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Interior, tv theatre auditorium

Songs: "Tell Me Why," "If I Fell" (reprise), "I Should Have Known Better"

(reprise), "She Loves You."

We see the audience of girls streaming in and settling down in their

places for the show. [There is the usual business of getting the show

ready and we see SHOTS of the girls' faces, then JOHN, PAUL, RINGO and

GEORGE looking at them.] At last on cue from the floor manager the BOYS

start their act to the audience's screams. During the number we

constantly CUT away to the audience with various SHOTS of the ecstatic

girls. In the middle of these shots we see NORM standing at the side of

the audience his face glowing with satisfaction. We follow his gaze and

from NORM'S P.O.V. we see GRANDFATHER handcuffed to SHAKE, but in spite

of this, the old man is enjoying himself. The BOYS now perform a medley

of numbers, i.e., a little of all the songs we have heard during the

story. While they are doing so they look again in the general direction

of SHAKE and GRANDFATHER and from their P.O.V., we see SHAKE is beating

time to the music but from his wrist dangles an empty set of handcuffs.

GRANDFATHER has gone again. As the BOYS are reacting to GRANDFATHER's

disappearance once again, the trap door on the stage opens and

GRANDFATHER appears in the centre of the group as they finish their act

and take their final bows.

Interior, studio corridor

NORM is waiting for the BOYS. With him are two studio attendants carrying

the boys' luggage. As the BOYS excitedly appear he speaks to them.

NORM: I've got the stuff. Come here.

PAUL: Aren't we...

NORM: No, we're not!

He hurries them along.

NORM: The office was on the phone, they think it'd be better if we pushed

straight to Wolverhampton.

JOHN: Tonight? We can't make it...

NORM: You've got a midnight matinee.

JOHN: Now look here Norm.

NORM: No, you look here John. I've only one thing to say to you, John


JOHN: What?

NORM: You're a swine. [So hurry up... we're travelling!]

NORM turns down a side exit where the door is open to the field. In it is

an eight-passenger helicopter.


Song "A Hard Day's Night"

The BOYS and NORM come out of the building and start to run towards the


[PAUL: (looking behind him) Where's my grandfather?

[NORM: (arriving at helicopter door) Don't start. Look.]

The boys look in the passenger bay and there is GRANDFATHER. He is still

handcuffed to SHAKE but clutching his pile of photos.

[GRANDFATHER: (beckoning them in with his free hand which holds the

photos) Come on, you're hanging up the parade.]

The boys shout "Get rid of those things." etc.


The final shot is of the helicopter rising up

(SHOT FROM BELOW). As it disappears, a shower of photos come from its


[We cut to a close-up of one signed photo as it hits the ground and super

the closing credits over it.]

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