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Block 2. Career in the Law.

1. Kyiv University. The faculty of Law

Kyiv University is a higher educational establishment, which trains specialists in many fields of knowledge and carries out research. It was founded in 1834 and since then it has made a priceless contribution to the education, science and culture of Ukraine. It is the number one Ukrainian university, and a major center of advanced learning and progressive thinking. It consists of more faculties and departments than any other higher school in Ukraine and provides training of specialists in a greater number of fields than any other comparable Ukrainian educational institution.

Kyiv University is named after Taras Shevchenko, a major figure in Ukrainian arts. Its reputation transcends the boundaries of Ukraine.

Today, Kyiv University is a powerful educational and scientific complex combining 14 faculties, 5 educational institutes, a centre for training and advanced training of foreign citizens and two lyceums. The University provides training and re-training for specialists comprising 63 specialties and 157 specializations. The University study process is performed by 158 departments with 1,840 teachers, 82 per cent of which are in possession of academic degrees and status, and 24 per cent are doctors of science and professors.

The Faculty of Law has long and outstanding history. Study for the first 35 students of faculty of law began in 1835. Ignatius Danylo led them in the area of legal science. He was the first  dean of the faculty, professor, one of the most profoundly-educated scientists, who devoted his life to codification of Polish-Lithuanian laws, and was assigned to the department of constabulary and criminal laws when arrived to Kyiv in 1835.

The duration of full-time Bachelor’s course is four years. Within the first seven semesters the students acquire knowledge according to the general educational curriculum, after that they study specialized subjects (“Commercial Law”, “Land and Ecological Law”, “Constitutional Law”, “Court. Public Prosecution. Advocacy. Notary system” “Civil and Labour Law”). The same subjects are studied by those students who proceed their study to get the Degree of Master (for a year). Those students who on receiving the Bachelor’s Degree will study the MA course, may choose such specializations as “Commercial Law”, “Legal Book of Reference”, “Land and Environmental Law”, “Constitutional and Financial Law”, “Notary system”, “Court. Public Prosecution. Practicing Law”, “Civil Law”. The duration of MA course is two years.

All obligatory courses are taught in Ukrainian.

The duration of correspondence course to get a Bachelor’s Degree is 5 years (specializations: “Constitutional Law and Legal Book of Reference”, “Court. Public Prosecution. Practicing Law. Notary system”, “Commercial and Financial Law”, “Civil and Land Law”. The same subjects are studied by those students who proceed with their study to get the MA degree (a two year course of study) and the Degree of Master (a year-course study).