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Examination 9 класс.doc
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I. Reading

Read the extracts and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).


Ralph Thompson looked up from the book he was reading on the hot, sandy beach. He felt warm and relaxed as he watched the children playing in the cool sea. It was very peaceful. Suddenly, a loud scream broke the silence. "Help! Shark!" someone screamed, and everyone rushed out of the water.


Ruth and Rebecca were sitting at the kitchen table, watching the rain pouring down outside. It was late afternoon and the girls were drinking hot coffee. The smell of it filled the air. Just then, the phone rang. Ruth jumped up to answer it, but Re­becca stopped her. "No, pretend we aren't at home," she said quietly.


"Oh no, the car has gone out of control!" Peter shouted. He turned the steering wheel in despair as the car slid across the icy road. It was snowing heavily and the wind was howling. It was very dark. There were no lights on the country road. Jessica turned to Peter and said, "We're going to crash!" You could see the horror in their eyes.

1. In extract A the main character had just finished reading his book when the shark appeared. 2. In extract A the weather was cool.

3. In extract B the main characters could smell the rain air.

4. One of the people involved in extract B didn't want anyone to know where they were.

5. Extract C takes place in a city.

6. In extract C the people involved were terrified.

II. Writing

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

1. Kevin's crying because he____________his football.

A loses

B has lost

C has lose

2. They can't watch TV because their father______________it.

A breaks

B broke

C has broken

3. The room is in a mess because they___________________it.

A didn't cleaned

B haven't cleaned C don't clean

4. Carla's very unhappy because she_____________an argument with her boyfriend.

A has had

B had

C has have

5. I can't go to the disco because I______________all my money.

A 've spent

B 've spend

C spent

6. The football pitch is very hard. It______________for two months.

A doesn't rain

B hasn't rain

C hasn't rained

7. She's very happy because she__________________the tennis match.

A 's won

B 's win

C 's winned

8. Who__________________________my ice cream from the fridge?

A've took

B 's take

C 's taken

III. You have a new friend. Write an e-mail about you. Include this information:

- your home;

- your family;

- your friends.

Write 35-45 words on your answer sheet.

Examination Card Ns 20

I. Reading

Read the texts and answer the questions (1- 6)

A Tina

Tina switched on the windscreen wipers on her car. It was getting dark and it was starting to rain. She was tired and just wanted to go home. It had been a long day at work.

As she was driving along the road, the rain suddenly got heavier. She could hardly see where she was going, so she slowed down. Suddenly, there was a huge splash and Tina realized she had driven into a very large pool of water. The car engine stopped. She tried again and again to start it, but nothing to happened. Tina didn’t know what to do.

She decided to wait in the car for the rain to stop and then go to look for help. An hour later, it was still raining and Tina was getting desperate. Just then, she heard a noise. It sounded like a siren. She looked behind her and saw the flashing lights of a police car coming towards her.

The police helped push Tina’s car out of the water and took her home. She decided to have her mobile phone with her in future – just in case!

B Liz

Liz Robinson felt exciting when she and her brother, Clive, climbed into a small fishing boat. It was their first fishing trip alone, without their father. Clive was almost fifteen now, and although their parents had told them not to go into the sea alone, Clive considered himself responsible enough to look after his younger sister. The trip went well, but as they were heading back to the harbour, the wind started blowing and a huge wave overturned the little boat.

“I was terrified. I was in the water and I couldn’t see Clive anywhere. Then, I saw him next to the boat. He was holding on tightly. I swam towards him and he grabbed my hand,” said Liz.

Another boat saw the two children and stopped to help them. They were cold and wet but relieved to have been found quickly. Luckily, they had both been wearing life jackets.


1. …had an accident while driving? __________________

2. … was alone at the time of the accident? ____________________

3. … got wet? _____________________

4. … had an accident because of rainy weather? ___________________

5. … nearly lost a relative? ____________________

6. … didn’t listen to someone’s warning? ______________________

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