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37. Kazakhstan during the civil war in 1918-1920 years and establishment of Soviet power.

Using the Czechoslovak uprising ataman Dutov took Orenburg in July 1918. against the Soviet authorities, together with the Government Alash Horde. Most whites have had foreign help interveners. Night March 29, 1918 belokazaki mastered the Urals. In Kazakhstan, formed part of the local population, called "Muslim" .29 in May 1918 released a decree ARCEC Kremlin on the mobilization of workers on the basis of universal conscription. In autumn 1918, in Bukeevskoy Horde was the first exemplary Kazakh Soviet cavalry regiment. In 1920 in Turkestan was proclaimed the first forced recruitment of indigenous people. In May 1920, by decision of the Council of Labor and Defense of the Russian Federation were called to the army of 25 thousand workers of non-Russian National children aged 19-35 years. Much organizational work was carried out by an extraordinary Commissioner steppe edges Dzhangildin, voenkom Turgai county Imanov, as well as Argancheev Aliev, Rozybakiev and others help Aktyubinsk Front expedition was sent Dzhangildin transmitted fighters ammunition and weapons. In January. 1919, the spacecraft was liberated Orenburg and Uralsk. Politics "military communism" in the years of civil war in Kazakhstan. (1918-1920gg). "Military Communism" - a system of temporary, emergency, civil war also forced up. Measures that amount is the peculiarity of the economic policy of the Soviet State in 1918-1920. In other words - it Superfast conversion to communism with the help of emergency measures. The main features of policy of military communism were: Nationalization of the entire industry. The transition in ownership of all former Soviet state of private enterprises. Centralization of economy, when the economy is subject to all necessary fronts. The prohibition of private trade. Food allotment, ie, must surrender all peasants State fixed price all "surplus" of bread, except required needs to families. Countervailing wage workers and employees. Politics "Military Communism" not only withdraw Soviet state of economic ruin in the years of civil war, but also greatly exacerbated it. By the end of civil war, the livestock population has declined by 11 million. A gross yield of grain decreased by 3 times. The situation in the economy has affected the lives of people. Especially farmers - the main producers of food. Evidence of dissatisfaction with the peasants have become widespread unrest in the villages. Go to the NEP has helped to redress the situation.

38. Islamization and the introduction of Shari'a law by the end of the seventeen century.

The Battle of Talas in 751 between the Abbasid Caliphate and the Chinese Tang Dynasty for control of Central Asia was the turning point initiating mass conversion into Islam in the region. Islamization of the region has had profound impact on the native cultures in the region moulding them as a part of Islamic civilization. Islamization in the region has also had the effect of blending Islam into native cultures, creating new forms of Islamic practices, known as folk Islam. Until the Mongol invasion of Central Asia in 13th century, Samarkand, Bukhara and Urgench flourished as centers of Islamic learning, culture and art in the region. Mongol invasion halted the process for a half century.Central Asian Islamic scientists and philosophers, including Al-Khwarzimi, Abu Rayhan Biruni, Farabi, and Avicenna made an important impact on the development of European science in the ensuing centuries.Sharia is an Arabic word meaning way' or path'. In Arabic, the collocation Šarīʿat Allāh' (God's Law) is traditionally used not only by Muslims, but also Christians and Jews. Sharia refers to the legal framework within which the public and private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Islamic principles of jurisprudence and for Muslims living outside the domain. Sharia deals with many aspects of day-to-day life, including politics, economics, banking, business, contracts, family, sexuality, hygiene, and social issues.Islamic law is now the most widely used religious law, and one of the three most common legal systems of the world alongside common law and civil law. During the Islamic Golden Age, classical Islamic law may have influenced the development of common law, and also influenced the development of several civil law institutions.When sharia began its formation in the deserts of Arabia about 1,400 years ago, the time Islam was born, a sense of community did not exist. Life in the desert was nomadic and tribal, thus the only factor that tied people together into various tribes was through common ancestry. However, the nature of Islam challenged that ideology and brought all those who professed their submission to Islam into the Ummah. Additionally, Islam was not just a religion but a way of life. Laws had to be instilled so the doctrines of sharia took root. All who are Muslim are judged by sharia - regardless of the location or the culture.

39. The role and place of "Alash Orda" movement in the history of Kazakhstan. A. Bokeihanov and his role in the history of Kazakhstan.In order to develop a program of action in the circumstances prevailing after the October Revolution of 1917 December 5-13 in the second Orenburg. All Caucasian congress. It was attended by delegates from all over Kazakhstan: Bukeevskoy Horde Uralskaya, Turgay, Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Semirechje, Samarkand, from the Altai region. The organizers were A. Bukeyhanov, A. Baytursynov, I. Omarov, S. Doschanov, M. Dulatov. Chairman of the congress was B. Kullman, with the opening of the congress delegates to reports from the field, which basically said that the south of Kazakhstan is covered hunger. The people scattered, local authorities are not able to bring order, having discussed these reports the first exit point of the resolution called for "the people for an end to partisan combat and for unity." On the agenda were made following issues: related to the autonomy of Siberia, Turkestan and South-Eastern Union, the autonomy of the Siberian regions, the police, the national council, education, the National Fund, the People's Court, auls' management, the food issue. The central issue at the convention was the establishment of the Kazakh autonomy. Report on the autonomy Bukeyhanov made his report and the issue of autonomy of the Kazakh were transferred to the special commission. It was formed by the interim Council on "Alash Orda" of 25 members, 10 seats, of which offered Russian and other peoples of the province. The seat of Alash-Horde was determined Semipalatinsk. for the post of Head of Government, the President of All the Kazakh people's council was elected on a competitive basis A. Bukeyhanov.

40. The role of the Great Silk Way on the territory of Kazakhstan and it's in cultural and economic development of the region.The Great Silk Road - one of the most significant achievements in the history of world civilization. Extensive network of caravan routes crossing Europe and Asia from the Mediterranean to China and served in an era of Antiquity and Middle Ages an important means of trade relations and dialogue between the cultures of East and West. The most extensive part of the road passed through the territory of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Asian Silk Road station, if it move from west to east, coming from Shashai (Tashkent) via Turbat in Isfidzhab, Sairam. From Isfidzhaba caravans were on the east through the town of Taraz in Sharab and Buduhket. From Taraz eastward path walked by Kulanu, passed through Suyab through the Issyk-Kul, Ili Valley, Kayalyk (capital karlukskih dzhagbu). From Isfidzhaba in Arsubaniket to Arysi through Shavgar, Yangikent. The Silk Road served initially for the export of Chinese silk. In turn, of Rome, Byzantium, India, Iran, the ArabCaliphate, and later from Europe and Russia went on the myrrh and frankincense, cardamom and nutmeg, ginseng and gall python, carpets and paintings, diamonds and jasper, ivory and "rybi tusks", ingots of gold and silver, furs, coins, and many others On the Silk Road extended cultivated crops: grapes, peaches and melons, spices and sugar, fruit and vegetables and herbs. Silk Road extending not only products but also the fashion for art styles, and getting to the prepared soil in a particular ethno-cultural environment, are widely available. Along with the proliferation of products, scientific and technological innovation, culture samples in applied arts, architecture, wall paintings Silk Road on the east and west spread the art of music and dance, visual representations, a kind of "stage" the Middle Ages. For example, Iranian, Sogdian and Turkish actors brought a lot of choreographic culture of China. When the excavation of historical monuments throughout the Silk Road found numerous tangible confirmation of the development and cross-fertilization of musical and theatrical cultures of different peoples. The Silk Road spread religious teachings and ideas, various missionaries transferred their faith in the overseas country. From India via Central Asia and East Turkistan came to Buddhism, from Syria, Iran and Arabia, spread Christianity and then Islam. Along with Buddhism on the Silk Road coming from the West to the East, Nestorian Christianity spread wing. The basis of the Silk way carry to II century BC when the Chinese ambassador Chzhan Tsjan has visited the countries of the Central Asia with diplomatic mission. Till II century BC the way from Europe to Asia broke at borders of China as ranges of Asia - Tien Shan, Kun-Lun, Karakorum, Hindu Kush, the Himalayas - hid the most ancient Chinese civilization from other world. To open the richest western direction the case has helped. The goods on the Great Silk Way went basically from the east on the West. And, as it follows from the name, silk was the main goods in this list. Thanks to the ease, the compactness, enormous demand and dearness it was an ideal subject of trade for long-distance transportation. In the Middle Ages the Venetian merchant Marco Polo named these caravan tracks silk. And into a scientific turn the term "Great silk way" in 1877 was entered by German researcher Ferdinand Rihtgofen in the fundamental work "China".

41. Development prsvescheniya. I. AltynsarinThe development of the education system. At the end of XIX century. many towns, villages and mountain villages offers many schools, was the beginning of polytechnics and female education. In many schools were boarding. By the end of XIX century. Kazakhstan was more than 100 two-year schools with an enrollment of over 4 thousand students. I. Altynsarin. Organizer of public education in the second half of XIX century. was a prominent Kazakh educator Ibrahim Altynsarin (1841 -1889). He was born near Kostanai family known beating Balgozhi, in 1857, he graduated from Kazakh seven-year school in Orenburg. As a result of systematic self-education he became a highly educated man of his time. A deep study of the history and current state of Russian pedagogy enabled him to become an educator of the native people. With the help of the people he succeeded in January 1884 in Torgau, in 1888 in Irgiz in 1884 in southwestern Moscow to open Kazakh schools. The name I. Altynsarin connected and the beginning of female education in Kazakhstan. He opened several schools for girls in boarding schools, which in 1886 enrolled 211 students. Its merit is also the opening of agricultural, trade schools, the development of didactic principles of training and education of children, the creation of learning and teaching aids. He had written "Kyrgyz reader", "Training Guide Kyrgyz Russian language", "Maktubat" had great significance in the history of Kazakh culture. In these textbooks for Kazakh schools to use the Russian alphabet. "Only with the use of the Russian alphabet Kirghiz (Kazakh) language to get rid of the Arab, Tatar words that are inappropriate to include in the Kyrgyz language. Only use the Russian font Kazakh books will be written correctly," wrote I. Altynsarin. School he believed the key to true enlightenment of the people. "Schools - Education is the mainspring of the Kazakhs on them, especially on their promise, in which only the future of the Kyrgyz people", - wrote the educator. Given the nomadic life of the Kazakhs, he proposed to open boarding schools for schools.

