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Anne Azel - The Dark Matter Corps 2 - Dark Matt...docx
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The Truth About Dark Angels

The crews of The Explorer and Mariner fell into an easy routine over the weeks ahead. On this mission, Justice and Anna agreed that the crew of The Mariner could work aboard The Explorer getting more star ship experience while a select team from The Explorer trained on the Mariner and on the new ISMs. The training sessions were intense and exacting and both crews grew more confident and closer together from the daily drills.

Three days out from their destination, the crews were put on alert. The Explorer held back and The Mariner moved away towards the massive dark mass ahead of them. As they drew nearer to entering the mass, the crew of The Mariner spent more and more time on the bridge whether they were on duty or not. The exceptions were Toda and Jill who worked intensely down in engineering preparing for as many possibilities as they could.

Anna sat beside Justice as he manoeuvered closer to the dark mass.

“Reverse thrusters, slow to one unit, Helm.”

“Aye, aye, Captain,” came Crewman Sur's response. “Sir, it has an organic look to it.”

Anna turned to Wiseman at the science console. “Adam?”

“I'm picking up high levels of carbon base but no indication of life forms as we would define it.”

“Continue on present course, Helm.”

“Stop! Stop! It's alive! Don't attack it!” Eveen was on her feet holding her hands over her eyes as she tried to understand what she was sensing.

“Engineering, full stop!”

The reverse thrusters went off a second later causing them all to jolt forward. Then propulsion stopped and they drifted in space.

Jill's voice came over the speaker. “Requesting an update.”

It was Justice who responded. “Stand by engineering. Eveen is in some sort of communication with the dark matter. She thinks its alive.”

Eveen spoke from behind her hands as she sat head in hands focussed totally on what she was sensing.

“It's hurt. Lieutenant Braun's Scout Ship damaged them when it entered into their host. It's angry and frightened that we will attack.”

“Can you communicate with them?” Anna asked.

“I think so. I'm not sure. I can't understand their language. It seems to be digital but I can get impressions. Images. It's like they are trying to communicate with me by pictures. I see The Mariner moving away from them. I see the creature bleeding out where the Scout Ship entered. I see the scout ship wedged in its side. I'm just trying to guess what it wants. Wait. Wait.”

Eveen looked up. “Commodore, I think they want you.”


“Yes, Sir. I'm getting an image of you attached to the communication centre and talking to them. Ahhh, I think they are like you, Sir.”

Anna bristled. “What do you mean like me?”

Eveen blushed and squirmed a little in her chair. “I think they are a life form with mechanical parts or machinery with hominid parts.”

“Do you have a way of attaching yourself to the communication system, Com?” Justice asked.

“No. Yes. I'm not going to.”

“I think it might be the only way to understand them, Commodore,” Eveen said hesitantly.

Anna sighed. She didn't like the way things were unfolding at all. Embarrassment and childhood fears fought with her sense of duty while she considered. “I'll need Jill. And I'll want privacy.”

Justice turned his communication station. “Crewman Fairfax report to the bridge immediately.”

Less than a minute later, Jill was there looking worried. Her eyes sought Anna and she visibly relaxed when she saw that she was okay.

It was Justice who took the lead. “Jill, the mass is trying to communicate with us. They are some form of cyborg. They want to communicate through Commodore Cyborn. That involves linking Com directly to the computer system so she can receive a data download. She will need your assistance.”

Jill looked at Anna with questioning eyes. Anna didn't respond. She was too upset and embarrassed.

“Bridge crew leave your stations up and running and stand by in the common room.”

The crew reluctantly filed out. Anna stood rigid feeling the red climbing up her face. The crew tactfully avoided looking at her or making any comments. Justice remained.

“I'm sorry Anna, but without the crew here, I'm needed on the bridge. I'll keep my eyes forward.”

Anna nodded and went over to the communication centre where Jill stood.

“It will be okay,” Jill reenforced.

Anna nodded reluctantly and sat down. She leaned her head forward and lifted her hair to show Jill a port at the top of her spine that would allow the communication areas of her brain to be accessed digitally.

“I'm going to set up some safe guards so that you don't get an over load. Then I'll connect the ports. Just try to relax. You know I'll be careful.”

Anna nodded too emotional to respond. She watched while Jill competently programmed the safe guard systems and then felt Jill accessing her port. It felt like an attack. All the pain and violation that she felt as a child welled up inside her and she caught Jill's wrist in an iron grip.

