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Чехович Д.Р..doc
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Exercise 120

Answer these questions.

  1. Where’s the medical room?

  2. Is Paul in his office?

  3. Which rooms are in the basement?

  4. What is Fred doing?

  5. Who is reading a magazine?

Grammar notes

The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense (Настоящее Продолженное Время) выражает длительное действие, происходящее в определенный момент (или отрезок) настоящего, в момент речи. Момент речи может быть выражен следующими наречиями или словосочетаниями: now, at present, at the moment, а может быть ясен из контекста.

What’s that smell? Something is burning. - Что это за запах? Что-то горит.

Настоящее продолженное время образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола “to be” в настоящем времени и основного глагола с окончанием “- ing”.

Table 14

Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма

Краткие ответы

I am typing


You are typing


He is typing


She is typing


It is typing


We are typing


They are typing


I’m not typing

You’re not typing

He’s not typing

She’s not typing

It’s not typing

We’re not typing

They’re not typing

Am I typing?

Are you typing?

Is he typing?

Is she typing?

Is it typing?

Are we typing?

Are they typing?

Yes, I am

No, I’m not.

Yes, you are.

No, You’re not.

Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t.

Yes, she is.

No, she isn’t.

Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.

Yes, we are.

No, we aren’t.

Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t.

Особенности правописания. Конечная согласная удваивается в глаголах с предшествующей краткой гласной:

sit - sitting, swim - swimming

Немое -е не пишется перед -ing:

write - writing, smile - smiling

Exercise 121

Put the verbs in the correct form.

  1. I ................................... (watch) television at present.

  2. He ................................ ( type) a letter now.

  3. They ..................................... (play) tennis at the moment.

  4. Look! She ................................... ( ride) a bicycle.

  5. What .................. you ....................... (do) now?

  6. Victor .......................................... (not/swim), he ................................ (play) volley-ball.

  7. Where .................. we ...................... (go) now?

  8. I .................................. (read) a magazine at present time.

Exercise 122 (We Mean Business ex 30, p 19)

Look at picture 4 and the notes and listen to the tape. Two people are talking about what the BOS staff are doing. It is exactly midday. Write each picture number with the correct note, like this: 1 - b

Pic. 4. People’s activities in the office.


a. have lunch f. interview someone

b. welcome a visitor g. type a letter

c. read a magazine h. send a telex

d. visit a customer i. talk on the phone

e. take shorthand

Exercise 123

Write sentences, like this:

Paul is having lunch.

Exercise 124

Ask and answer the questions, like this:

What is Luisa doing? She’s welcoming a visitor.

Is Luisa typing a letter? No, she isn’t.

Are Simon and John having lunch? No, they aren’t.

Exercise 124

Ask to speak to people at BOS on the phone and say what they are doing, like this:

Caller: Can I speak to Howard Spencer, please?

Secretary: I’m afraid not. He is interviewing someone.

Exercise 125

Give short answers.

  1. Are you watching TV? - No, ....................

  2. Is it raining? - No, ............................

  3. Is Simon sleeping? - No, .........................

  4. Are they playing chess? - Yes, ..........................

  5. Are we speaking English? - Yes, .............................

  6. Is Anne having lunch? - No, ...................................

  7. Is it snowing? - Yes, ............................

  8. Are you typing a letter? - Yes, ...........................