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B Say if you agree or dasagree and support your viewpoint:

  1. Grace caught Fuller's eye from the very beginning.

  2. Fuller's dream was to spend a year above the permafrost line.

  3. Fuller and Bowfort began to get on each other's nerves from the very beginning of their stay at the research post.

  4. Bowfort suggested that they should go back, but Fuller refused to do so.

  1. Fuller sometimes shot at animals, and he often hit them.

  2. One day Bowfort found Fuller dead in the laboratory.

  3. There was a lot of snow around the cabin, and nobody could ap­proach it without leaving a visible trail.

  4. Though Bowfort was his rival. Fuller had no intention to kill him.

  5. The pouch filled with ice was the last clue to reveal the «impossible» crime.

  6. Fuller's death was an accident.

С Paraphrase the following sentences is English:

  1. We began to get on each other's nerves.

  2. Let's cut out the cracks about Grace.

  3. We might make the best of each other.

  4. This is one project I can't walk out on.

  5. That's just the point.

  6. I sent a message to the effect.

D Translate the sentences using these verbs: to catch, to stock,

to thin, to face, to miss

Грейс привлекла его внимание с самого начала.

В хижине имелся запас продовольствия на год.

Послания от Грейс сократились до одного-двух в неделю.

Я сидел на своем обычном месте лицом к окну.

Ружья на его обычном месте не было.

E Translate the sentences using these nouns and

adjectives: early, question, head, failure, uneasy.

Фуллеру в то время было сорок с небольшим.

О поездке в город не могло быть и речи.

Соперничество достигло критической точки.

Его женитьба была неудачной.

Я погрузился в беспокойный сон.

F Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the

verb to make:

  1. That's enough to make a detective out of anybody.

  2. It was 200 miles to the nearest settlement, making a trip into town

out of the question.

  1. We might make the best of each other.

  2. That was the only field in which I wouldn't make a fool of myself.

  3. Do men about to commit suicide start making breakfast?

  4. I made my way to the window.

  5. The police would never even make the trip to the cabin to check my story.

  6. The frost had made the window completely opaque.

G Write out all the words related to guns and rifles, from the text.

Compare your list with those of your group-mates

H Think and answer:

  1. Do you feel sympathy for Charlie Fuller? Why?

  2. Why didn't Bowfort tell the truth about Fuller's death in his radio report?

  3. Suppose that Fuller kills Bowfort. What would the end of the story be then?

  4. Imagine that you are Fuller. Would you decide to kill your rival?

  5. Have you ever happened to solve any mystery? What was it?

I Write a report Henry Bowfort might have written for the


J Work in pairs:

Act out the talk Henry might have had with the law authorities.