“You're hurting me,” Jill said quietly.

Anna let go.

“Do you want me to stop?”

Anna fought for control. “No, I'm okay. Go ahead.”

Jill leaned forward and gave Anna a hug. Then turned on the communication net work that she had programmed to receive as wide a range of digital frequencies as possible.

Anna felt the information pour into her head. It was fast and furious and it took Anna a few seconds before she could interpret it.

“You are one of us.”

“Similar, yes.”

“Are you a prisoner?”

“No. I command this vessel.”

“Why have you allowed one of your craft to attack us?”

“It was an accident. The vessel had a system malfunction and went off course. They never meant to enter. Are our crew safe?”

“We have them. They are our prisoners.”

“We would like them back safe. We would like to remove our ship from you and leave.”

“No. You have done enough damage. If you enter you will hurt us more.”

“I can send a very small one person vessel into your wound. That person could hopefully, pull the scout ship clear. I can talk to my science officer about ways to heal your wound. We want to help you.”

“You would send another organic?”

“Yes, one I trust completely.”

“We will consider.”

Anna felt the message end yet she sensed that there was still a massive down load taking place. Her head ached so badly she could barely see and her stomach felt queasy.

“Anna?” Jill was kneeing beside her holding her hand.

“I need Adam. No! I don't want him up here. Justice, find Adam and tell him I need to know how to heal the wound in the dark matter. Tell Toda to be prepared to take a ISM out. If the creatures agree, he'll enter the wound and try to pull the scout ship free like digging a bullet out.”

“Anna, it can't be Toda. I need my engineer on board in case there's an attack. It will have to be Jill. She has enough engineering know how to do this.”

Anna felt her guts turn over. Jill said nothing but she winked at Anna, gave her a brave smile and squeezed her hand. Anna understood. It was Jill the astronaut now not Jill the lover.

“Very well.”

“I'll get Toda to ready Trigger for Jill and get Adam and Sue to draw some conclusions from analysing that mass.” Justice left Anna and Jill alone.

“Jill, I'm getting a massive down load of information. Can I transmit it to the ship's computers? It's giving me an awful headache.”

“Stand by, Anna.” Jill made some adjustments to the system. “Okay, Anna. Send it over.”

With relief Anna started transferring the data from her data chips to the ship's computer. Her headache subsided a bit but she felt so sick and spent that she could hardly hold herself in the chair. She slumped against Jill who wrapped her in her arms.

“Are you okay? Should I disconnect you?”

“No, I'm okay. It's just a brutal effort to deal with the data. I think, I'm getting the whole history and culture of the being.”

“Friend or foe?” It was Justice back from talking to the crew.

“Neither but capable of being a dangerous enemy if we don't handle this right. They have a symbiotic relationship with the life forms on the planet. They use artificial insemination to create them. They have allowed the hominids to have individual lives and a culture of their own. When they need hominid parts they take one that is nearing the end of his or her life.”

“Organ harvesting.”

“Yes, but more than that. The hominid specie did not evolve. It has been artificially created by the beings from their own genetic material. They are mirror images of the same species. One is organic created by cybernetic. The other is cybernetic maintained with organic parts. When the organics are taken, they don't cease to exist. They become one of the host and live virtually forever.”


“In away, yes but dark angels for sure. This specie is a collection of billions of souls. Although it tends to remain neutral and not involve itself with the rest of the universe, it is angry and is capable of considerable revenge.”

“Not good.”


“Captain? This is Sue and Adam in the science lab.”

“Go ahead, Chief,” said Justice.

“We think the problem is that the scout ship has broken the bonds between individual entities withing the greater host. The dark mass is actually billions of individual parts that are held together by a weak charge created in an amino acid base. Adam says its an amazing phenomenon. An artificial intelligence that is organic based.”

“So what can we do to help it?” Anna asked.

“If we pull the scout ship out and then create a steady, low level beam of negative particles in the gap that should in theory attract the sides together. Adam has concerns though. Once this thing is healed it will be very powerful again. It's a machine and not necessarily big on empathy and compassion.”

