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Intelligence Agency had to intervene. Up until that time it had been an Air Force problem, chasing

spooks...chasing...well, chasing something. But when a foreign intrusion occurs, the appearance of the CIA on the

scene is prima fascia evidence that the UFOs are real. Let me repeat, the CIA would never have taken over had there

not been real UFOs from another world. How foreign can you get?

So they, in their wisdom, caused the Brookings institution in Washington to make a national survey of...ah...to predict

what the effect on the national psychology would be if the President came on the air and calmly announced that

"Ladies and gentlemen, these things you are seeing are real, they're from another world, they are piloted by intelligent

small human beings like ourselves. There is nothing to be afraid of, and will everybody please stop shooting at them."

The Brookings Institution replied that this must never be released, because the American people are teetering on the

ragged edge of hysteria already. The nervousness...the tension over the cold war is so great that for the President to

make such a statement official...to give it sanction...would be too much. Too many people would go over the deep end.

Professor Robert Carr, 1972



48. New World Order

I will now write a few words on the New World Order.

There is a prophesy of the "New World". Every religion has this prophecy, which is the prophecy of the

return of the Golden Age. Freemasonry was influenced with symbolism for the New World, but it

originally comes from astrology (real astrology, not the popular modern astrology.) The preparation for the

Golden Age, or New World, has been going on since we left the Golden Age, thousands of years ago. Now

we are just about there.

Anyway, what happened is that when alchemy was no longer believed in and the alchemists disappeared,

the symbolism, legends and prophesy still remained. There was all this prophecy and symbolism saying that

certain very wise and powerful people would initiate and oversee the transition into the New World. This

caused certain people who were initiated into the symbolism, but without full understanding of it, to think

that they were at the top of the invisible ladder. These people thought, and still think, that they are the

people who are to oversee the transition into the Golden Age. But these people are not alchemists, nor do

they understand Nature, nor are they wise. It is the wise who are supposed to oversee the transition, but not

seeing this, certain people thought that they were the people.

So this particular group of people formed their own new secret society, for people who are rich and

powerful and believe in their plan for the New World Order.

Since the New World Order folk don't understand Nature, they think that civilization will continue to

develop in a linear fashion (in a straight line), whereas in truth development is circular. Because of their

linear belief and power to see what is really happening in our corrupt civilization, they soon realized that

civilization is heading towards a point of collapse.

Now the prophesy says that a lot of people will die (all the ignorant people) in the catastrophe before the

New World, and the New World will be glorious and there will be no wars, etc. Considering all this, these

New World Order folk have decided they will fulfill the prophesy by killing lots of "bad" people, which

they interpret as everyone who is not directly useful to them. At the same time they will bring all countries

together into one nation, and they will control all people to such an extent that it's not even possible to do

anything they don't want you to do. Thus there will be no wars and they think they will have made the

world a better place.

To give these New World Order folk the benefit of the doubt, they were trying to help. If development was

linear and if no one did anything, our civilization would certainly collapse. But actually this is what is

supposed to happen.

If any of you New World Order folk are reading this, I hope you now understand, and you will come back

to the "good side".

Unfortunately I fear that the systems are already in place and the ball is already in motion.

49. Mythology

Almost all mythology is an allegory for one of the three sacred sciences: alchemy, astrology and geometry.

Alchemy is the science of Nature. Astrology is the science of time (and therefore prophecy.) Geometry is

the science of mathematics, shapes and music. All of these relate to each other of course.

Here I will quote some myths allegorical for alchemy.


This is its fount and fundament, and the Medicine whereby Aesculapius raised the dead. This is the herb by which

Medea restored Jason to life. This is the secret substance brought from Colchis by the Argonauts under Jason with so

much journeying and pains, and hence called the Golden Fleece; partly because this Science excels in virtue all

others, as the Sun does the stars and gold the other metals; and partly because that Fleece was a Book written with

golden letters (according to the testimony of Suidas, Historiographer of the Chemical and Medical Arts) and

containing a full account of the preparation of the Medicine. For in that Book is the first material for the creation,

restoration, and preservation of our most true Medicine.