42. Chagatai Khanate and Mughulistan in the history of Kazakhstan (area, economy, social organization).

The collapse of the Chagatai ulus in the middle of the XIV century in the territory of South-Eastern Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, a new nomadic state. Political history Moghulistan second half of XIV century. remains obscure, especially its inner life. In the sources there is no reliable information about events in the northern areas Zhetisu and the Tien Shan. The most detailed results Mirza Muhammad Haidar Dulat on the history of his tribe. After the death of shagataida Kazan Khan, the nomadic life of the enemy, 'the tribal elite and the Kazakh kyrgizskih birth Zhetisu decides to establish an independent state from shagataidov.However, in all states of the Mongol tradition of supreme ruler could only be Chingizid. Therefore, the Emir of Pu-ladchi, head of the tribal nobility Dulat tribe, made a name-renniem create an independent khanate with protege - Khan of Genghisides. Chingizids, which chose aulaty, was 18-year-Togluk-Timur '' Having Khan, his protege, dulatskie emirs and strengthened its authority as the leading political forces of the country. With the support of the tribal elite Dulats managed to some extent to stabilize the situation in the country, to unite under his rule the whole vast territory Moghulistan, to subordinate the tribes inhabiting it. Rate Togluk-Timur was in Almalik. The struggle for the unification of all areas under the auspices of the central government was the main content of the internal life of the state. Nomadic know some tribes stubbornly resisted attempts by the Khan to limit its independence. Hiking Timur on Moghulistan. The first campaign of Timur Moghulistan took place in 1371-72 gg. However, it beat the so-called "reconnaissance" trip that took to the demonstration of force and the seizure of captives and booty. More serious campaign began with in 1375 and were directed against the Amir Qamar ad-Din, Hike in 1375 ended in complete victory of Timur, but Qamar-al-Din managed to retain power. In 1376 a new army of Timur acted on Moghulistan, but Kypchak voenona-chalniki mutinied and went over to Orys Khan. The next campaign was undertaken in 1377, when he was captured Sygnak, where Khan was Toktamys. Troops Moghulistan twice defeated, but Qamar-al-Din escaped once again. In the 80's. Kamar-al-Din made an alliance with Toktamysom, Yonge torus and Hizir Hodge v. Khan, Tamerlane. In 1389, Emir Timur took a further hike in Zhetisu. Moghul rulers were unable to organize resistance, and the troops of Timur were all over the country, ruining the pastures and gorotsa. Another hike in 1390 ended in defeat again Moghulistan. In 1404 Timur decided to finally subdue Zhetisu and led a huge army went into the campaign. Only death tremor of the universe "in Otrar in early 1405 withdrew the threat.

43. Kazakh Khanate in the late 17-18vv. Politics Khan Tauke to unite the Kazakh land. "Jeti-zhargy."Kazakh Khanate in the beginning of XVIII century.Strengthening zhongarskoy aggression. In the 80 years of the XVII century. hiking zhongarskih huntayshi of Kazakh lands were resumed, they sought to seize the South Kazakhstan and the trading towns on the Syr Darya. as well as the territory of which were important caravan routes, Huntayshi Galdan (1671-1699) in 1681-1685 gg. made several raids in southern Kazakhstan, which resulted in the city was destroyed by Sairam. His successor Tsevan-Rabtan (1699-1729) continued the aggressive war. The beginning of XVII! into. many units of the invaders have moved to r.Sary-Su, a part of their troops invaded the north-eastern regions of the Middle Juz. Tauke Khan in 1710 in the Kara Kum brought together representatives of all the Kazakh zhuzes in order to discuss how best to organize resistance. It was created by the army, which managed to throw zhongar to the east. This is especially true in the wake of death of Khan Tauke in 1715. Feeling that the growing danger zhongarskoy role should grow Khan, the sultan's factions began a fierce fight for the seat of the supreme ruler. After much debate, Khan was elected Kaipov (1715-1718). Kazakh-Russian relations in the beginning of XVIII century. At the end of XVI! into. Russia continued its aggressive policy. In the first 50 years of the XVI century. were eliminated Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate. Thus, the south-eastern border of Russia came close to the lands of the Kazakh khanate. At the end of the XVI century, on the russ to-Kazakh border had started the construction of Russian cities, forts, outposts, the Cossacks, redoubts and lighthouses. Some military installations have been built directly on the territory of Kazakhstan. In 1620 the town was laid Yaitsky (Uralsk), in 1645 Guriev (Atyrau). Kazakh Khan Tauke sends the 90-ies. Several embassies in Russia. The main objectives that were set before the messengers, to halt the raids Ural Cossacks and the Bashkir and conclude trade agreements with the Russian merchants. However, the Russian side, who had not seen the benefits of closer relations with the Kazakhs, drawn-out negotiations, arresting Khan's ambassadors, prompting Tauke Khan reluctant to prospects of the Kazakh-Russian alliance. In 1694, Mr. Tauke Khan again sent to Moscow with a letter to Peter I, in which he expressed his hope for the consolidation of trade relations. Peter I immediately appreciated the significance of the Kazakh Khanate in Russia's foreign policy: "All the Asian countries and lands onaya horde key and the gate, and the reasons for onaya horde a suit under the patronage of Russia to be."Zheti Zhargy. Changes in political structure called the urgent need for treatment and legal basis for the organization of the Kazakh society. This work was done all XVIIB. and Khan Tauke are enshrined in the statute books "Zhegi zhargy" (Seven Establishment). This set was developed with the participation of famous biys at the beginning of the XVII century. and included the following main sections: 1. Land Law (Jer dauy), which negotiated settlement of disputes on the pastures and watering places. 2. Family and marital law, which establishes the procedure for marriage and divorce, the rights and responsibilities of spouses, the property rights of family members. 3. Military Law, which regulates the administration of conscription, the formation of units and commanders elections. 4. Regulation of the trial, negotiated order of the trial. 5. Criminal Law, which establishes penalties for various types of crime except murder. 6. Coons Act, which establishes penalties for murder and grievous bodily harm. 7. Law Widows (Zhesir dauy), which regulates property and personal rights of widows and orphans, as well as obligations towards them obshiny and relatives of the deceased.

44. The heroic defense of Otrar from Chengys Khan army.At the end of XII-XIII centuries early. the territory of Mongolia formed the large nomadic state under the authority of one of the representatives of the tribal elite - Temujin. It was originally founded in the river valleys Kerulen and Orkhon, followed by association of kindred tribes and the Mongol conquest of neighboring countries to have become a powerful empire, not only in Central Asia, but worldwide. In 1203 they were defeated Kereitskoe, then the neighboring Naiman Khanate in 1207-1211 gg. were subjugated peoples of Siberia and East Turkestan. In 1215g. was taken by Beijing, and by 1217 the Mongols conquered all the land north of the Yellow River. In 1206 Temujin was proclaimed vsemongolskim Hagan and received the title Genghis Khan. Education Mongolian State contributed to the consolidation of previously malosvyazannyh tribes into a single ethnic group and an end mezhdusobnyh wars. Conquest Zhetysu. State of the Kara-Khitan in Zhetysu and southern Kazakhstan underwent a political crisis. Cities Maverannakhra gradually freed from the power of the Gur-khan. Karlykskie Qarakhanid and rulers began to go in citizenship Khorezm. In 1207 the Kara-Khitan lost Bukhara, then Taraz. In addition, strained relations with the rulers gurkhan Koylyka and Almalyk. Finding himself in a quandary gurkhan Chzhilugu appealed for help to Kiichliig Khan Naiman. In 1218g. units Zhebe together with the forces and the rulers Koylyka Almalyk opposed Kuchliig. At the same time the Mongols allowed Muslims to worship in public, before banned Naiman, which helped the transition of the settled population to the side of the Mongols. Kiichliig, unable to organize resistance, fled. Living Balasagun opened the gates to the Mongols, for which the city was named Gobalyk - "good city". Before Genghis Khan opened the way to the limits of Khorezm and Movarahannahr. . The war in September 1219. began with the siege of Otrar. Dividing his army into several parts, one part of Genghis Khan left for the siege of the city, the other, led by his eldest son Zhoshi, sent down the Syr-Darya, and he himself went to Bukhara.

45. Russian Administrative reforms of 1822-1867 in Kazakhstan.36 of the Charter of the Siberian Kazaks 1822.At the beginning of the XIX century. was clearly looming huge strategic importance of Kazakhstan, located between Russia, Central Asian khanates and China. To further advance into Asia Russia needed to be strengthened, especially in the Kazakh steppes. Revitalization colonial policy also explains the economic interests of the growing Russian bourgeoisie. Kazakhstan has attracted Russian merchants as a source of livestock raw materials and market for manufactured goods uncompetitive on the western market.Using Aryngazy arrest and death of Wali Khan, the colonial administration decided to launch an offensive on the steppe. Relying on the part of the Sultans, loyal to the Russian authorities, the tsarist government created in the North and western Kazakhstan, a new system of governance based on the "Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz and the Charter of the Orenburg Kyrgyzstan." Charter of Siberian Kirghiz 1822 This document was developed in 1822 under the leadership of Speransky. After the division of Siberia into two parts (1822) territory of the Kazakh steppe has been ranked among the Western Siberia, the head office until 1839 was in Tobolsk in 1839 - in Omsk.Under the Charter, Scope Siberian Kirghiz divided into inner and outer districts. In the outer districts include Kazakhs, roamed over river. Irtysh. From 1822 to 1838 was founded 7 districts-Karkarala, Kokchetav, Ayaguz, Akmola, Baia naulsky, Kushmurunsky, Kokpektinsky. At the head of county districts were orders "Duan", which focused the administration, police, court. Orders were headed by the Aga sultans, they worked with four assessors, two Russian official appointed by the Governor and two Kazakh selected by a two-year honorary biys, elders. Senior Sultan was elected under the provisions of the Charter at a meeting of the sultans for three years. He was assigned to the service rank of Major. Successfully passed three options to qualify for the diploma of a nobleman.37 of the Charter Orenburgsky Kazaks 1824.At the beginning of the XIX century. was clearly looming huge strategic importance of Kazakhstan, located between Russia, Central Asian khanates and China. To further advance into Asia Russia needed to be strengthened, especially in the Kazakh steppes. Revitalization colonial policy also explains the economic interests of the growing Russian bourgeoisie. Kazakhstan has attracted Russian merchants as a source of livestock raw materials and market for manufactured goods uncompetitive on the western market.Using Aryngazy arrest and death of Wali Khan, the colonial administration decided to launch an offensive on the steppe. Relying on the part of the Sultans, loyal to the Russian authorities, the tsarist government created in the North and western Kazakhstan, a new system of governance based on the "Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz and the Charter of the Orenburg Kyrgyzstan.""The Charter of the Orenburg Kirghiz in 1824. Developed in 1822, the Orenburg governor-general of P. Essen draft a similar statute for Younger Juz was adopted by the Asian Committee in 1824 in this regard as soon as it was decided to abolish the Khan's power. Khan Juz Last Younger Sergazy was summoned to Orenburg and left there permanently with a salary of 150 rubles in silver a month. He was conferred the title "pervoprisutstvuyuschego in Orenburg Border Commission.Junior Horde was divided into three parts: the western - from the confinement bayuly; average - and partly zhetyru alimuly: east - from alimuly and Kipchaks and Argyns. Sultans, rulers, set at the head parts are in fact officials of Orenburg border commission, which included the chairman of four counselor and assessor from wealthy Kazakhs. According to its duties, the Commission served as the provincial government.Number 41 administrative - territorial reform of 1867-68gg. and 1886-91gg.Preparation of reform. The last third of XIX century. - An important and largely critical period in the history of Kazakhstan. This time, the complete loss of independence and eventual colonization of Kazakhstan Russia. In the mid 60-ies of XIX century. all the modern territory of Kazakhstan is fully joined the Russia Empire. This process coincided with bourgeois reforms in Russia 70-80gg. XIX century. Which contributed to the development of capitalism in general. The main and primary goal of reform was the unification of Russia vassal nations under one office, removal from power of the local aristocracy, the weakening of tribal beginnings, "to achieve a gradual merging of Kirgiz (Kazakh) steppes with other parts of Russia." The reforms were motivated by a desire to ensure the tsarist Russian capital the most favorable conditions for the exploitation of the indigenous population of the Kazakh steppes and the natural wealth of the province. Management reform. Based on the reform of the entire territory of Kazakhstan was divided into three general-governor, which consisted of six areas. In Orenburg Ural and Turgay entered the field. Orenburg, is the administrative center of the governor-generalship, was simultaneously the center of Turgay area. Center of the Ural region - the city of Uralsk. West Siberian Governor-Generalship of the center in Omsk obeyed Aqmola and Semipalatinsk region. Administrative staff Akmola region was in Omsk, a regional center was the Semipalatinsk Semipalatinsk. The structure of the Turkestan general-governorship entered Semirechenskaya region centered in the town of Verny and Syr Darya, the regional center is located in Tashkent. However, the named field does not cover the whole territory of modern Kazakhstan. Earth Bukeyev Khanate became a part of the Astrakhan province, and Mangyshlak pristavstvo in 1870, sailing under the jurisdiction of the Caucasian Military District, a little later - in the Transcaucasian region.Land reform. The main reforms in the years 1867-1.868. was the land question. According to these documents (para. 199. Provisions) all land in Kazakhstan was declared state property and only passed on in the use of Kazakh aul communities. Personal property recognized only those lands that have been bestowed King Khan's descendants. In the late XIX-early XX centuries. since the mass migration of peasants in the central provinces of Kazakhstan provisions of paragraph 199 was the legal basis of the colonial seizure of Kazakh lands. Own land Kazakh workers passed by it for a fee. The fertile land on the banks of rivers and lakes in the steppe were fixed for the Cossack troops. For nomadic Kazakhs in these lands should have to pay rent. Peasant settlers received a number of benefits. In the county centers, they had the right to free land for arable land and farm, timber for building, engage in agriculture, trade and craft. Such. same benefits presented Kazakhs, who accepted Christianity.Reform of 1891. At the end of XIX century. Kazakhstan was carried out a new reform, which has made some changes in administrative structure, tax system and the judicial system. In 1891 it adopted the "Regulation on the management of the steppe areas" that existed until 1917 territory of Kazakhstan was divided into regions, counties, townships and auls. All areas, except for the Syr Darya, became part of the Steppe governor-generalship. As a result of the reforms in Kazakhstan infiltrated elements of capitalism. The installed system administration facilitated the colonial domination of the indigenous population of the province. Reforms in general were in the interests of Russian capitalism, legislate colonial situation of the Kazakh steppe