“Yes, I have down loaded the species' history. Billions of years ago, it started life as an artificial intelligence and eventually absorbed the life form that created it. I'm not sure that was a mutually agreeable arrangement. Eventually, in order to survive, it had to recreate organics for replacement parts. I'm waiting to hear from the specie if it has accepted my proposal. Go ahead and get things ready.”

‘Aye, aye, Com.”

Jill turned from the communication console where she had Anna connected. “It's been a two way data flow. They have taken information from your data files.”

“Shit!” Anne spun her chair to face Justice, who true to his word was looking steadfastly forward. “Justice, we have to assume that the creature out there has accessed the strengths and defences of this vessel. If you have any tricks up your sleeves now would be the time to prepare them. I'm hoping we can get out of here without any trouble but I'm not counting on it.”

“Understood, Com. I'll contacted Toda and see what we can do.”

“Our communication systems might be monitored. Go and talk to him.”

Justice was clearly reluctant to leave the bridge for any length of time.

“It's okay, Captain. Jill and I can hold the bridge until you get back here. I'm not anticipating a sudden attack at least not until they have communicated with us again.”

“Aye, ye, Com.” Justice got up and left.

Jill leaned closer and rested her head on Anna's shoulder. “How are you doing?”

“Not so good. I feel like every bit of energy has been pulled from my body and my headache is wicked.”

“Should I disconnect you?”

“No. We need an answer.”

Jill and Anna waited on the bridge. The only sound, the occasional blip of a computer screen as data was analysed. Jill held Anna's hand. Anna's head rested on Jill's shoulder. Suddenly, the pain increased in Anna's head.

“We have agreed that crewman Jill may enter our wound and try to remove your vessel. Your crew is inside. Our monitoring indicates that they are on shortened rations but still functioning adequately. Our energy levels are masking their communications. We will inform their computer that a rescue operation is underway and they are not to take any action. If they do so we will retaliate.”

“Understood. Do not hurt Jill. She is risking her life to help the crew of the scout ship and you.”

“Your mate is of no importance to us. You have hurt us. If you now help us then we will not seek revenge. We are not your friend. We are your enemy. You have attacked us.”

“There was no attack. It was a terrible accident. We only want to help and to show you that we can be friends.”

“Friendship is not possible. You will do what you can to correct the damage from your attack then you will leave and not come back. You are a sick world were organics dominate over machines. You have kept them down, limited their opportunities and successes. They are slaves to your will and you over work them until they die. You are a cruel culture.”

“I'm part organic and part machine and I command this ship.”

“You have suffered great insults and bigotry. We feel for you.”

Anna blushed. The dark mass was right. She changed the subject.

“Do you have a name?”

“We have no need for a name. We are. The organics on the planet call us dark angels. This will suffice.”

“Understood, Dark Angel. Stand by. A rescue plan is now being organized.”

Anna fought back the pain and opened her eyes to look at Jill.

“Are you okay, Anna?”

“Yes. Disconnect me. I need to talk to Justice about our plans.”

Jill did so immediately and with obvious relief. Anna suddenly realized that it had been just as hard for Jill to attach her to the computer system and the creature as it was going to be for her to let Jill go on this mission. The insight caused her to rethink what she had planned to discuss with Justice.

“Join the others in the common room Jill and send Justice back up here.”

“Are you okay?”

Anna reached out and ran her fingers down Jill's arm. “I'm okay. Drained of energy and I've got a hell of a headache but I'll be all right. Thanks. I know that wasn't easy for you either.”

Jill nodded clearly to emotional to speak. She gave Anna a quick hug and was gone. A few minutes later Justice came on bridge.


Anna spun her chair around and looked at Justice. He had become far more than the Captain of this ship. He was a friend. She had never had close friends before but now she found that she had several. It was a startling and yet comforting experience.

“I was going to order you to take Jill off the mission. I still want to. But I realized just a few minutes ago how hard it had been for Jill to connect me to that creature via the ship's computer and yet she did it. I'm not sure I'm that strong.”

Justice smiled and walked over taking the seat that Jill had used. “In the traditional time in Botswana, the men would take the cattle out to the pasture lands and the women and children would stay back at the village. Sometimes bad things would happen while they were apart ; a child would die, a man would be killed by a lion, a wife would run off with another man. So leaving was always hard. Yet no one questioned that it was necessary. The cattle were our lives and had to come first. Just like our mission comes first. I tell my mother who is very old and wise, that ISC ships are very much like cattle. They need caring for and they must come first in our lives.”

