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Tasks and exercises

  1. Head the text above and be ready to discuss the problem о Г the guard-inmates relations with you colleagues. Put 10 questions to the text.

  2. Complete the word combinations:

correct ... ; human ... ; antisocial ... ; negative types ... ; brute ... ; custodial ... ; animal ... ; reform-minded ... ; adversary ... ; psychiatric ... ; mutual ....

  1. Copy out all the adverbs with the ending «1у» and translate them.

  2. Insert the prepositions missing:

    1. Some officers specialize ... negative types of discipline.

    2. Psychologists and correctional officers should be working together ... the mutual problems.

    3. When guards and inmates act ... adversary roles, the tension hardens the inmates.

    4. Some guards dealing ... inmates often lack self-control.

  3. Complete the sentences:

    1. Inmates need ...

    2. The psychologists tend to believe ...

    3. Conflict exists between ...

    4. Correctional personnel need ...

    5. Reform-minded psychologists say ...

  4. Give some recommendations to the guards using the structure:

You should ..

7. Read the text and speak on the first jails in the USA.

The Development of the Correction System in the us

In 1632, a small wooden structure was erected in Boston to serve as a jail for the Massachusetts Bay Colony. This building served for eighteen years until jails were built in other towns.

In 1655, the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony ordered that «there shall be a house of correction provided in each county at the counties charge» to house the idle drunkards and other petty offenders. The socially inept and indigent sentenced there were to be taught useful skills.

Unit 85 prison life

Full-time education of 15 hours a week is compulsory for young offenders below school-leaving age. For older offenders it is voluntary. Some prisoners study for public examinations.

Physical education is voluntary for adult offenders but compulsory for young offenders. Practically all prisons have physical education facilities.

The Health Care Service (HCS) for Prisoners is responsible for the physical and mental health of all those in custody.

Prisoners may write and receive letters and be visited by relatives and friends. They have a right to make telephone calls.

Privileges include a personal radio, books, periodicals and newspapers, watching television, and the opportunity to make purchases from the prison shop with money earned in prison.

Women prisoners do not wear prison uniform and there is a clothing allowance to help pay for clothes while in prison.

The Prison Services have mother and baby units, which enable babies to remain with their mothers when it is in the best interests of the child.

Tasks and exercises

1. Answer the questions on the text:

    1. What is compulsory and what is voluntary for offenders?

    2. What privileges have the prisoners got?

    3. Do women prisoners wear uniform?

    4. Do you think that all the requirements are obeyed in prisons? When answering this question take the facts from the text «Anger Mounts over Brixton jail deaths» and other articles from newspapers and journals.



2. Read and translate the word combinations:

remand in custody; remand home; person on remand.

issues of the case; issue of / in law; to raise issues.

  • prison breach; female prison; male prison.

  • a close prisoner; a refectory prisoner; a discharged prisoner; an escaped prisoner.

3. Cross out the odd words:

  1. self-inflicted injuries; deaths, hangings; watch.

  2. inmates; prisoners; convicts; sentenced; senior officer.

  3. a prison officer; supervision; observation; watch; horrific.

1. Speak on the conditions of detention in our prisons. 1'ind the articles and other materials related to the theme. He ready to discuss the facts given in these texts. V Fulfil the tasks:

    1. Ask your colleagues about the main aims and рифове of the HCS.

    2. Ask your colleagues if it is difficult to prevent suicides in prison.

    3. prison


      Ask your Coroner's colleagues what measures should be taken to reduce suicide risks.

    4. Ask your colleagues what groups of inmates are inclined to self-infliction or suicides.

    5. Ask your colleagues what cases are heard in Courts of GB.

6. Read this funny story and retell it: Governor Hunt of Wyoming tells this story on himself. He visited the State Penitentiary one day, and when the prisoners assembled for the evening meal, the warden unexpectedly asked him to make a few remarks. Without thinking he began, «Fellow citizens». Their smiles reminded him that all of them had lost their citizenship when convicted. He tried again. «Fellow convicts». This was worse. As a last resort, he explained hastily, «Well, men, I don't know what to call you but I am certainly glad to see so many of you here».