46) Science in the 19 century. CH.CH. Valikhanov.In the middle of the XIX century. prominent role in the cultural life of Russia and Kazakhstan began to play an emerging national intellectuals, educated in Russian universities. One of the outstanding representatives of the national intelligentsia is Sh Ualikhanov. Shokan (Mohammed Hanafi) was born in November 1835 in the town Kuntimes, in the territory of modern Sarykol area Kostanai region, in the family elder Sultan Aman-Karagai District Major Order Shingiza UALIEVA. In 1847 the 12-year-old Shokan was determined to study in the Omsk Cadet Corps, which was considered then the best schools in Siberia, where the perfectly mastered the Russian language, has an extensive knowledge. At the end of the Cadet Corps in 1853 he was appointed to serve at the governor-general of Western Siberia G. Gasfort. The formation of attitudes and opinions Shokan Ualikhanov had a profound impact specific conditions predreformennoy Russia, which stood on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. In 1854-1857 gg. Sh Ualikhanov takes an active part in expeditions to the South Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. In 1855, Travel in Central Kazakhstan, su, and Tarbagatai, exploring the ruins of ancient towns, petroglyphs, stone sculptures, writes stories, songs and tales of the Kazakh people. In 1856-1857. Ualikhanov involved in military and scientific expeditions to Kyrgyzstan, where the first recorded poem "Manas". A further focus of scientific activity Sh.Ua-Likhanova facilitated by the familiarity with the Semenov-Tien-Shansky, expressing admiration for the scientist-Kazakhs. In 1857 on the recommendation of Semenov-Tian-Shansky C. Ualikhanov was elected a member of the Russian Geographical Society. In the spring of 1864 S. Ualikhanov took part in marches on Tashkent led by General Chernyaeva, but soon, dissatisfied with his actions, he left a detachment, and returned to the Altyn-Emel National Park in the village of Sultan Tezek where he married his sister Aysare.

47) The epoch of Enlightenment in Kazakhstan. Abai Kunanbaev (1845-1904). - the great figure of Kazakh Enlightenment.Education in Kazakh land combined two types: religious in madrasas and civil in Russian schools. As for education and knowledge acquisiting it is worthy to mention Jadidism.In the 1860s Kazakh had become a literary language based on spoken Kazakh with Arabic and Tatar influences. Alash published 22 numbers between November 26.1916 and May 25.1917.Aikap first appeared in 1911 and ceased publication in 1915, issuing 88 numbers in all.Kazah printed it first issue in 1913 and its last in 1918.In this period it was flourishing moment for Kazakh intelligentsia. We had great and bright minds such as ALtynsarin, Abai, Baitursynov, Dulatov, Jumabaev, Ualikhanov etc.Abai (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev (29 July (10 August) 1845, Semipalatinsk region, Kazakhstan - June 23 (July 6), 1904) - Kazakh poet, writer, social activist, composer and founder of modern Kazakh written literature, and its first classic , reformer of culture in the spirit of rapprochement with the Russian and European culture on the basis of enlightened liberal Islam. Abai Kunanbaev is without question the best known of the group. Abai was the son of Kunanbai, the leader of the Tobikty tribal confederation of the Middle Horde. After graduation from the district school in Karkaralinsk and primary education in a local Quran school, Abai began to criticize the traditional Kazakh way of life in the lyric poems he composed, these poems became widely recited in the steppe. Although he published several volumes of poetry, Abais ideas are probably most clearly expressed in a book of essays called Edifications most of these essays were written during the 1890s when the Russians were beginning to seize large amounts of land and thousands of European settlers were moving into the steppe. Abai could offer no real solutions for the Kazakhs' economic woes, but he encouraged them to accept the reality of the situation and to gain the technical skills necessary to adjust, to become farmers and cattlemen rather than wandering livestock breeders.

48) The impact of Russian revolution of 1905 - 1907 on Kazakhstan.During these decades straddling the turn of the century, the Kazakhs increasingly thought and acted as a homogeneous community. This was partly because of the Russian policy of secular education, which led to the development of a self-aware Kazakh elite. Of course, there were divisions within the Kazakh community between the secular nationalists and those Kazakhs who maintained a strongly Islamic worldview, but most Kazakhs felt that such rifts should be bridged when presented to the outside world, particularly before Russian audiences in St. Petersburg, where the Kazakhs argued their case in the newly created State Duma.Creation of the State Duma gave the Kazakhs additional occasions to voice their indignation, both in election meetings and when they petitioned the new representatives.

49) The national-liberating revolt of 1916 year (the causes, peculiarities, main centers).

In 1916 Tsar signs a decree which required people of Turkistan and Steppe to be recruited for war infrastructure works such as digging trenches. It was estimated that overall 400 000 people have to recruited. Definitely such step was reason of growing dissatisfaction of local towards Tsarist rule. Dissatisfaction was expressed through different uprisings such as in Torgai (A. Imanov, A. Jangeldin), Oral (S. Mendeshev), Mangistau (Aitiev), Jetisu (Tokash Bokin, T. Ryskulov). The uprising covered almost all Kazakh territory. The increase of uprisings shows us that Tsarist rule was weakening and shaking. The storm was coming.

50) The February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 in Russia and its influence on Kazakhstan.In February 1917 Tsar was overthrown by bourgeoisie and workers. The Provisional government consisting of bourgeoisie and workers was established as result of February Revolution. The party had its program. The program was touching issues of 1) Russia has to be democratic Federation; 2) Kazakh autonomy has to be created within Russian Federation; 3) Equality of rights among citizens of Russian Federation; 4) secularism; 5) Judicial power ; 6) Law enforcement and military field; 7) taxes have to be per income; 8) status of workers; 9) Education and science; 10) Land. A. Bokeihanov was elected as first chairman of the Party. However Alash had no long life. It was smashed once Bolsheviks got power. Alash was seen as symbol of national bourgeoisie and nationalism. The dream of independence and regional/national identity came true only in 1991.News of the February Revolution in 1917 was greeted enthusiastically by all sectors of society. The event was seen as marking the beginning of a new era, one in which the Kazakh grievances would receive a fair hearing and former wrongs would be righted. A generation of young Kazakh intellectuals quickly took the foreground. Most had already been active in the new Kazakh youth groups, including Birlik (Unity), formed in Omsk in 1915, and Erkin Dala (The Free Steppe), formed in Orenburg in 1916. These groups were discussion circles that helped increase the political awareness and unity of the educated Kazakh youth. Almost immedi ately after the revolution these young intellectuals took advantage of their new opportunities to form some twenty new youth societies, including Igylikti Is (Good Deeds) in Orenburg and Umyt (Hope) and Jas Qazaq (Young Kazakh) in Uralsk.

51) Alash Orda' political party, its program aims and activity.

The executive body of this oblast was to be a provisional peoples' soviet, to be called Alash Orda, which was to consist of 25 members, 10 of whom would be Russian or other non-Kazakh nationalities. This membership would ensure minority rights within the oblast, including cultural autonomy and legal extra territoriality. The Alash Orda was empowered to form a militia to collect taxes, contract loans, conduct negotiations with neighboring autonomous groups, draft a constitution, and supervise local elections of representatives to attend the constituent assembly.All assembled agreed that the Kazakh autonomous oblast should be com posed of the former steppe territory (the oblasts of Uralsk, Turgai, Akmolinsk, and Semipalatinsk), the Kazakh districts of Transcaspia, and the Kazakh-dominated regions of Turkestan the oblasts of Syr Darya and Semirech'e and Kirgiz regions of the Fergana, Samarkand, and Amu Darya oblasts. The announcement of the new Kazakh government, to be chaired by Ali Khan Bukeikhanov (from the minority group) was delayed a month, while negotia tions with the Turkestani autonomists proceeded.

52) The success of 1917 October revolution and the establishment of Soviet government in Kazakhstan. The period of competition for authority ended in October 24, 1917 in Petrograd, when Bolsheviks routed the ministers of the Provisional Government in the events known as the October Revolution, and placed power in the hands of the soviets, or "workers' councils," which they largely controlled. In the morning of October 25 (7 November), the Congress of the Soviets and Military Revolutionary Committee announced that the Provisional government was deposed. The transition of full power to the Soviets in Kazakhstan because of - the social and economic constraints, cultural backwardness, the small number of worker class and the complexity of interethnic relations stretched from late 1917 until the spring of 1918.(1 Nov., 1917 in Tashkent, December 1917 - Bukey Horde, January 1918 - Turgay oblast). However, in the large cities it was very forceful process, done by armed action. It took time until the Civil War. Kazakh elite found it difficult to support new Bolshevik regime and chose instead to create the Alash Orda autonomous government. This government, which attempted to govern the steppe from December 1917 through mid-1919, fought with the various White forces (that promised to assist Alash Government to form their militia) to defeat Bolshevik rule. The leaders of Alash Government were deprived by the Directorate, that was replaced by Siberian Government. Instead of that "Kirgiz Affairs Committee" was formed led by A.Bukheykhabov. That's why when in March, 1919 the VY Congress of VKP(b) proclaimed the course for the national authonomy of the former Tsarist backyards, it helped Alash leaders and Bolsheviks to form KazRevKom.

53) Kazakhstan during the Civil war in 1918-1920 years.

In late July cossacks and Alash Orda broke the Bolsheviks from the North Semirechye. In spring 1919, Kolchak army moved on, cutting off Turkestan. However, this success was temporary. In the rear of the forthcoming White Army, the peasant riots broke out. Already in April the Red Army counter attacked in the South Urals, took the Ufa in June, in August 19 - Kostanai. The situation in western Kazakhstan was more difficult. Despite the onset of the South Army, the Bolsheviks defeated the Cossacks of the Urals. In October 30, after fierce fighting Kolchak army left Petropavlovsk. The main forces began to retreat to the east of Omsk, and part of the troops led by Ataman Dutov - to the south. The White part was all broken and civil war on the territory of Kazakhstan was completed.