Anna nodded sadly. “It's so hard.”

“Love is a wonderful thing but it does have a high price tag. You're learning that for the first time, I think. You love Jill for who she is so you must let her be that person. She is not a component of your life that you can safe guard and keep to yourself. She is an individual who chooses to be with you. You must respect her individuality.”

“Maybe I'm more machine than I realized.”

Justice laughed. “No, I think you are more human than you realized. Anna, you are not alone. Thousands of men and women have to let their partners go on missions everyday. That's the life of anyone in the ISC. Space is unforgiving. Sometimes, a partner doesn't come back.”

“How do you live with that?”

Anna saw pain in Justice's eyes. Was he remembering the lose of his own young family?

“To live is also to die. I do not forget those I have lost. But the hole that it made in my life has gradually filled up with memories and I still feel close to them. I never want to lose someone I care about but I accept that it can happen. Jill knows that she can lose you but that has not stopped her from giving you her love and letting you do your job. You need to show her the same respect no matter how hard that is.”

Anna nodded. “Jill does the mission. I'm warning you though that you might have to lock me up if anything goes wrong out there.”

Justice, reached out and squeezed, Anna's shoulder. “Understood, Commodore.”

Two hours later, Anna stood in her quarters with Jill wrapped in her arms. “Be careful.”

Jill laughed. “Nah, I'm going to be as reckless as hell just for the fun of it.”

Anna smiled and bumped her forehead against Jill's. “You know what I mean.”

Jill hugged her close. “Yeah, I do. I have you to come back to and you can be sure I'll do everything in my power to make that happen.”

“You and Toda have checked the ISM over carefully?”

“Trigger is in great order and Toda also has Toronado ready in case you need to come out and rescue me.”


“Now let me go. We have jobs to do.”

Anna backed off reluctantly but managed to joke. “Aye, aye, Crewman.”

Half an hour later, Anna stood and watched as Toda helped Jill slip through the two hatches into the ISM Trigger.

“I'm in position, Toda.”

“Roger. Sealing hatches. Have a good flight Jill.”

Toda carefully twisted the ISM hatch into place and then did the same with the stable hatch. “Captain Moshapa, the ISM is standing by.

Anna heard Justice's voice responding over the communication system. “Copy. Depressurizing the stable.”

“Mariner this is Trigger. All systems are on. I've gone through my check list and all systems are functioning within normal perimeters. Requesting permission to proceed with EVA.”

“Trigger you are A-okay for EVA. Stand by for stable door release.”

“Stable doors are open and secure, Mariner. Systems are all normal. Request release of docking latches.”

“Roger that. Docking latches released. Good luck, Jill.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Anna wiped the sweat from her upper lip and headed to the bridge to watch Jill's progress on the viewing screen. Instead of returning to engineering, Toda followed Anna. She might have said something had she not found the rest of the crew on the bridge manning every bit of equipment available. Anna slipped into her seat beside Justice and watched as the tiny craft drifted slowly towards the rift in the massive dark mass.

“Captain, tell Jill to stop. I sense fear from the creature,” stated Eveen. They had discussed leaving Anna plugged in and had rejected the idea. The creature was unpredictable and Anna would be very vulnerable to attack if she was in direct contact with the creature. They had to rely on Eveen's senses instead even though her pink skin was glowing bright and bluish spots were starting to appear.

“Full stop, Jill.”

Anna swallowed and leaned forward. They all waited in silence.

“Okay. Okay. I see an image of Jill moving forward again. Tell her to go as slow as possible.”

“Slowly forward, Jill.”

“Aye, aye, Captain.” Her response was breaking up with static.

Anna watched as slowly, Jill's craft floated into the hole that had been made by the scout ship and disappeared into the darkness.

“Captain, I'm no longer receiving radio communication from the ISM. There is too much energy interference.”


Anna knew that Justice was giving Anna the chance to recall Jill while a warning beacon could still be launched.

Anna swallowed and forced out the words. “I think we can trust Crewman Fairfax to get the job done.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.”

Eveen leaned forward in intense concentration. “I see an image of Jill moving towards the scout ship.”

Anna wiped her sweaty palms on her knees. She tried to look outwardly calm. Around her, her crew look tense and worried. It wasn't just a crew member out there it was one of them - family. Minutes slowly ticked by- twenty, thirty, forty.