Man, the Best and Most Perfect of God's Creatures, by Benedictus Figulus, 1607 AD


The Sages have seen the river in which Æneas was cleansed of his mortality—the river of Pactolus in Lydia which was

changed into gold by King Midas bathing in it—the bath of Diana—the spring of Narcissus—the blood of Adonis

trickling upon the snowy breast of Venus, whence was produced the anemone—the blood of Ajax, from which sprang

the beautiful hyacinth flower—the blood of the Giants killed by Jupiter's thunderbolt—the tears which Althea shed

when she doffed her golden robes—the magic water of Medea, out of which grass and flowers sprang forth—the

Potion which Medea prepared from various herbs for the rejuvenescence of old Jason—the Medicine of Aesculapius—

the magic juice, by the aid of which Jason obtained the Golden Fleece—the garden of the Hesperides, where the trees

bear golden apples in rich abundance—Atalanta turned aside from the race by the three golden apples—Romulus

transformed by Jupiter into a god—the transfiguration of the soul of Julius Cæsar into a Comet—Juno's serpent,

Pytho, born of decomposed earth after Deucalion's flood—the fire at which Medea lit her seven torches—the Moon

kindled by Phaëthon's conflagration—Arcadia, in which Jupiter was wont to walk abroad—the habitation of Pluto in

whose vestibule lay the three-headed Cerberus—the Pile, on which Hercules burnt those limbs which he had received

from his mother, with fire, till only the fixed and incombustible elements derived from his father were left, and he

became a god—and the rustic cottage whose roof was made of pure gold.

Golden Calf, by John Frederick Helvetius, 15th Cen.


One of my favorites is the Greek myth of Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind.

The "fire" here a metaphor for the Stone. The gods are those elitists who are keeping the Stone only for


The myth of Prometheus continues with the more well-known myth of Pandora and her box:


When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus'

brother. With her, Pandora had a jar which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her natural

curiosity, Pandora opened the box-jar, and all evil contained escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to

close the lid, but the whole contents of the jar had escaped, except for one thing which lay at the bottom, which was


Pandora's box, by en.wikipedia.org

Pandora's box, by


The myth of Pandora's box is the same as the Garden of Eden tree-of-knowledge/tree-of-life fiasco. These

are both allegories for mankind leaving the Golden Age. Becoming corrupt and curious, which is to say

that when mankind starts being selfish, instead of living in harmony with Nature and God, then things go

downhill. But left in Pandora's box is Hope, which symbolizes the return of the Golden Age again.

Similar is the Hindu myth of Garuda, who stole the Nectar of Immortality from Heaven and gave it to Earth.

This legend also includes the cycle, for Garuda made a deal with Vishnu to allow the Nectar of Immortality

to go back to the Gods after a certain amount of time, which is when it is lost again.

The Garuda is the national symbol of both Thailand and Indonesia. The Garuda appears to symbolize a race

of bird-like beings, who were enemies with snake-like beings. There is a lot of mythology concerning the

war of the birdmen and snakemen. Mexico also has an eagle eating a snake on their flag. However, they are

not aliens or shapeshifting reptilians. These myths are from the Silver Age, when two races of humans were

at war. One race lived in the mountains and had flying machines, whereas the other race lived near the sea,

and had submarines (and also flying machines.) They were just different races of humans.

Another Hindu myth: The Churning of the Ocean. At the suggestion of Vishnu, the gods (Devas) and

demons (Asuras) churn the primeval ocean in order to obtain Amrita which will guarantee them

immortality. This story represents the process of making the Stone and the cycle of time, with it becoming

hidden and free again.

Now, who remembers fairy stories? Fairyland was said to be a place underground. The fairies lived a long

time. If you eat their food you can't come back. Nowadays we don't take such stories seriously, but once

upon a time people really believed this stuff. Perhaps it does have something to it.


The green children of Woolpit reportedly appeared in the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England, some time in the

12th century, perhaps during the reign of King Stephen. The children, brother and sister, were of generally normal

appearance except for the green colour of their skin. They spoke in a strange language, and initially the only food

they would eat was green beans. They eventually learned to eat other food and lost their green colour, but the boy

died. The girl adjusted to her new life and was baptised, but she was considered "rather loose and wanton in her

conduct". After she learned to speak English the girl explained that she and her brother had come from St Martin's

Land, an underground world whose inhabitants are green.

Green children of Woolpit, by en.wikipedia.org



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