54. The history of Kazakh "Soviet nationhood" (as an autonous and Soviet Socialist republic).

Resolution of this question was the central theme at the all-Kirgiz congress held in Orenburg July 21-28,1917. At this meeting both Mir Yakub Dulatov and Ahmed Baitursunov called for the creation of an independent and autono mous Kazakh state. Ali Khan Bukeikhanov spoke in favor of what became the majority position for Kazakh national territorial autonomy in a democratic, federative, and parliamentary Russian republic. The congress organized itself as a Kazakh national party. The meeting passed a series of resolutions that were to serve as the party program.They advocated their commitment to the ideals of the Provisional Government, which were that Kirgizia should be an autonomous republic within a Russian federative parliamentary republic.These items were discussed at the second congress that met in Orenburg December 5-13, 1917. The congress delegates shared a concern that the absence of government was permitting a daily rise in anarchy in the cities and towns of the steppe, thereby threatening the safety of the Kazakh-Kirgiz. They believed that this could only be remedied by the creation of a government that had moral authority and popular support. They maintained that only a Kazakh-dominated government would gain this mass approval and unanimously resolved to create a Kazakh-Kirgiz autonomous region, to be called Alash, which would own all land, water, and underground mineral rights in the oblast.The executive body of this oblast was to be a provisional peoples' soviet, to be called Alash Orda, which was to consist of 25 members, 10 of whom would be Russian or other non-Kazakh nationalities. This membership would ensure minority rights within the oblast, including cultural autonomy and legal extraterritoriality. The Alash Orda was empowered to form a militia to collect taxes, contract loans, conduct negotiations with neighboring autonomous groups, draft a constitution, and supervise local elections of representatives to attend the constituent assembly.By late February 1918 the Alash Orda was the effective responsible authority for the Kazakh populations of Semipalatinsk, Uralsk, Akmolinsk, and Turgai. An active Alash Orda organization also existed in Semirech'e, chaired by Muhammad Tynyshpaev.Kazakh ASSR existed from April 1925 to December 1936. In December 1936 received the status of a Union Republic, and was removed from the RSFSR. In February 1925 Orenburg region was removed from the Kirgiz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and transferred to the RSFSR, and the capital was moved to the Kyzyl-Orda, and then to Alma-Ata (1927).

55) The policy of military communism' in Kazakhstan (1918-1920).The policy of military communism was a policy of nationalization of all the industries virtually, centralization of administration in the maximum, surplus-appropriation system, provision of the card system, compulsory labor conscription. The policy included: override of market and financial relations, substitution of economic stimulus to non-economic directive, distribution of hard state control in all areas.The main idea was to set the "dictatorship of proletariat".Communist party just accepted the Marxist scientific theory as a sort of religion - believing that the life could be changed through the human's will.Military communism was adopted by the Bolsheviks with the aim of keeping towns and the Red Army supplied with weapons and food.War communism included the following policies:1. All industry was nationalized and strict centralized management was introduced. 2. State monopoly on foreign trade was introduced. 3. Discipline for workers was strict, and strikers could be shot. 4. Obligatory labor duty was imposed onto "non-working classes". 5. Prodrazvyorstka - requisition of agricultural surpluses from peasants in excess of absolute minimum for centralized distribution among the remaining population. 6. Food and most commodities were rationed and distributed in a centralized way. 7. Private enterprise became illegal. 8. Military-like control of railroads was introduced. The number of starving men in Kazakhstan reached 1,508,000 people by November 1920. 1,750,000 people or 42% of all Kazakh population was the victims of the famine and its painful consequences. 1,010,000 of Kazakhs abandoned the boundaries of their historic motherland.

56) The NEP in Kazakhstan (1921-1925) and its nature. The results of NEP policy in Kazakhstan.New Economic Policy was an economic policy proposed by V. Lenin to prevent the Russian economy from collapsing. Allowing some private ventures, while the state continued to control banks, foreign trade, and large industries. It was officially decided in the course of the 10th Congress of the All-Russian Communist Party by decree on March 21, 1921, "On the Replacement of Prodrazvyorstka by Prodnalog". Agricultural production increased greatly. Instead of the government taking all agricultural surpluses with no compensation, the farmers now had the option to sell their surplus yields, and therefore had an incentive to produce more grain.Though NEP was primarily an agricultural policy, it succeeded in creating an economic recovery after the devastating effects of the First World War, the Russian Revolution and the Russian civil war. By 1928, agricultural and industrial production had been restored to the 1913 (pre-WWI) level. But some people within the party saw the NEP as a betrayal of communist principles, so they wanted a fully planned economy instead. The main result of NEP: the agriculture and economy was restored and the stable financial system was established.

57) The process of industrialization in Kazakhstan (1920-1934). The results of industrialization policy in Kazakhstan.Industrialization - this is the name of the politic that was set up by the Bolsheviks when they came to power after the civil war victory.Apart from ideological goals, Stalin, who succeeded Lenin after his death, also wished to embark on a program of rapid heavy industrialization which required larger surpluses to be extracted from the agricultural sector in order to feed a growing industrial work force and to pay for imports of machinery. The state also hoped to export grain, a source of foreign currency needed to import technologies necessary for heavy industrialization.Kazakhstan was one of the main areas of industrialization to transform agrarian country into industrial power, to produce and set up the machinery equipment of all sectors of the economy. Most of factories and plants have actually been built in those days.Kazakhstan continued industrialization until the Second World War. Industrialization led to the urban growth, the formation of a working class, heavy industry became the predominant field of economy - that was the great achievement for the previous cattle-breeding people, 90 % of whom before the Revolution lived in a countryside; working class was few, as well as national technical cadres; communication and transport facility was poorly developed.Throughout the 1930s, industrialization was combined with a rapid expansion of education at schools and in higher education. In those days mass struggle illiteracy had begun. According to Lenin's order of 1919 all citizens of Soviet Union between 16 to 50 had to undertake classes and be literate. It is one of most positive thing one can find in soviet history along with free medicine.

58) The Collectivization in Kazakhstan (1928-1940): the means of introduction and its consequences.

Collectivization in the Soviet Union was a policy pursued under Stalin between 1928 and 1940.The goal of this policy was to consolidate individual land and labor into collective farms. The sweeping collectivization often involved tremendous human and social costs while the issue of economic advantages of collective farms remains largely undecided.Despite the initial plans, collectivization, accompanied by the bad harvest of 1932-1933, did not live up to expectations. The CPSU blamed problems on kulaks (prosperous peasants), who were organizing resistance to collectivization.Between 1929 and 1932 there was a massive fall in agricultural production and famine in the countryside. Stalin blamed the well-to-do peasants, referred to as 'kulaks', who he said had sabotaged grain collection and resolved to eliminate them as a class. Collectivization could only be achieved if the settlement of the Kazakh nomads occurred simultaneously. More than 1.5 million Kazakhs died during the 1930s and nearly 80 percent of the herd was destroyed between 1928 and 1932.The traditional stock-raising economy of the Kazakh society was exposed to destruction with the collectivization campaign, that led to the expropriation of a large amount of cattle, which was the basic food source.By the 1933 in Kazakhstan there were about 4,5 mln heads of cattle instead of 40,5 mln at the eve of collectivization.

59) The policy of Soviet government in the field of culture in 1920-1930ss years.Academy of Sciences of the USSR made search of minerals and raw materials: Akadeniks Kurmakov, Gubkin studied and found deposits of many natural recourses, as Uralo-Embenskiy oil area, deposits of copper in Dzheskazgane. Throughout the 1930s, industrialization was combined with a rapid expansion of education at schools and in higher education.The important part of socialist transformation in Kazakhstan was the creation of new culture and the system of education. Throughout the 1930s, industrialization was combined with a rapid expansion of education at schools and in higher education. In those days mass struggle illiteracy had begun. It is one of most positive thing one can find in soviet history along with free medicine.Cultural revolution in Kazakhstan was happening in difficult times along with so called sovietisation.In that policy we can find advantages and disadvantages.Advantages: successful program of liquidation of illiteracy; increasing of number of schools; qualitative training of teachers; opening of first national Kazakh theatre (1926), first music theater in1934), first artistic films studio (1934). Moreover in 1928 Abai Kazakh pedagogical institute was inaugurated. It is first higher educational institution in Kazakhstan. Then in 1931 Medical institute, in 1934 KazNTU, KazGU were also inaugurated. In those years it was boost of educational institutions.Disadvantages: translation of Kazakh scripts to Russian language led to the disconnection between Kazakhs and their ancient culture. Also the violent deprivation of religion beliefs couldn't be the plus to government in eyes of people.

60) The crimes of totalitarian regime in Kazakhstan: the mass repressions of 1920-1930ss years.By the end of 20th suspiciousness and forcing became general. In 1928 The most part of Kazakh intelligentsia, the former figures of Alash Orda - Dulatov, Zhumabaev, Ajmauytov were subjected to repression. There was just hunting for blasting anti-Soviet elements. Criminal cases were fabricated. Purges in the party organizations became the routine practice. The First congress of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan brought the final political death of the Alash Orda, which completed the campaign of vigilance that had began at the third plenum in November 1927. Shortly after the 1937 congress, mass arrested began; by the end of the year a whole generation of Kazakh intellectuals, historians, journalists, poets and writers were found guilty and executed for the crime of dedication to the Kazakh people. The purges resulted as the total and mutual suspiciousness was boost - every member of the Kazakh buro of that first Congress of KazTkrayKom was arrested and charged with the "defamation and repression of party members". These arrest triggered hundred of additional arrests, including many members of the Central Committee and most secretaries of the oblast gorkoms and raikoms. With this group were killed the remaining old Kazakh Communists who had joined the party in 1920, such as Zhandosov, Rozybakiev, Asylbekov, Sadvokasov, Nurmakov, Ryskulov were dismissed from the posts.The most prominent of them, Turar Ryskulov, was arrested in Moscow and executed in February 1939.

61) The political party "Alash", its program aims and activity. The creation of government "Alash Orda" (1917-1918).In February 1917 Tsar was overthrown by bourgeoisie and workers. The Provisional government consisting of bourgeoisie and workers was established as result of February Revolution. The revolution means something which is completely new and has nothing to do with the past. So in this revolution the structure and administration of the state was changing. Now people were rule through different commissions and committees. The first commissioners of then Provisional government were Bokeihanov, Tynyshbaev, Shokai etc. In this period old system was struggling with new system. Everything was in huge mess. In this mess Central Asian intelligentsia organized themselves to establish "Alash" party ( an organizational registration of "Alash" party tok place in July 1917 in Orynbor city ). The party had its program. The program was touching issues of 1) Russia has to be democratic Federation; 2) Kazakh autonomy has to be created within Russian Federation; 3) Equality of rights among citizens of Russian Federation; 4) secularism; 5) Judicial power ; 6) Law enforcement and military field; 7) taxes have to be per income; 8) status of workers; 9) Education and science; 10) Land. A. Bokeihanov was elected as first chairman of the Party. However Alash had no long life. It was smashed once Bolsheviks got power. Alash was seen as symbol of national bourgeoisie and nationalism. The dream of independence and regional/national identity came true only in 1991. "Alash Orda" government was created by members of the party Alash in Orenburg, 5-13 December 1917 (Obschekirgizskii Congress).The announcement of the new Kazakh government, to be chaired by Ali Khan Bukeikhanov (from the minority group) was delayed a month, while negotia tions with the Turkestani autonomists proceeded. The new government, whether representing a united Kazakh community or only the steppe territory, would be declared as of that date. This would also give Bukeikhanov time to move from Orenburg and establish his administration in Semipalatinsk, which was designated the capital.Because of cossack indifference and Bolshevik weakness, the Alash Orda government was left more or less on its own to govern the Kazakh community. Bukeikhanov and his supporters used the months immediately following their organizing conference to create an administrative structure that could raise and disperse revenue; they tried with mixed success to form a Kazakh militia and in general struggled to keep the steppe economy afloat. The Alash Orda central executive body consisted of eight Kazakh members one representative from each of the six oblasts and the Inner Side, plus A. Bukeikhanov as chairman and fifteen deputies of non-Kazakh origin. By late February 1918 the Alash Orda was the effective responsible authority for the Kazakh populations of Semipalatinsk, Uralsk, Akmolinsk, and Turgai. An active Alash Orda organization also existed in Semirech'e, chaired by Muhammad Tynyshpaev. Alash Orda was eliminated by Bolshevik Military Revolutionary Committee on 5 March 1920.