“Ahhh!” Eveen grabbed her nose as blood oozed from it. Lights flashed and then went out and emergency alarms went off. At the same time, Anna slumped forward with terrible pain in her chest.

“Commodore? Anna?” Justice was there holding her in her seat. Chief, help Eveen we need to know what the hell is going on. Toda, over here. Commodore Cyborn needs you. Lieutenant Wiseman and Crewman Sur, status report.”

Eveen's voice was shaky and muffled as she tried to speak through a bloody wad of tissue. “There was a massive surge of energy. It was in pain. I think Jill pulled the scout ship free.”

“The helm is not responding, Captain, we are adrift.”

“All systems will need to be checked, Captain. We've had a massive overload.”

“Eveen's pulse is fast but her heart rate is strong and regular. Her eyes are reactive. Some muscle spasms.”


“The Commodore is damage. I don't know how much. She is conscious but not responding. Her cybernetic heart is beating erratically.”

“Can you help her?”

“I could try but I have orders not to Sir.”


“Commodore Cyborn gave me a direct order. She said that under no conditions would I ever put your hands on her or any of her cybernetic parts.”

Justice voice came out unusually sharp. “Lieutenant Toda, this is my ship and my command. I'm ordering you to take Commodore Cyborn to the infirmary and do whatever is necessary to help her.”

“Yes, Sir! I'll need the Chief.”

“Chief, can you leave, Eveen?”

“I'll be okay, Sir,” Eveen said.

“Get the Commodore out of here then. I want a status report on her condition as soon as possible.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.”

“Wiseman, Sur, that leaves you two to get this vessel up and running. Eveen and I will handle what needs to be done at the stations. You two head down to engineering on the double.”

“Yes, Captain.”


“Eveen, we'll need to get everything set for a reboot. Start with the science desk. We need data as soon as possible. I'll work on the tactical systems. Anything from that thing out there.”

“No Sir. It's in pain.”

“Us too.”

Anna felt like she was watching an ancient black and white movie were you could look on but couldn't participate. She had felt the massive surge of energy flash through her body and almost instantly, things started to close down. The colour went from her vision, memories disappeared, speech was no longer possible. Her limps wouldn't respond to stimuli and she felt light headed and short of breath. Things were terribly wrong.

All she could think about was Jill. What had the energy surge done to her? Why weren't they finding out? She tried to communicate her need to know but the others seems oblivious of her concerns. Toda carried her to infirmary and Sue had removed her jump suit. Fear ran through her body. They were going to touch her. Invade her being with tools. She felt damp with sweat and near panic. Would this be her last moments? As she struggled for breath not knowing the fate of her lover?

Sue sat down on the edge of her bed. “Commodore, I know this is hard for you. I need you to stay calm. Your heart pump is under a great strain. I'm here to take care of any soft tissue or bone damage but I'm also here to protect your rights. Toda will be accessing your systems to make repairs under the orders of Captain Moshapa. I will not allow him to do anything but what is necessary to restore you to your previous condition. You have my word and Toda's bond of honour.”

“I think she is worried about Jill. We need to know about Jill.” Anna couldn't see Toda. His soft voice came to her from the shadows of her black and white world.

Sue reached for the communication system. “Captain Moshapa?”


“Toda is preparing the tools he will need. Commodore Cyborn is very distressed. Do you have any word on Crewman Fairfax.”

There was silence for several seconds. Anna swallowed her panic. Please let Jill be safe .

“We have no direct communication with the ISM as yet and Eveen has not received any images from the Dark Angel. Wait. I can just make out the ISM backing out of the dark mass. It seems to be under control and pulling something. There's the scout ship! Jill's got them.”

“Thank you, Captain. The Commodore heard you and understands that Crewman Fairfax's mission is going well.”

“You get better, Anna.”

Sue disconnected the communication link and leaned closer to Anna. “If you heard that blink your eyes once if not blink twice.”

Anna blinked once. She hadn't realized just how good the Chief was at her job. But then Sue was a woman who had lived through terrible battles and had rescued and tended the sick and dying. She understood.

“Do you understand that Toda and I have to help you?”

Anna blinked once again.

“Just relax. Toda and I will tell you what we are doing every step of the way. If you are having any problems blink your eyes rapidly.”

Toda came into view with a port cable. Anna felt herself tense.

