basis (phr) On a day-to-day basis Vanessa prefers comfortable clothes.

  11. outcome (n) Put together outfits without too much thought and see what the outcome is.

  12. be in the public eye (phr) As I became more in the public eye, I became more aware of what I wore.

  13. scare (v) The red carpet treatment scares Vanessa Paradis.

  14. set eyes on sb If you’ve never set eyes on someone before, it is the first time you’ve seen them.

  15. Small world. (phr) “Small world” is an expression used to show you are surprised that someone has visited the same places as you.

  16. stroll (n) A stroll is a short, relaxing walk.

  17. work out (phr v) Working as a model helped to develop her style and to work out what suited her.

  18. wouldn’t be seen dead in sth Most of my friends wouldn’t be seen dead in snakeskin cowboy boots!

Clothes & Fashion

  1. baggy (adj) Baggy clothes are very loose on your body.

  2. belt (n) Fran wears her red miniskirt with a brown leather belt.

  3. bohemian (adj) A bohemian style is informal and considered typical of writers and artists.

  4. brand-new (adj) A brand-new piece of clothing has never been worn before.

  5. checked (adj) A checked shirt is one that has a pattern of squares on it.

  6. cowboy boots (n pl) Al is really proud of his American snakeskin cowboy boots.

  7. designer look (n) Carla Bruni thinks the head-to-toe designer look is ridiculous.

  8. elegant (adj) He was wearing an elegant white linen jacket.

  9. fashion (n) The head-to-toe designer look is the opposite of fashion.

  10. fit (v) These trousers are too tight – they don’t fit me any more.

  11. floppy (adj) A floppy hat is soft and loose.

  12. fur (n) Many people in Russia wear fur hats in the winter.

  13. go with (phr v) I’m trying to find a top that goes with these trousers.

  14. hoody (n) A hoody is a top that looks like a small jacket, with a hood that covers your head.

  15. leather jacket (n) The red miniskirt looks fantastic with my old black leather jacket.

  16. long/short-sleeved (adj) Short-sleeved shirts are more comfortable in hot weather.

  17. low-waisted (adj) I don’t like low-waisted trousers. You take away the hips and the waist – the best bits.

  18. match (v) Don’t forget to check that your socks match!

  19. matching bag/hat etc (n) A matching bag and hat makes you look like a hristmas tree!

  20. miniskirt (n) In the early days, Vanessa loved wearing miniskirts and leather jackets.

  21. modelling (n) Through modelling, Carla learned how to use her body.

  22. outfit (n) Jay’s favourite outfit is black skinny jeans with a black polo-neck top.

  23. pinstripe (n) A smart pinstripe suit is made of material with a thin line woven into it.

  24. plain (adj) A plain shirt etc is one that doesn’t have a pattern.

  25. pointy shoes (n pl) Pointy shoes have a point at the front.

  26. polo-neck (n) A polo-neck top has a high neck that folds over.

  27. put together (phr v) Vanessa likes putting together outfits without too much thought.

  28. shoulder pads (n pl) Shoulder pads are thick soft pieces of material inside the shoulders of a jacket.

  29. silk (n) Silk is a thin, smooth, expensive material.

  30. skinny jeans (n pl) Skinny jeans are extremely tight.

  31. smart (adj) I wear smart pinstripe suits for work.

  32. snakeskin (n) Al loves his snakeskin cowboy boots.

  33. stand out (phr v) If you stand out in a crowd, everyone notices you.

  34. striped (adj) Striped material has lines woven into it.

  35. style (n) I don’t think anyone can teach you to have style – you either have it or you don’t.

  36. suede (n) Suede is leather with a soft brushed surface.

  37. suit (v) Working as a model helped to develop her style and to work out what suited her.

  38. take off (phr v) If the trousers feel a bit tight round the waist, I take them off and try on another pair.

  39. top (n) Jay likes wearing black skinny jeans with black polo-neck top.

  40. try on (phr v) She tried on two or three tops before finding one that looked right.

  41. V-neck (n) Do you prefer V-necks or polo necks?

  42. woolly (adj) I decided to wear a thick, woolly jumper as it was so cold.

Physical Description

  1. of average build He’s just under six feet tall and of average build.

  2. bald (adj) A man who is bald has no hair.

  3. blond streaks (n pl) Blond streaks are lines of a lighter colour in someone’s hair.

  4. bushy (adj) Bushy hair is very thick.

  5. curly (adj) Do you prefer curly or straight hair?

  6. dark shadows (n pl) He looked very tired and had dark shadows under his eyes.

  7. deep-set (adj) Deep-set eyes seem to be a long way back into your face.

  8. eyebrow (n) He had a scar across the centre of his left eyebrow.

  9. eyeliner (n) Eyeliner is a line of black make-up that you put round your eyes.

  10. face-lift (n) She looked as if she’d had a face-lift, but in fact she’d just had a makeover.

  11. freckles (n pl) Freckles are small brown spots on your skin.

  12. ginger (adj) People with ginger hair often have a lot of freckles.

  13. goatee (n) In Pirates of the Caribbean Johnny Depp has a small goatee beard.

  14. have one’s clothes designed by a stylist (phr) Angela had her clothes designed by a stylist to improve her appearance.

  15. have one’s ears pierced (phr) I had my ears pierced when I was 14.

  16. have one’s eyelids lifted (phr) Tony had plastic surgery to have his eyelids lifted.

  17. have one’s hair cut and coloured (phr) Having your hair cut and coloured can really improve your appearance.

  18. have one’s make-up done by an expert (phr) You can pay a lot of money to have your make-up done by an expert.

  19. have one’s teeth whitened (phr) Having my teeth whitened gave me more confidence.

  20. have one’s wardrobe re-designed (phr) If you have your wardrobe re-designed, someone chooses a lot of new clothes for you to wear.

  21. hazel (adj) Hazel eyes are light brown and slightly golden in colour.

  22. in one’s late teens (phr) If you are between 17 and 19, you are in your late teens.

  23. in one’s early/late thirties etc (phr) She became President when she was only in her early thirties.

  24. just over/under (phr) If you are just under six feet tall, you are nearly six feet in height.

  25. makeover (n) After the makeover Angela only looked about twenty-eight!

  26. medium (adj) If you are of medium build, you are neither thin nor fat.

  27. messy (adj) Messy hair is not tidy.

  28. mole (n) A mole is a brown spot on your skin that is permanent.

  29. overweight (adj) Someone who is overweight is too fat.

  30. plastic surgery (n) If you can afford plastic surgery, you’re bound to look better.

  31. receding (adj) If your hair is receding, less and less of is growing at the front.

  32. scar (n) A scar is a mark on your skin caused by an injury.

  33. shoulder-length (adj) In Pirates of the Caribbean Johnny Depp has messy black shoulder-length hair.

  34. sideburns (n pl) Sideburns are the hair that grows down a man’s cheeks.

  35. skinny (adj) Someone who is skinny is very thin.

  36. slim (adj) Someone who is slim is thin in an attractive way.

  37. stocky (adj) Someone who is stocky looks strong but is not tall.

  38. tattoo (n) A tattoo is a picture drawn in ink on your skin.

  39. tiny (adj) Someone who is tiny is extremely small.

  40. transformation (n) Did you see Ten Years Younger last night? The transformation was incredible.

  41. wavy (adj) Wavy hair is slightly curly.

  42. well-built (adj) Someone who is well-built has a strong body.

Supplementary Reading