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Question 30: The usa in XIX - XX


Problems to deal with:

– women’s rights – right to vote

- life of the black population

- policy of normalcy

Roaring twenties”

– Americans had fun.

- The Ford’s car got popular.

- There appeared radio.

- Another entertainment was cinema (silent).

Depression Years

  • the prices went down, great harvest.

  • Ppl spent more than they really had, buying things on credit.

- The share prices dropped dramatically.

- Unemployment.

The Great Deal

In 1939 Franklin Roosevelt was elected President.

I: Government should be responsible for helping ppl in hard times.

Roosevelt brought new ppl into the Government – The Brain Trust.

Within the 1st 100 days many laws were passed

Hlp ppl by giving jobs

Building new roads, schools, hospitals

System of payments to ppl who couldn’t work, artists, writers…

Set low prices for goods

Not to produce goods (including agriculture) more than can be sold

Lend $ to farmers

Question 31: The usa in the wwi & wwii


World War I

In the summer of 1914 the 1st World War broke out in Europe

The Entente Powers (The ‘Allies) vs The Central Powers

  • President Woodrow Wilson wanted the country to stay neutral.

  • The reason for the US entering the war the German’s attack on the British liner

  • And in April 1917 president declared the war on the Central Powers.

  • And in 1918 the Allies stopped the German advance in France.

Wilson’s proposals in Versailles - “peace without victory”.

  • “Peace between equals”.

  • League of Nations

  • After the WWI

World War II

After WWI Adolf Hitler founded the Nazi Party in Germany.

The Axis – Germany, Italy, Japan


The Allies – Britain, France

  • At first the Americans wanted to be neutral, but as Germany approached, Roosevelt realized that they had nothing to do but get involved into the war.

  • After the meeting with Winston Churchill, They agreed that the US would supply GB with arms, ships, supplies. US didn’t take part in battles.

-Pearl Harbour in Hawaii.

-Harry Truman became President. Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

-Japan surrendered the war was over.

Question 32: The Vietnam War


  1. Truman’s plan of rebuilding Europe

  2. Cold war. The Cuban Missile Crisis


- the OSS (Office of Strategic Services)

- division of the country after WWII

After the end of WWII it was decided to return to French rule, as the victors were afraid that the Vietnamese leaders would establish a communist regime.

First Indochina War

Second Indochina War (the Vietnam War).

North (communist) Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh) (USSR, China) vs South (USA)

Under the period of escalation

  1. At first the U.S. began with the deployment (разворачивать) of military advisors to the South Vietnamese army.

  2. Then used of special forces for commando-style operations.

  3. Introduction of regular troops whose purpose was to be defensive only.

  4. To using regular troops in offensive combat.

  5. Rolling Thunder

Richard Nixon’s policy of "Vietnamization."

While the policy of Vietnamization did successfully bring U.S. troops out of the war, it did not prepare the South Vietnamese army to stand alone against the Viet Cong. After the U.S. withdrew, the USSR and China stepped up their aid to North Vietnam again. South Vietnam's end came quickly with the next offensive, and by the middle of 1975 North Vietnam had become the only Vietnam.

USA involvement Stages:

  1. Economic & military help

  2. Army & carpet bombing

  3. Vietnamisation

Question 33: Cold War. Cuban Missile Crisis


The Cold War (1960s -1970s)

The USA saw the USSR as a threat to peace, as Soviet leaders tried to spread communism.

The weapons were ideas, economic and military hlp.

The war began with the establishment of the soviet governments in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia. Soviet also occupied a part of Germany – East Germany. So the Germany was divided. So was Korea in Asia. In North Korea was communist regime, in South the US tried to establish democratic one. So the cold war in Korea got hot. The war lasted for 3 years.

Reagan teamed up with friend and ally Margaret Thatcher against the "Evil Empire"

Strategic Defense Initiative (dubbed "Star Wars")

Collapse of the USSR in 1991


With Fidel Castro’s becoming the President, Cuba turned out to be the communist country. And he used hlp from USSR, as Cuba was only 145 km from Florida, many Americans thought that the USSR might attack the US trough Cuba. Also the Americans got to know that the USSR was planning to install missiles in Cuba. To stop this process the US ships surrounded Cuba and the USSA ships had to turn back. And the crisis was over.