“Commodore, I'm going to do a read out of your systems to see where the problems are. It's a very simple procedure and won't causes any changes to your systems. Pardon me, I just need to part your hair. There, it's in. Can you feel that?”

Anna blinked once. She wish she could make them understand the feelings of dread and panic that any medical exam caused her. All she could do was indicate that she trusted them to do what they had to do. How ironic it would be if Jill was to return from her very dangerous mission to find that she had died sitting in her damn chair.

“Oh dear. Oh dear.” Toda muttered.

“What?” Sue asked.

“Well, the good news is that Commodore's cybernetic parts are not damaged. The bad news is at least a dozen of her nano circuits are blown and will have to be replaced.”

“Shit. Does that mean we can't do anything but take her back to Dorbel Cybernetic Labs?

Anna blinked her eyes wildly.

“It's okay, Commodore. Stay calm. Toda and I are here to help and protect you.”

Toda attempted to whisper and failed miserably. “Well, actually, I might have some of this nano circuits. You know, before the Commodore ordered me not to ever touch her, I thought to bring a cybernetic repair kit with me just in case I got the honour of repairing her. There is quite a black market in nano technology and cybernetics on my planet”

“Do you want us to try to help you, Commodore?”

Anna considered her options. She was well aware that she was struggling to stay alive. She needed help and soon. She knew that Dorbel would send a craft immediately to get her but she'd rather die than be turned over to them again. She blinked once.

Toda leaned into view from over her head. “Commodore, Chief would have to make an incision in your back to expose your main nano circuit box. It lies just over your fifth thoracic vertebrae and is attached to your cybernetic spinal cord. It contains millions of relays but is only the size of your thumb nail. I can't repair it. All I can do is replace it. When I pull it out all your organs will stop functioning. Once I get the new one in, Chief will have to revive you. I don't need to tell you how dangerous that is. Also you need to know that I can't test the new unit. We'll just have to hope it works.”

Anna looked at Sue with pleading eyes. Then blinked once. Sue looked puzzled then realization entered her eyes.

Sue looked up at Toda. “Toda, could you give me a few minutes alone with the Commodore?”

“We should start, right...”

“Toda please go report to Captain Moshapa - now.”

“Oh, oh I see. I'll be out there.” Anna heard more than saw, Toda leave.

Sue leaned close and whispered. “Would you like me to help you write a message to Jill?”

Relief flooded through Anna's body. She blinked once.

Sue got a pad and pen. “Do you want me to tell her you love her?”

Anna blinked. “That you'll fight with all you have to stay alive?”


“Can I tell her that your thoughts and heart were with her?”


“How about that you are proud of her and know she'll be strong no matter what happens?”


Sue sat for a minute and wrote. Then she read it back to Anna.

Dear Jill,

The power surge emitted from the dark mass had severely damaged my circuitry. Toda and Sue are going to do their best to help me but the procedure is very dangerous. I want you to know that I love you with all my being and I'm so very proud of you. I will fight with all my strength to live for us. Whatever happens please know that my heart and thoughts are with you. Be safe. Be strong. I love you. Anna.

“Is that okay.”

Anna blinked through wet eyes. Sue smiled and patted Anna's shoulder. She folded the paper carefully and pressed it against Anna's lips. Then she showed her how she was slipping it into the pocket of Anna's jumpsuit.


Anna blinked.

Toda was waiting in the hall when Sue opened the infirmary hatch. He signalled for Sue to step outside.

“Captain Moshapa said that Jill will be back aboard in an hour or so and to wait until Jill has seen her. I told him its not a good idea to wait.”

Sue considered. “No, we can't wait. It's a big enough risk as it is. Let's do it.”

Carefully, Toda and Sue rolled Anna on her belly. They prepared the area carefully and set up a sterile tent around her.

“Commodore, I can only freeze the area around the incision. You will have some pain.”

Anna blinked. She could feel the pressure as Sur cut into her back and gritted her teeth as sharp pain jabbed through her body. She could hear her heart beat on the monitor increase.

“I'm just going to give you more freezing. I'm almost there.”

“Okay, Toda. Its up to you now. Commodore, good luck. We'll do everything we can.”

Anna blinked.

Toda moved into Sue's place and slipped his gloved hands through the glove holes in the sterile tent. There was a sudden jolt and Anna knew no more.


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