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Text 1 The Interview

Any customs organization uses panel interviews as the standard selection method. The interviews are pre-planned and questions are based on the competencies for the job. Unless there is specific prior agreement among the panel, the short-listing process is excluded from the final selection method.

The panel may also decide to supplement the selection process by using: Presentations (external and internal applicants), Simulation Exercises (external and internal applicants), Psychometric tests, Cognitive Tests (external applicants only), Personality Profiling (internal applicants for Team Leaders and other management roles, external applicants for any role), Tests of management aptitudes (external and internal applicants for Team Leader and other management positions), Assessment Centres (generally limited to applicants for management positions).

If the panel chooses to use any of these methods, they will decide whether to use them with all short-listed applicants or only the preferred candidate(s) (time frames and costs will be part of this decision). You will be advised if any of these will be used.


the Interview is an entirely separate process from short-listing.

Short-listed applicants are on an ‘even playing field’ for the interview.

Do Not assume the panel already has information from your CV or knowledge of your work experience.

Preparing for the interview

The interview enables the employer to assess your suitability for the specific position. Good preparation is the best predictor of a successful interview.

At the interview, you should:

  • present your experience and abilities to the employer in the most coherent manner possible;

  • check whether your needs and wants are going to b met in the job;

  • get the panel excited about the possibility of hiring you.

Interviewers will want to be convinced that you have given this position considerable thought. They will expect specific examples of how you have achieved things in the past, and how you will build on these to deliver benefits to the organization.

Before the interview:

  • Think about what the interviewer wants to know: your past experience and achievements – with specific examples;

  • Think about the reasons why there is a good match between your skills and what the employer is looking for;

  • Think about what you enjoy doing, where you want to head longer-term and where the position fits for you;

  • Dress in clothes that the appropriate for the position, remember nails and shoes.

While the question and answer process happens on the surface level, experienced interviewers will also be ticking off a number of other more subtle points. These typically include:

  • Are you open, confident and mature in your presentation?

  • How affective and convincing is your verbal communication?

  • Do you show evidence of leadership and initiative?

  • How do you react to a stressful situation (the interview)?

  • What degree of enthusiasm and determination do you show?

Task 4. Agree or disagree with the following:

1. Any customs organization uses panel interviews as the standard election method.

2. If the panel chooses to use any of these methods, they will decide whether to use them with all short-listed applicants or only the preferred candidate(s).

3. Good preparation is the best time of a successful interview.

4. Interviewers will want to be convinced that you have given this profession considerable thought.

5. While the question and answer process happens on the surface level, experienced interviewers will also be ticking off a number of other more subtle points.

Task 5. Answer the following questions:

1. What are questions during the job interviews based on?

2. What types of the selection process may the panel use?

3. Why should you review your CV and competency statement?

4. What are your actions at the interview?

5. What should you remember before the interview?

Step 3

Talking points

Task 6. Which qualities are necessary for a profession of a customs officer? Use the model while speaking, mind the construction (need to be):

A model: A lawyer should be reliable, polite and patient.

  • intelligent;

  • brave;

  • physically fit;

  • calm;

  • reliable;

  • friendly;

  • patient;

  • polite;

  • creative;

  • imaginative;

  • skilful;

  • caring;

  • team skills.

You can add the list, if you wish!

Task 7. Use the phrases below to tell your partner three facts about a profession of a customs officer).

A model: A: They usually work 9 to 5. They use a computer. They don’t work outdoors.

B: Are they secretaries?

  • Travel a lot;

  • Work part-time;

  • Get good salaries;

  • Work outdoors;

  • Use a computer;

  • Work shifts;

  • Work indoors;

  • Work long hours;

  • Work 9 to 5;

  • Wear a uniform;

  • Start early in the morning;

  • Work with their hands.

You can add the list, if you wish!

Task 8. Answer the questions:

1. Have you made a decision about your future profession?

2. Are you going to follow your parents’ advice?

3. What do your parents want you to be? Do they approve of your choice?

4. Do you think you have enough talents and qualities for your future profession?

5. Do you think it’s wise to try many jobs?

6. What do you think the sources of work (dis)satisfaction are?

7. When can work be enjoyable?

8. What are the sources of unemployment?

9. What is taken into consideration in a job interview?

10. How do you think you can be competitive with other job-seekers in your field?

11. Do you think there is any association between an individual’s nature, appearance and occupation?

Task 9. Comment on the following quotations:

1. Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. (Th. Carlyle)

2. Employment is a process determined by individual characteristics, job characteristics and appearance. (Unknown)

Task 10. Points to ponder:

1. One chooses one’s career for life.

2. First come, first hired.

3. Some people live to work, others work to live.

Task 11. Work in pairs. Imagine, that you are going to the job interview. Make up a dialogue, using the typical questions during the interview.

- Say a few words about yourself.

- What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?

- We have a lot of applicants for this job, why should we appoint you?

- What has been your most valuable experience?

- How would you describe your personality?

- When did you last lose your temper? Describe what happened?

- Which is more important to you: status or money?

- How long do you think you’d stay with us if you were appointed?

- Why do you want to leave your present job?

- What males you think you’d enjoy working with us?

- Are you an ambitious person?

- What would you like to be doing ten years from now?

- What are you most proud of having done in your present job?

- What was the worst problem you have had in your present job and solve it?

- What is the best idea you’ve had in the past month?

- What is your worst fault and what is your best quality?

- Don’t you think you’re a little young / old for this job?

- What are your long-range goals?

- Describe your present job – what do you find rewarding about it?

- What do you do in your spare time?

- What excites you about the job you’re doing now?

- What worries you about the job you’re doing now?

Step 4


Task 12. Imaging you are producing a poster about a career of a customs officer. Write a short description. Add pictures and titles. Present your leaflets to the class.

A model: Firefighters work shifts. Their job is dangerous and difficult and they don’t get good salaries. However, it is a rewarding job as they save people’s lives. They have to be physically fit, calm and brave…