62) The participation of Kazakhstan people in the front battles of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).The Kazakh soldiers participated in the war as a liberator of Europe from the plague of fascism. 497 persons were awarded for the feats in the Great Patriotic War the ranks of the "Hero of the Soviet Union" (including 97 ethnic Kazakhs - the 5th place among all the Soviets)). Among them M.Mametova and A.Moldagulova, the only two heroine girls from the Soviet East and many others. 110 people were awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees. 410,000 Kazakh people perished on the war-field of the Germany-Italy-Japan war. Every fourth of the republic' citizen, or 1 196 164 Kazakhstani was drafted to the Red Army. In Kazakhstan since the very beginning of the war 7 shooting brigades, about 50 separate regiments, 12 shooting and 4 cavalry divisions were formed. Other Kazakhstan divisions, brigades and regiments entered into the Soviet Army in 1942. Among this number three cavalry divisions and two shooting brigades were generated as the Kazakh national ones.More than 42 thousand young men from Kazakhstan graduated at Soviet military institutions in 1941-1945 and 16 thousand officers were admitted to the 27 republican military institutions.The Soviet Army, overcame huge difficulties and mobilized to defeat Nazi forces near Moscow. The immortal feat of Glorified 316th shooting division formed in Kazakhstan under the command of the major general I.V.Panfilov, that on November, 16th, 1941 nearby Dubosekovo crushed 18 fighting fascist vehicles and prevented seizure of Moscow, was known to all the world. The politruk V.G.Klochkov said the words which were known at all the front: "Russia is great, and there is no place to recede, Moscow is behind us". Within a month, conducting endless fights on approaches to Moscow with Nazi forces surpassing them in four time, Panfilov division destroyed 2nd tank, 29th motorised, 11th and 110th infantry divisions of Hitler army.

63) The feats of labour of Kazakhstan people during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).The republic reserved the leading positions in copper production (35 %), lead (85 %) and simultaneously constructed on the basis of the explored deposits the enterprises for extraction, enrichment and melt of metals such as East Kounradsky Molibden, Dzhezdinsky manganous, Akchatausky molibden-and-tungsten, Tekelijsky polymetallic industrial complexes, etc. Due to it Kazakhstan began to give all state 60 % of allied extraction of molybdenum and 79 % of polymetallic ores. The metal working and mechanical engineering share in gross output of the industry of Kazakhstan grow from 16 % in 1940 to 35 % in 1945. These results were reached by the big pressure. But the war excluded in general or sharply limited the possibilities and methods of the decision making and people were struggling for the sake of the war time requirements.Working out the development of the strategic concept of their invasion, the German militaries counted that its success would depend on how quickly they could destroy the food potential of the Soviet Union. But Kazakhstan in 1941-1943 increased the meat supplies on 66.5 %, milk - on 18.7 %, a wool - on 38.1 % in terms of three pre-war years. Rationing system for bread and foodstuff was implemented in the country. Joint efforts of the state and people solved the food problem - necessary minimum was provided.

64) The cultivation of the "Virgin Lands" in Kazakhstan in 1950-1960ss years: the projects and results.

There was a task of the further development of the national economy after the end of the Great Patriotic war in Kazakhstan. General Secretary of CPSU N. Khrushchev's decision in late 1953 to create a new breadbasket out of allegedly underutilized lands of southern Siberia and Kazakhstan affected the Kazakhs more than any other Soviet policy decision, with the possible exception of collectivization. The Kazakh economy was again forced to adapt. Large grain sovkhozy were built in Kazakhstan, where the Communist party was headed by L. Brezhnev, soon the General Secretary of CPSU.September (1953) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU discussed and adopted program of measures of the further development of agriculture. The big place in realization of a course of the CPSU of agriculture development program was given to Kazakhstan. Here there were enormous land resources which were necessary for using rationally; the basic part of a fertile virgin soil was in Kazakhstan in marginal lands. Besides, there were no human resources for acquisition of virgin economy. Attraction of people from other areas of the country became the main source for the fulfillment of the Virgin Land Policy program. Above 640 000 persons, among them: 50 000 builders, about 3000 medical workers, almost 1500 teachers and others professionals arrived in total to the republic at the first stage of mass development of a virgin soil. Thanks to mass labour heroism of the Soviet people in the big areas of the new soils ploughed in 1954-1956 allowed to expand sharply 18 million hectares of virgin lands or 60,6 % to the general under crops, it was essential to increase the delivery of bread to the state. In 1956 Kazakhstan had over the first billion poods of grain. During 1956-1968 in republic the areas under the crops increased in Kazakhstan in to 28,6 million hectares. Manufacture of commercial crops - a sugar beet, sunflower, tobacco and forage crops were extended in the republic as well. By the end of 50th years the material base of agriculture in Kazakhstan was considerably strengthened - sovkhozs and collective farms received 169 thousand tractors, 98 thousand combines, 73 thousand tracks and a considerable quantity of other agricultural machinery. Such grandiose project as the development of several millions hectares of the virgin lands in Kazakhstan had the hugest value: either positive, either so and negative. It is possible to mark some positive results: The inflow of a labor sources, vehicles, the machinery equipment in territory of Kazakhstan; Strengthening of material base of agriculture industries; High rates of development of an agricultural production and population growth; The negative ones: Infringement of ecological balance, aeration fertile soils; Reduction of pastures; A damage to animal husbandry industries (low rate of meat and diary production).It is possible to learn a lesson from any example from the history. The development of virgin lands will serve as an instructive lesson for the future generations of the necessity to watch the nature of the Native land besides the grandiose economic outputs and profits .An output of the metals like copper, zinc and lead from 30% to 70% led to Kazakhstan became a unique agricultural and industrial region. Unfortunately, all that large national economic potential turned out to be ineffective administration system, not leading to an improvement of the Kazakh people's prosperity. The economic policies of the Khrushchev-Brezhnev era led to greater integration of the Kazakh economy and the Kazakh party into the Soviet administration. Khrushchev's Virgin Lands policy, combined with Brezhnev's commitment to modernizing agricultural practices, greatly sped up the command and administrative system that Stalin had introduced.

65) The Alash intellectuals - the Kazakh secular elite at the beginning of the XX century.In 1905, Bokeikhanov's political activism began when he joined the Constitutional Democratic party. He was elected to the First Duma as a member of that party in 1906, and signed the Vyborg Manifesto to protest the dissolution of the Duma by the tsar. As a result of this action, he was arrested and prohibited from living in the Steppe Oblasts. During his exile, he relocated to Samara.Bokeikhanov became deeply involved with the Alash Orda - a political movement which sought to create an authonomous Kazakhstan. After the October revolution, he was elected in 1917 as president of the Alash Orda government of Alash Autonomy. The same year he was a member of the Turkestan Committee and Commissar of the Provisional Government in Torghai Oblast.In 1920, after the establishment of Soviet hegemony, Bokeikhanov joined the Bolshevik party and returned to scientific life. His earlier political activities caused the authorities to view him with suspicion, leading to arrests in 1926 and 1928. In 1930, the authorities banished him to Moscow, where he was arrested a final time in 1937 and executed. In October 1905 he joined other Kazakhs in the city of Ural and helped create the Kazakh branch of the Constitutional Democrat Party, beginning his active political career. In 1909 he published Qyryq mysal (Forty Proverbs), which was influenced by Ivan Krylov's fables but written in a manner that seemed best suited for a Kazakh reader and corresponded to Kazakh culture and nomadic sensibilities. His collection of translations was followed in 1911 by an original collection of poetry entitled Masa (Mosquito). Whereas Qyryq mysal was pedagogic in nature, Masa was much more political and incendiary. In 1913 Baitursynov became the editor of the newspaper Kazak, which became the most successful prerevolutionary Kazakh periodical. Following the 1917 Russian Revolution, he became a leader of the Kazakh political party Alash Orda (The Horde of Alash), which fought for an independent Kazakh state. In 1920 the Bolsheviks consolidated power in Central Asia, and Baitursynov joined them. Throughout the 1920s he was active in educational reforms and helped establish the first Kazakh university. In 1937 he was arrested for harboring bourgeois nationalist sentiments and executed during the Stalinist purges.the Kazakh outstanding enlightener, public figure, poet, writer, journalism master, one of the leaders of the Alashorda government and national-liberation movement of Kazakhstan. He was born in Kostanay oblast. He finished an elementary school in the village and in 1897 entered the Russian-Kazakh Pedagogical College, from which he graduated in 1902, becoming a rural teacher. In 1904 in Karkaraly he met with Akhmet Baitursynov and Alikhan Bokeikhanov. Under the influence of these two leaders of the national movement he fully understood Russian empire's colonial policy. In 1907 he went to St.Petersburg to the All-Russian Cadets Congress as a delegate from the Kazakh party of constitutional democrats. By the czar?s decree dated July 3, 1907 the Kazakhs were denied their rights to participate in the Russian State Duma. In his article ?The Law of July 3 and the Kazakhs? M.Dulatov criticized this decision. The political creed of M.Dulatov was defined, when he released his first poetic album ?Oyan, Kazakh!? (?Wake up, Kazakh!?) under pseudonym Argyn. The book was immediately confiscated, but he managed to republish it in 1911 and returned to Torgay. In 1910 Mirzhakyp published his debut story ?Bakytsyz Zhamal? (?Unhappy Zhamal?) ? the story of the Kazakh woman became the first work of prose in the modern Kazakh literature. In 1911 he was arrested in Semipalatinsk. After the release, M.Dulatov published his works in ?Aikap? journal and ?The Kazakh? newspaper, which was founded by A.Baitursynov. In his articles Mirzhakyp criticized the social-economic and political situation of the Kazakh people under the oppression of the czar?s regime. In 1916 Mirzhakyp became a founder of the first famine relief fund. In 1917 M.Dulatov became one of the promoters of the First All-Kyrgyz Congress in Orenburg, where the first Kazakh political party ?Alash? was formed. In December, 1917 after the October Revolution the Second All-Kyrgyz Congress was held in Orenburg. In February, 1920 Alashorda autonomy was abolished and its leaders were amnestied. M.Dulatov returned to the publishing and educational activity and lived in Orenburg in 1922-1928. In 1928 Mirzhakyp came out against repeal of the Arabic alphabet, counting that the linguistic reform would sever ties of the nation with the writing history. On December 29, 1928 he was arrested on charges of the Kazakh nationalism. M.Dulatov was shot on October 5, 1935.

