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3. Активизация и закрепление лексики по темам «Science», «Scientific discoveries», «Inventors and inventions».

1. It’s important to maintain proper operation of the reactor .

2. Radioactive substances are harmful to health.

3. Nuclear weapons continue to pose a danger.

4. The rise in sea levels has been predicted as a consequence of global warming.

5. The 1987 hurricane was the worst natural catastrophe to hit England for decades.

6. Britain is committed to a 30 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide production by 2005.

7. Mrs. Thatcher began to sell into private hands many publicly-owned production and service firms.

8 The President knew that some congressmen would support him.

9. Industrial and nuclear waste spreads in water rapidly.

10. Chemicals and pesticides pollute the environment.

11. We started to live in a small town but now we live in London.

12. He was justified because he didn’t break the law.

13. A doctor must respect the wishes of patients.

14. The summer was very dry and there was a threat of fires in the forest.

15. He studied nuclear physics at the university.

16. International Children’s Fund was formed to improve the living conditions of children.

17. A polyglot is a person who has mastered some languages.

18. They used instruments in road building.

19. This scientist won the Nobel Prize for his discovery in Physics.

20. Alfred Nobel tried to avoid publicity.

21. Alfred Nobel often thought about the meaning of his life.

22. Michael Faraday is an English scientist who was born in a poor labouring family.

23. Teach your children how to care for their pets.

24. What hopes you leave the town so early?

25. They used explosives to cut the tunnel through the mountain.

26. The hardest work in mines is now performed by robots.

27. His ability to work day and night was known to his colleagues.

28. I don’t know this word. Do you know meaning of this word?

29. She will too be here today. She promised to come.

30. You shouldn’t kill spiders just because you are afraid of them.

31. The car accident took place in the street and many people were injured.

32. He realized that without the experiment his work would be useless.

33. I will finish my work while you are playing chess.

34. If you learn by your own mistakes you will be able to avoid problems in future.

35. Economists expect the economy to grow by 5 % next year.

36. This student deserves an excellent mark. He knows so much.

37. Atomic ice-breaker works on nuclear energy.

38. You must choose the correct answer.

39. Alfred Nobel’s wish was form a fund.

40. A Nobel did much for the strengthening of permanent armies.

Список используемой литературы:

1. Английский язык для инженеров / Т. Ю. Полякова, Е. В. Синявская, О. И. Тынкова, Э. С. Улановская. – М. : Высшая школа, 2006.

2. Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Английский язык» АННОТИРОВАНИЕ И РЕФЕРИРОВАНИЕ для студентов вторых курсов технических специальностей / сост. Л. М. Митрофаненко, И. Н. Морозова. – Ставрополь: СевКавГТУ, 2011.

3. ГОСТ 7.9-95. Реферат и аннотация. Общие требования. – М. : Юрист, 1998.