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Types of crime.doc
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Reporting fraud

Tell your bank

If debit or credit cards, online banking or cheques are involved in the fraud, your first step should be to contact your bank or credit card company.

They may then ask you to report the crime directly to your local police station.

Contact Action Fraud

If you think you’ve been a victim of fraud, or you fear somebody is trying to defraud you, contact Action Fraud at the National Fraud Reporting Centre. Staff there will help you get the support you need so you can deal with what’s happened to you.

By contacting them, you’ll be giving anti-fraud agencies vital information that they need to protect you and others from criminals. At the same time you could also help to bring the offenders to justice.

Action Fraud refers all cases of fraud to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau. Although each report cannot be investigated, the information will help the police build up a picture of who is committing what fraud. This will help them to stop the fraudsters and keep other potential victims safe.

To contact them, call 0300 123 2040 or Textphone 0300 123 2050. The centre is open for calls Monday to Friday between 8.00 am and 8.00 pm, Saturday from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm, and Sunday from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.

Identity fraud

Identity fraud (also called identity theft) is when somebody pretends to be you. They may do this in order to buy things in your name and leave you and your bank with the bill. Find out how to protect your personal details and prevent identity fraud.

How your identity can be stolen

There are many ways that someone can steal your identity, including:

  • finding out your bank details

  • taking your passport or driving licence, or copying the details

  • copying your credit card details

  • accessing your personal information through a fraudulent website or email

  • taking junk mail that has your personal information on it

  • going through your dustbin to find receipts or other information

You may not know straight away that your identity has been stolen. It is important that you make sure to protect your details and be aware of any signs that your identity might have been stolen.

How to tell if your identity has been stolen

Signs that you have become a victim of identity theft might include:

  • unusual payments or direct debits appearing on your bank statements

  • important mail going missing - you should know when to expect a bank statement or a new cheque book, and if it doesn't arrive, tell your bank

  • contents of recycling bins and rubbish bags being tampered with

  • bills arriving for things that you haven't bought or for services you haven't ordered

  • new credit cards appearing on your credit record

If you think that your identity has been stolen, you can find advice and help by clicking on the links below.

How to stay safe from id theft

Using just a few of your personal details, criminals can apply for bank accounts, credit cards, benefits and official documents in your name.

Here are some tips to help you stay safe.

Online tips

To stay safe online:

  • delete suspicious-looking emails without opening them

  • keep a good firewall on your home computer

  • don't use the same password on all websites

  • refuse to give personal information to any company that emails or calls you unexpectedly

  • keep your credit card within view when paying at restaurants or shops

  • don't respond to emails that seem to be from your bank asking you to 're-enter' your personal details; your bank will not ask you to do that

  • don't buy online unless you see the golden padlock on the payments page, and a web address beginning with 'https'

  • install all security updates and 'patches' offered by your computer software company

Offline tips

To stay safe offline:

  • shred all personal information before throwing it away in your rubbish; this includes bank statements, anything containing National Insurance details, salary information, even old membership cards

  • tear off and destroy the name and address on the envelopes you receive before throwing them away

  • never give out your personal information when you could be overheard

  • don't leave personal documents visible in your home; keep them somewhere safe

  • tell your utility company and local council (for Council Tax and electoral register) when you move house

  • keep your banking and credit card PIN numbers safe - no bank will ever phone you to ask for your PIN

  • make sure your letterbox is secure, and that post can get through and fall safely to the floor

  • if you live in a shared building, ask your bank if you can pick up new debit cards or cheque books at your branch

  • if you think your credit card has been used fraudulently you should contact your card issuer immediately

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