66)The front feats of Kazakhstan people during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).The Kazakh soldiers participated in the war as a liberator of Europe from the plague of fascism. 497 persons were awarded for the feats in the Great Patriotic War the ranks of the "Hero of the Soviet Union" (including 97 ethnic Kazakhs - the 5th place among all the Soviets)). Among them M.Mametova and A.Moldagulova, the only two heroine girls from the Soviet East and many others. 110 people were awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees. 410,000 Kazakh people perished on the war-field of the Germany-Italy-Japan war.Every fourth of the republic' citizen, or 1 196 164 Kazakhstani was drafted to the Red Army. In Kazakhstan since the very beginning of the war 7 shooting brigades, about 50 separate regiments, 12 shooting and 4 cavalry divisions were formed. Other Kazakhstan divisions, brigades and regiments entered into the Soviet Army in 1942. Among this number three cavalry divisions and two shooting brigades were generated as the Kazakh national ones.More than 42 thousand young men from Kazakhstan graduated at Soviet military institutions in 1941-1945 and 16 thousand officers were admitted to the 27 republican military institutions.The Soviet Army, overcame huge difficulties and mobilized to defeat Nazi forces near Moscow. The immortal feat of Glorified 316th shooting division formed in Kazakhstan under the command of the major general I.V.Panfilov, that on November, 16th, 1941 nearby Dubosekovo crushed 18 fighting fascist vehicles and prevented seizure of Moscow, was known to all the world. The politruk V.G.Klochkov said the words which were known at all the front: "Russia is great, and there is no place to recede, Moscow is behind us". Within a month, conducting endless fights on approaches to Moscow with Nazi forces surpassing them in four time, Panfilov division destroyed 2nd tank, 29th motorised, 11th and 110th infantry divisions of Hitler army.

67)The front and labour heroism of Kazakhstan people during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).The Kazakh soldiers participated in the war as a liberator of Europe from the plague of fascism. 497 persons were awarded for the feats in the Great Patriotic War the ranks of the "Hero of the Soviet Union" (including 97 ethnic Kazakhs - the 5th place among all the Soviets)). Among them M.Mametova and A.Moldagulova, the only two heroine girls from the Soviet East and many others. 110 people were awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees. 410,000 Kazakh people perished on the war-field of the Germany-Italy-Japan war.Every fourth of the republic' citizen, or 1 196 164 Kazakhstani was drafted to the Red Army. In Kazakhstan since the very beginning of the war 7 shooting brigades, about 50 separate regiments, 12 shooting and 4 cavalry divisions were formed. Other Kazakhstan divisions, brigades and regiments entered into the Soviet Army in 1942. Among this number three cavalry divisions and two shooting brigades were generated as the Kazakh national ones.More than 42 thousand young men from Kazakhstan graduated at Soviet military institutions in 1941-1945 and 16 thousand officers were admitted to the 27 republican military institutions.The Soviet Army, overcame huge difficulties and mobilized to defeat Nazi forces near Moscow. The immortal feat of Glorified 316th shooting division formed in Kazakhstan under the command of the major general I.V.Panfilov, that on November, 16th, 1941 nearby Dubosekovo crushed 18 fighting fascist vehicles and prevented seizure of Moscow, was known to all the world. The politruk V.G.Klochkov said the words which were known at all the front: "Russia is great, and there is no place to recede, Moscow is behind us". Within a month, conducting endless fights on approaches to Moscow with Nazi forces surpassing them in four time, Panfilov division destroyed 2nd tank, 29th motorised, 11th and 110th infantry divisions of Hitler army.

68.The epoch of Enlightenment in Kazakhstan. Ibrahim Altynsarin the great teacher of humanity.

"By the beginning of the 20 th century there were a large number of Kazakh intellectuals who had been educated in Muslim schools in the steppe where training had been limited to memorizing Koran ayats. At that time there were only several Russian and Russian Kazakh schools on Kazakhstan's territory, in which 19,370 Kazakh children were studying. Both groups believed that the improvement of the Kazakh economy was a necessary first step for any subsequent policy changes in the steppe.Many biis and tribal elders sent their children to these schools for a few years to learn Russian. Many of these graduates of the state schools (the Russian-Kazakh aul and volost schools) then went on to gymnasiums in Orenburg, Omsk, or Semipalatinsk. These individuals formed a new secular elite.Several of the individuals educated in these schools came to prominence within the steppe, and three in particular Chokan Valikhanov (1835-1865), Ibrahim Altynsarin (Ibirai Altinsarin, 1841-1889), and Abai Kunanbaev (Abai Konanbai uli, 1845-1904) have been elevated to the stature of national heroes.Altynsaryn, the son of a Kazakh judge, completed his secondary education in Orenburg. Altynsaryn laid the foundations of the first Kazakh secular school system, organized the first Kazakh-Russian district school in Turgai in 1867, and ultimately rose to the position of inspector of schools for the Turgai oblast. He believed that only through education could the Kazakhs assume equality with the Russians in the steppe, and he saw survival as adaptation to the realities of Russian rule. Not a devout Muslim himself, Altynsaryn believed that the Kazakhs must concentrate on secular education and the acquisition of technical skills. He was the author of the first Kazakh grammar and the first Kazakh-Russian dictionary. He too believed that Kazakh nomadism belonged to the past and that the Kazakhs should learn from the Russians how to combine agriculture and livestock breeding.

69. Kazakhstan - the new nation in the system of international relations. (membership in UNO and other organizations).Kazakhstan appeared in world's diplomatic scene as new country with huge natural resources and great intension to fix foreign policy of multiple directions thus would consequently ensure acceptance of international guarantee of Kazakhstan's sovereignty and independance. After declaration of independance, Kazakhstan was recognized by over than 120 countries and had a good diplomatic relationship with them. On 3rd of March, 1992 Kazakhstan became a full member of United Nation's Organization and its structures. Some examples of cooperation with authoritative international structures are: European Community, International and European Bank of Development and Reconstruction, International Moneraty Fund, MAGATE, Red Cross, UNISEF, UNESCO and others. Also Kazakhstan is the member of OSCE and Shanghai Cooperation Organization which shows its high value to the economy of other countries.

70. The policy of "Reorganization"/Perestroika in Kazakhstan (1985-1991): the main stages and their characteristics. Reorganization means accelerated economic and social development of country. It was initiated by Gorbachev M.S. in April, 1985.It had 3 main stages:1) in April 1985a) announcement of accelerated delopment of economic and social delopment. b) raising of company against alchocholism and act of earning money without labour(business).2) 27th meeting of Central Committee: a) was announced new style of political development b) raised the question about moral appereance of Commitee's members.3) In January of 1987 was made a step due to reorganization and democratization of community.Its characteristics might be explained as reorganization initiated extensive development instead of benefical intensive development. Government officials did their work just to reach the numeric results in order to show them to government. That is why, it had a negative effect on entire development of country's economy.

71. The disintegration of USSR: the causes and consequences. The formation of CIS.The leaders of Russia, Ukraina, Byelorussia met in 8th of December, 1991 in Minsk and annouced that treaty of 1922 about formation of USSR lost its validity. Which meant that all laws and organs of USSR stopped their functions. Then on 13th of December leaders of Central Asian republics and Kazakhstan met in Ashgabat and expressed their full agreement with decision which was made in Minsk. Later on 21st of December heads of all former Soviet Union except Litva, Latvia and Moldova signed in the document which declared formation of CIS(Commonwealth of Independent States). The Treaty signed by (owners of atomic weapon) Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraina and Byelorussia declared that countries-participants had to form common policy regarding atomic weapon and provide safety of to the members of CIS.

72. The history of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The new constitution (main law) was accepted on 28th of january in 1993. It consisted of 131 articles with 21 parts and 4 chapters. According to this Constitution KZ proclaimed itself as democratic, secular, legal and unitary state those highest values are an individual, his life, rights and freedom. The people of KZ are the only source of power in the state. The right to act on the behalfof the state and the people should belong to President as well as to the Parliament within the limits of the constitutional powers.New constitution was accepted at the republican referendum on 30th of August in 1995, which was carried out by the suggestion of President. In new constitution highest priority was given to individuals' and citizen's rights. It consisted of 98 articles and 9 chapters. Parliament consists of 2 chambers: Senate(2 from each region, capital and town and 7 people nominated by President) and Mazhilis(67 deputies).

73) The fates of the leaders of Alash Orda government. MYRZHAKYP Dulatov Many-sided, extremely active, stirring life Myrzhakypa Dulatova, tragically cut short in 1935. Coming on the social arena, together with the active part of the intelligentsia, among which A. Baytursinuli, M. Dulatov actively influenced the national consciousness of the people and called for his release. Life path. M. Dulatov was born November 25, 1885 in the town Sarykep Turgai county, the current Kustanai field B family aul masters. His mother died when he was only two years, lost his father in 12 years. He studied at the aul school, then in two-grade Turgai Russian-Kazakh school. After graduating from teacher training courses since 1902 a teacher in the village, devoting his spare time to self-education, development of the creative heritage of national, Russian and foreign writers. 148 A young teacher, a child saw orkuyu share and miserable situation of the poor, could not stand aloof from the events of that time. Determine the form of participation in the events of the time helped Myrzhakypu meeting with Ahmet Baitursynov Alihanov Bukeyhanovym, which at that time actively engaged in educational and social activities. During the revolutionary events of 1905 he is in the ranks of the demonstrators in Karkaralinsk. In those years Congress was held in Uralsk regions and was formed "Kazakh Constitutional-Democratic Party" .In 1906 a group of delegates M. Dulatov traveled to St. Petersburg. At this time there was a lot of progressive representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia and students. Ahmet Baytursinuli Ahmet Baytursinuli - poet, scholar, Turkologist, translator, teacher, writer, social activist. At one time he was a victim of unfair, Stalinist repression, more than half a century is not honored with mention of it does not take a deserved place in the history of Kazakhstan. Only now, in terms of change, when removed "white" spots in the history, the people returned to the names of its leaders, as Shakarim Kudaiberdiev, Ahmet Baitursynov, Magzhan Zhumabayev, Zhusypbek Aymauytov, Myrzhakyp Dulatov. A. Baytursinuli was born January 28, 1873 in the tract Sartyubek Turgai County in simple peasant family. Baytursinuli His father, who was considered a descendant of the national batir Umbetbaya, was a brave, intelligent man, with dignity, not mirivshimsya arbitrariness and lawlessness in Kazakh villages, often in conflict with the local feudal lords and the royal authorities. In 1885 Baytursinuli and his brother were sentenced to 15 years and exiled to Siberia for having him in the head chief of the county. The massacre of the authorities over her father, relatives and supported their aulchanami left a bitter impression of a future poet. In "Letter to Mother," written in 1909 from the Semipalatinsk prison, A. Baytursinuli about these events writes: Alikhan Bukeikhanov Bukeikhanov Alikhan Nurmukhamed-uly born in Karkalinskom region of Karaganda region in 1866, shot in Moscow on September 27, 1937. He studied at the Omsk Technical School, Faculty of Economics, Forestry Engineering Institute in St. Petersburg, after which led to the Omsk college forestry teaching and research. In 1903 he appeared in St. Petersburg 18 volume of collected under the title "Russia. Complete geographical description of our region." In this volume, dedicated to Kazakhstan, one of the authors was Bukeikhanov, who wrote the section "Distribution of the Kyrgyz population (ie, Kazakh) edge of the territory, its ethnographic composition, life and culture." In this section, he gave an overview of a culture of Kazakh people, drawing materials "folk literature", highlighting in particular the analysis of the poem "Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan. What is remarkable is that it specifically identifies Abaya, commending him as a "representative of the new trend" in the Kazakh poetry. Bukeikhanov and later tried to Abay the Russian reader, and it is no coincidence, since the generation of intellectuals, the Kazakhs the beginning of XX century., Urged the government self-determination of the Kazakh people has been stressed their ideological affinity with Abaem, sought to master the wide cultural heritage of the past as a stimulus for awakening and development of national consciousness. In 1904 Bukeikhanov worked with the expedition FA Shcherbina, prepares materials for a wide resettlement of Russian peasants to the land of the Kazakhs. In 1905 it was in the Constitutional Democratic Party, held a meeting in Semipalatinsk, Uralsk and to organize the Kazakh Branch of the Cadet Party. The most fundamental political heritage of Bukeyhanova - the idea of nation-determination, she was loathe him and his associates, who have lost all their strength to its application by declaring in December 1917 the State Alash Orda ", and ultimately paid the price own lives.

74) Kazakhstan as the successful experience of multiethnic state.Kazakhstan has good chances to build a successful multi-ethnic state in the Central Asia, OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities Knut Vollebaek said. "The authorities and people are very much aware of the complexity of those issues and they devote a lot of attention to minority matter unlike many other countries," Vollebaek said in his interview with Trend News.He said Kazakhstan has tried a number of innovative approaches, like multilingualism, the Assembly of People and searching for ways in which minorities could be represented in the policy making.Kazakhstan's Assembly of People is an institute to promote inter-ethnic and inter-faith consent. It contributes to formation of Kazakh model of poly-ethnic society.Priority directions of the Assembly of Peoples, which marked 15th anniversary in May, is to strengthen statehood, protect human rights and freedoms of the people and the state and to shift to a qualitatively new level of development that meets the requirements of a civilized world community.Kazakhstan has an official bilingualism: Kazak and Russian languages. Many of those attempts have to be evaluated after some time, Vollebaek said. "This is very important as minority issues are not static but they evolve with time," he said. I think the country will greatly contribute to discussions in the OSCE family about issues that concern integration and tolerance which are of utmost importance not only for Kazakhstan but for the whole world, Vollebaek said. Kazakhstan can still improve some legislation and should reassure minorities that no changes implemented over night, he said. Kazakhstan is home to about 120 ethnic groups and nationalities, principal among which are Uighurs, Russian, Uzbeks, Tatars, Germans, Koreans, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews, Azerbaijanis, Chechens and Ingush, Poles, Turks, Armenians, Greeks and Kurds."Year 2010 will be a fascinating year and it will be very interesting to follow the decisions and deliberations that Kazakhstan will bring to our Organization to solidifying and fostering OSCE principles," Vollebaek said.According to the 1999 estimate of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, almost 15 million people representing 120 ethnic groups lived in the country. Among them were nearly 8 million Kazakhs, more than 4 million Slavic and non-Slavic Russians, 547,000 Ukrainians, 353,000 Germans, and 249,000 Tatars, and 1 million people belonging to other ethnic minorities. The population of the country has a high percentage of people with bi-ethnic and multi-ethnic backgrounds.

75) The role and functions of the Assembly of Kazakhstan people.The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan It is founded under the Decree of the President of the RK on March 1, 1995. It is a consultative - advising body under the RK President. The Assembly decisions bear recommendation nature. RK President is the Chairman of the Assembly. The Chairman has 2 Deputies appointed by the RK President by the proposal of Assembly members. The Assembly activity is directed to the solution of the tasks given below: to promote the maintenance of interethnic concord and social stability; to work out proposals over the state policy, making for the development of friendly relations between peoples residing on the RK territory, to promote their cultural and spiritual revival and development on the basis of observance to principles of equality; formation of the public political culture, resting on civilized and democratic standards; to provide for consideration of multilateral ethnic interests within the national policy held by the State; to search for compromises to settle the social conflicts arising in the society.The Assembly is shaped by the RK President out of the representatives of National Cultural Centers, Veterans' Councils, and any other entities given their trustworthiness among the public , social activity, practical expertise.Small Assemblies: act as consultative-advising bodies under heads of the regional administrations; are created in all regions out of representatives of National Cultural Centers, Veterans' Councils, regional administrations and Maslikhats; are chaired by the heads of regional administrations who approve their staff. To hold activities in-between sessions the Assembly Council out of the representatives of National Cultural Centers, Veterans' Councils, heads of Small Assemblies and any other entities entering the Assembly is convened. The Assembly Council headed by Deputies Chairman of the Assembly directs the activities of the Assembly Executive Secretariat. The decision on restructuring or termination of the Assembly activities is made by the RK President on his own initiative or on the proposal of not less than 2/3 Assembly members. The first session of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan took place on March 24, 1995 in Almaty. See: Report of N.Nazarbayev "For Peace and Accord in Our Common Home" on the first session of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan.

76) The foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present time. One of the priorities of Kazakhstan's foreign policy after gaining independence it became the establishment of cooperation with the countries of Kazakhstan's foreign policy initiative SNG.Vazhnoy was the establishment of a Eurasian Union, issued in spring 1994. The project "On the formation of a Eurasian Union of States" was published in June 1994. The essence of this project was to offer to deepen integration processes in the post-Soviet space to bring together national legislation framework of economic activity, jointly guard the external borders of the CIS, to strengthen the coordination of national economic systems of the CIS countries up to the creation of supranational bodies leadership imi.V 1996 in Moscow signed the Agreement on customs union between Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. To achieve the objectives of the Treaty have been established joint bodies integration management: Interstate Council (upper body), Integration Committee (a standing executive body), the Inter-Parliamentary Committee (a body of inter-parliamentary cooperation). The Treaty was opened for accession by other States which share its aims and principles.

77. The collapse of the USSR. Proclamation of Kazakhstan as a sovereign and independent state.By the late 80's. become more and more insistently moving to the fore the problem of independence and state natsionylnoy suverriniteta. History was adopted on 22 September 1989. "Law on languages, where the state language was declared the Kazakh and Russian language - the language of interethnic communication. Union republics began to prepare the reform of the USSR Union of Sovereign States. October 25, 1990 the Supreme Council Kaz-on adopted the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Kazakh SSR. Prior to this, 24 April 1990. in the republic was established the post of President of the Kazakh SSR Supreme Soviet session he was elected NA Nazarbayev. 19 August 1991. in the country announced the formation of the State Committee for Emergencies (Emergency Committee), in fact it was a coup attempt. But the putsch failed, leaders of the State Emergency Committee were arrested and handed over to justice. These events precipitated the collapse of the USSR, broke up the planned August 20 Novoogarevskogo signing of an agreement on its restructuring. The failure of the coup led to the dissolution of the Communist Party. September 7th an Extraordinary Congress of the Communist Party Kaz-on, which made the decision to disband. 1 December 1991. held elections of the President Kaz-on, they became NA Nazarbayev, who on Dec. 10 took office. December 10, it was decided to rename the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic in Kazakhstan. 16 December 1991. was adopted by the Constitutional Law "On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", this day was declared a day of independence. In December of 1991. was a complex process of establishing the Union Nezavisimoh States (CIS). First, on Dec. 8 in Minsk, in Bulovezhskoy Forest met the leaders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, which signed an agreement on cancellations of the Treaty in 1922 on the formation of the USSR and the establishment of the CIS. Then, in Ashgabat, 13 December a meeting of leaders of the republics of Central Asia and Kaz-on, who supported the "Belovezhskoe agreement. And finally, December 20, leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kaz-on, Kirgiztan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan met in Almaty and on December 21 signed a protocol on the establishment of the CIS. 2 March 1992. Mr. Kaz became a full member of the UN, was recognized by the international community.

78) Turar Riskulov Turar Ryskulov (1894 1938) Soviet politician and chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.Turar Ryskulov was born December 26, 1894 in East Parish Talgar Semirechenskaya of the tract Besagash (now Talgar district of Almaty region).In 1907 1910 he studied at the Russian-Kyrgyz Merken boarding school (Merck). In 1914 he graduated from agricultural school Pishpek (Pishpek).Talk of the Central Asian uprising of 1916. In 1917 he founded the Revolutionary Union of Kyrgyz (Kazakh) Youth in Merka. In September 1917, joined the RSDLP. In 1920, the CEC Chairman of the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1921-22, Deputy People's Commissar for Nationalities Affairs of the RSFSR. In 1926, 37 Deputy Chairman of People's Commissars of the RSFSR.Interestingly, fate made by relatives of two major Kazakh officials who hold opposing positions during the Revolution and the Civil War - alashordintsa D. Dosmukhamedova and Ryskulov. They married sisters, DC and NK Pushkarev.Repressed, shot February 10, 1938. He was rehabilitated posthumously.

79, The state symbols of Kazakhstan National flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is constituted the blue rectangular width with the image of 32 rays′ sun in the centre under which you can see the flying steppe eagle. There is a vertical stripe with national ornament near the pole. The images of sun, rays, eagle and ornament are gold. The width of flag to length in the ratio of 1:2. National emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is constituted the image of shanyrak (the upper arch part of yurt) against a blue background, uyks (holds) framed in wings of mythic horses in the form of sun rays are dispersed. There is an inscription "Kazakhstan" at the lower part of emblem. National emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is of two colors gold and bluish. National anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Music by Shamshi Kaldayakov, text by Nursultan Nazarbayev and Zhumeken Nazhimedenov.

80. The main priorities of the entrance of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 50 most competitive countries of the world.As reported earlier today in Astana the Parliament Houses have held a joint session during which President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev delivered to the people of Kazakhstan his Message to the people of Kazakhstan titled Strategy of Kazakhstan's Entry into the 50 Most Competitive Countries of the World. Kazakhstan at a new Outrush in its Development.The first priority of the program is the integration of Kazakhstan into the world economy. It is the basis for qualitative breakthrough in economic development. We want to see Kazakhstan as a country developing in accordance with global economic tendencies, occupying its concrete place at the international arena and able to accustom to new economic conditions, he noted We should be ready to tough competition and use it in our own interests, N. Nazarbayev stressed. Kazakhstan can and ought to participate in all-round international economic projects providing for our integration into the global economy, and base itself upon profitable economic and geographical situation and natural resources.The state is to remove all legislative, administrative and bureaucratic obstacles on the way of business initiative and to provide for practical support to prospective undertakings of private capital. The key goal of the transport and communications complex of Kazakhstan is the integration to the Eurasian transport system.,

81) Kazakhstan chairmanship in OSCE in 2010.Kazakhstan is ready for the presidency in OSCE. The Secretary of the Security Council, Marat Tazhin, informed, following the results of the session of the Security Council in Akorda under the chairmanship of the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan Today agency reports. M. Tazhin informed that the questions of effective presidency of Kazakhstan in OSCE in 2010 were discussed at the session. He informed that "the head of state has given a number of important assignments and instructions." He said that "de jure" the presidency will begin in January 2010, but "de facto", the presidency already began after the session of the Council of Foreign Ministers in Athens. Much work has been done by the head of state concerning OSCE issues. The head of state held a number of meetings and consultations with the leading OSCE countries, including with our large European partners."

82. The Parliament of Kazakhstan (Parlamenti) is the bicameral legislature of the Government of Kazakhstan. The lower house is the Majilis, with 77 seats, elected to four year terms, 67 in single seat constituencies and 10 by proportional representation. The upper house is the Senate, which has 47 members, 40 of whom are elected to six-year terms in double-seat constituencies by the local assemblies, half renewed every two years, and 7 of which are presidential appointees. In addition, ex-Presidents are ex-officio senators for life.[citation needed]As of January 2007 10% the parliament's representatives are women and 19% of local and city council officials are women.[1]Its predecessor was the Supreme Soviet

83) Judicial power is realized through civil, administrative and penal procedure. Bodies of judicial power are the Supreme Court and inferior courts. The particularity of Kazakh procedure is the absence of arbitration procedure. Economic disputes are resolved in civil procedure despite of subjects. Courts take the judicial acts in the form of decisions, sentences, determination and orders. Supreme Court is a high judicial body on civil, penal, economic and other cases jurisdictional to inferior courts, controls their activities and provides clarifications of judicial practice. History of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakh courts date back to ancient times when folklore and traditions and religious rules performed the function of the laws in the Kazakh steppe. On a vast area stretching from the Black Sea to the Altai mountains one after another rose and fell the ancient states of Sakhs, Gunns, Yusuns, Turks, Karluks which had their own laws the evidence of which can be found in a variety of sources on the State and the law. This has been convincingly proved by L. Gumilev, a wonderful scientist and a great connoisseur of Eurasian issues, in his scientific paper on ancient Turks. The consolidation of the state is associated with the name of Kasym khan, the son of Az Zhanibek khan. Under his rule the legal norms and traditions of that time were consolidated into a book called "The Truth of Kasym khan". A noticeable contribution to the development of the legal system of the Kazakh society was also made by Esim khan who considerably toughened the military laws and raised the level of responsibility of Kazakh warriors which was necessary for defence from the attacks of the aggressive Joungars. At the end of XVII Az Tauke, Tole bi, Kazbek bi, Aiteke bi created the "Zheti Zhargi", which became the code of laws and of court proceedings. However, as this code has reached us only in verbal form, the society did not regard it as official legislation. However, having been polished by many generations of users in line with the Kazakh traditions, those laws played an important role and did a lot of good to the Kazakh people. In 1918 - 1920 at the height of the civil war some areas of Kazakhstan were held by the White Guard who cancelled the revolutionary tribunals. In order to restore the tribunals, on 12 April 1919 the Kazakh military-revolutionary committee issued the Regulations of the revolutionary tribunals, and on 31 December 1922 a decree was signed on the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This brought about a drastic change in the structure of the court system. At the beginning of 1923 the All-Union Central Executive Committee issued the decrees on the establishment of the supreme courts in the republics. Pursuant to that decree, on 10 April 1923, the RSFSR Supreme Court issued decree No. 31, in which paragraph 8 provided as follows: "+ it is decreed to establish the administration of Turkestan branch to supervise a staff of 57 persons of the Turkestan branch of the Supreme Court established pursuant to the resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of 17 March of this year." On 11 April of the same year the All-Union Central Executive Committee issued a resolution on the establishment of the Supreme court of the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) region of the RSFSR. Below you can read the full text of that resolution No. 0268 signed by M. Kalinin, the secretary of the All-Union Central Executive Committee, and by secretary T. Safronov (On the status of the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) branch of the RSFSR Supreme Court":

84) THE PRESIDENT (from constitution)1. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be the head of state, its highest official determining the main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the state and representing Kazakhstan within the country and in international relations. 2. The President of the Republic shall be the symbol and guarantor of the unity of the people and the state power, inviolability of the Constitution, rights and freedoms of an individual and citizen. 3. The President of the Republic shall ensure by his arbitration concerted functioning of all branches of state power and responsibility of the institutions of power before the people. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall: 1) annually address the people of Kazakhstan with a message on the state of the country and main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2) appoint regular and extraordinary elections to the Parliament of the Republic; convene the first session of Parliament and accept the oath of its members to the people of Kazakhstan; call extraordinary joint sessions of the Chambers of Parliament; sign laws submitted by the Senate of Parliament within fifteen working days, promulgate the law or return the law or its separate articles for a second discussion and vote; 3) appoint a Prime Minister of the Republic with the Parliament's consent; release him from office; determine the structure of the Government of the Republic at the proposal of the Prime Minister, appoint to and release from office its members, as well as form, abolish and reorganize central executive bodies of the Republic which are not included into the Government; accept the oath of the members of the Government; preside at the meetings of the Government on especially important issues; charge the Government with bringing a bill into the Majilis of Parliament; annul or suspend completely or partially the effect of the Government's acts and those of the akims of the oblasts, major cities and the capital; 4) appoint the Chairperson of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the Parliament's consent; release him from office;

85) The GovernmentThe Government of Kazakhstan exercises executive power, heads the system of executive bodies and provides guidance of their activities. The Head of the government is appointed by the President when the candidature of the premier has been approved by the majority of Parliament. Personal composition of the government is appointed by the President by the presentation of candidatures by premier. Structure and composition of the government of Kazakhstan. Prime-minister submits for a consideration to the President the structure of the government. The structure of the government is - the Prime-Minister, Vice Prime-Minister, 3 Prime-Minister deputies and 16 ministers. Principal powers of the Government of Kazakhstan: elaboration and realization of principal tendencies of social economic state policy, defense potential of the country, security and guarantee of public order. Submission for the Parliament's (Majilis) consideration the republican budget and its execution report, ensuring the execution of the republican budget. Bring in a bill into Parliament, execution ensuring. Guidance ministries, state committees, other central and local executive bodies activities. Appointing to a post and dismissal the heads of central executive bodies that are out of government. Termination of the powers of the Government of Kazakhstan. The government resigns its powers before a new elected Head of state. The government declares its go out to the President when Parliament (Majilis) passes the vote of no confidence. Also tenders the resignation on the initiative of the President and when Prime-Minister resigned.

86) The crimes of totalitarian regime in Kazakhstan: the mass repressions of 1920-1930ss years.

Nation-building in Kazakhstan (1920-30-e gg.).One of the major projects of industrialization was the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway (Turksib). Construction of road connecting Siberia to Central Asia, stretching 1,445 km commenced in April 1927. Construction has become a popular character. 25 April 1930., 17 months ahead of time it was completed. Largest construction project of that period were: Chimkent lead plant, Balkhash copper and polymetallic Achisaysky plants, construction began Tekeli Jezkazgan polymetallic and copper-smelting plant, Ust-Kamenogorsk lead-tsinkovoo plant. It was the largest non-ferrous metals not only in Kazakhstan but also in the USSR. The construction of the chemical industry in Shymkent, Aktobe and other regions. Uvelchilos electricity: Karaganda CES, UlbinskayaGES, CHP Balkhash copper-smelting plant - were constructs of the time. It developed Embinsky oil region. Been expanded old crafts: Kosshagyl, Makati; developed new fields: Kulsary saghyz. Kazakhstan has the second largest in the Union for the production of nonferrous metals, the third oil extraction Karaganda coal has become the third base. In the years of industrialization have been constructed food industry: Semipalatinsk myasokominat, Gurvsky fish-canning factory, Alma-Ata canning factory, sugar factory in Jambul, Merka, Taldy-Kurgan.

87) The creation of Alash Orda' government. The first experience of nationhood as an autonomous republic.In February 1917 Tsar was overthrown by bourgeoisie and workers. The Provisional government consisting of bourgeoisie and workers was established as result of February Revolution. The revolution means something which is completely new and has nothing to do with the past. So in this revolution the structure and administration of the state was changing. Now people were rule through different commissions and committees. The first commissioners of then Provisional government were Bokeihanov, Tynyshbaev, Shokai etc. In this period old system was struggling with new system. Everything was in huge mess. In this mess Central Asian intelligentsia organized themselves to establish "Alash" party. The party had its program. The program was touching issues of 1) Russia has to be democratic Federation; 2) Kazakh autonomy has to be created within Russian Federation; 3) Equality of rights among citizens of Russian Federation; 4) secularism; 5) Judicial power ; 6) Law enforcement and military field; 7) taxes have to be per income; 8) status of workers; 9) Education and science; 10) Land. A. Bokeihanov was elected as first chairman of the Party. However Alash had no long life. It was smashed once Bolsheviks got power. Alash was seen as symbol of national bourgeoisie and nationalism. The dream of independence and regional/national identity came true only in 1991.

88) The famine of 1932-1933 years in Kazakhstan.Forced collectivization and is inextricably linked with her so-called liquidation of the kulaks as a class, which resulted in the most capable and hard working layer of the peasantry was expropriated and deported a large part of it, led to a drop in agricultural production. As a result, grain procurement, and anti-peasant policies of the Stalinist leadership in autumn 1932 - spring 1933 in the country erupted unprecedented hunger. On the Famine of 1932-1933. Perhaps the first time in Soviet literature was said in 1940 in a collection of articles, published in connection with the 60-year anniversary IV Stalin, MA Sholokhov wrote that under the guise of fighting against sabotage by farmers was confiscated all the grain, including those issued in advance for workdays, resulting in "a collective famine. True, the blame for this is attributed not to the center, but on the boundary direction of the North Caucasus. Also in 1940, September 9, Stalin at a meeting in connection with the discussion of the film "The Law of Life" by A. Avdeyenko was forced to admit that "we have, for example, 25-30 million hungry, the bread was not enough, but now have become live well "2. But neither the causes of hunger, not its perpetrators, he did not name, but his speech was not published in the press. His attitude to this issue has not changed and Stalin in 1932, when the country's famine. Moreover, while millions of people starved and died, the Soviet leadership not only refused to import grain and grain exports, in order not to undermine the credit abroad "and" does not aggravate the difficulties of the international situation. " On the famine in the USSR were forbidden even to mention. Truly it was a "top secret famine"!

89) The history of Kazakhstan at the beginning of the XX century. The role of the first Kazakh press.

First kazakh's press appeared in 1890's. First newspapers called "Akmolinskie Vedomosti" and "Kirgizskaia Steapnaia Gazeta". Three journals appeared briefly, without wide circulation: Serke, Qazaq-stan, and Alash. Of the three, Alash was the most long-lived; it published 22 numbers between November 26, 1916, and May 25, 1917.Two other Kazakh publications were more successful. AiKap first appeared in 1911 and ceased publication in 1915, issuing 88 numbers in all. It appeared monthly for two years, then switched to a bimonthly format and enjoyed a circulation of between 900 and 1,200 copies per issue. This gazette published articles by Kazakhs, Tatars, and Russians and tried to present a variety of viewpoints on any given issue, under the editorship of Muhammadjan Seralin (1871-1929). The other periodical, Qazaq, printed its first issue in 1913 and its last in 1918. After the February Revolution it became the official organ of the Alash Orda party and had a circulation of about 8,000 per month. Its editorial group consisted of Ali Khan Bukeikhanov, Mir Yakub Dulatov (Dulat uli, 1885-1937), and Ahmed Baitursunov (Baitursin uli, 1873-1937).Although the editors of At Кар endorsed the idea of the settlement of the nomads, they requested an all-Kazakh conference, to be held in the winter of 1913-1914, to discuss how the sedentarization of the Kazakh population could best be achieved. The gazettes and their editorial staffs remained a lobbying group in the steppe until the Russian Revolution, when they established and staffed a short lived Kazakh autonomous government. These writers may have helped frame public opinion, but were forced to stand helplessly aside during the popular unrest in the summer and fall of 1916.

90) The main priority is a multi-vector foreign policyThrough political methods, we provide non-confrontational presence in Kazakhstan and in the region of the world's leading political and economic powers. Today, Kazakhstan has a strategic partnership with Russia, the United States and China. Construction of a stable, predictable and constructive cooperation with these world powers in a permanent confrontation of different directions and contradictory interests in the region thanks to the authority of President Nursultan Nazarbayev and carefully thought-out foreign policy strategy. Thus, our diplomacy is strictly consistent with the economic potential and political opportunities in Kazakhstan. We have successfully solved the problem of providing a favorable external environment reforms in the country by establishing a stable and friendly relations, especially with neighboring states.Strategic achievements in this direction is the legal registration of the entire land border of Kazakhstan, which ended this year. This - the achievement of great importance, which opens up the possibility of a new quality of cooperation with our neighbors. Russia was, is and will be our key partner and ally. Our bilateral relations are characterized by scale, dynamic and high level of understanding. Between us was unique practice issues on a parity basis, in the interests of both countries.

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