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Unit 1-4.doc
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  1. Pay attention to the use of prepositions:

  1. “…I've always had a genuine interest in health and the causes of ill health…” - have an interest in something – цікавитись чимось

  2. Caring for the infirm is rarely glamorous …” – care for somebody or something – дбати про когось (або про щось)

  3. My earliest impression of medicine occurred …” – impression of something or somebody - враження, ( уявлення, поняття) про щось або когось

  4. The respect that my parents had to doctors…” – have respect to somebody – мати повагу до когось

  5. “…the causes of ill health…”- причини поганого здоровя, “…part of a team …”- частина команди, “…in the emergency room of a regional hospital…”- в реанімації місцевого шпиталю, “…the importance of organization …”- важливість організації прийменник of вживається щоб передати український родовий відмінок

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. Who volunteered for over a year in the emergency room of a regional hospital?

  2. Does Stuart think that being a doctor is a glamorous occupation?

  3. What does Stuart have a genuine interest in?

  4. What sparked a desire to become a physician in Catherine?

  5. What kind of firsthand experience in medicine did Catherine have?

  6. What did Catherine learn from her volenteer experience?

  7. What does Catherine believe the ultimate goal of any physician is?

  1. Find the equivalents of the following word combinations in the texts:

Здатність лікарів полегшити страждання, дитяча мрія, потребувати допомоги лікарів, найбільш уразливий, повага до лікарів, доглядати немічних, частина команди, реанімація, працювати волонтером, причини поганого здоров’я, первинна мета кожного лікаря, обласна лікарня, запалити бажання, бути завжди готовим прийти на допомогу, самі ранні враження, люб’язні та вдячливі пацієнти, уміння ефективно спілкуватися, лікувати хворих.

  1. Fill in the gaps with proper words or word combinations from the texts:

  1. Caring for the … is rarely glamorous.

  2. I … to use my skills and experience to become a good doctor.

  3. I chose to study medicine because it seemed like a … that suited my personality.

  4. I've always had a … in health and the causes of ill health.

  5. I think it's a great privilege to be able to help people when they're most …

  6. .Her doctors were always … , day or night.  

  7. The ultimate goal of any physician should be to continuously improve … on a local, national and inter-national level.

  8. I also had a chance to gain some … in the medical profession.

  9. .  I'm a …, so I knew that I would enjoy working as part of a team with lots of other professionals to treat patients.

  10. From my … experience, I learned the importance of organization and effective communication skills.

  1. Find the words or word combinations in the text , which mean the following:

  1. thankful for something

  2. the section of a hospital for providing rapid treatment to victims of sudden illness or trauma

  3. weak in health or body, esp from old age

  4. capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or hurt

  5. not fake ; original; real;

  6. giving personal satisfaction; gratifying

  7. pain in the head

  8. help; support

  1. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the verb “to be”:

  1. Ann …in class 10 minutes ago.

  2. We …in class now.

  3. They … at home tonight.

  4. John …(not) in Odessa next summer.

  5. Her parents …(not) at home last night.

  6. Our classes…(not) boring.

  7. … he at work now?

  8. Where … they at 4p.m.?

  9. Who … here tomorrow?

  10. When … you busy?

  11. How old …her father at that time?

  12. Where … your friends now?

  13. Who …in London 5 years ago?

  1. Catherine Bennet is a 4th year medical student at Aberdeen University. She is studying to become a physician. Her father, Mr. Bennet is a surgeon at a regional hospital. Catherine’s brother Oliver is 15, he is still at school, but he wants to become a surgeon like his father.

8.1) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of Present, Past or Future Simple.

a) Oliver …(study) medicine after he graduates from school.

b) Mr. Bennet …(treat) his patients with great care.

c) Catherine … (like) Chemistry and Biology when she was at school.

d) Oliver …(not want) to become a physician.

e) Catherine …(not study) in 5 years’ time.

f) Mr. Bennet …(not live) at home with his parents when he was a student.

8.2) Complete the questions with suitable auxiliary verbs and answer them:

a) … Mr. Bennet study medicine next year? - ………………………..

b) … Catherine want to become a surgeon like her father? - ………………………

c) … Oliver go to school last year? - ………………………………

d) Where … Oliver’s sister study? - ………………………………….

e) What … Catherine do after she graduates from the university? - …………………………

f) What … Catherine’s father study at university? - …………………………………………...

  1. Complete the dialogue between Catherine and her brother Oliver with the sentences from the box:

  1. I do!

  2. What about your classes?

  3. You still have 3 years before your A-levels.

  4. We were in the hospital, talked to patients about their complaints, examined them, wrote case histories, tried to make diagnosis and then discussed it with our tutor.

  5. I hated Chemistry with the new teacher Mrs. Todson yesterday, I nearly fell asleep at her class, and now I don’t understand how to do the hometask!

  6. You will have lots and lots of classes before that!

Catherine: How was your day at school Oli?

Oliver: It was Ok, thanks, Cathy___________________________________________

Catherine: Well, we didn’t really have any classes today. _______________________

Oliver: Wow! Lucky you! I wish I were already a 4th year student at a medical school!

Catherine: Come on, Oli! _________________________________________________

Oliver: Yeah…unfortunately, and most of them are so boring and hard. _____________

Catherine: Hey, Oli, Chemistry is a very important subject for a future doctor, and you will take one of your A-levels in Chemistry, don’t you remember that?

Oliver: _________________________________ And it makes me feel even more upset.

Cathereine: Ok, don’t worry! _____________________ Let’s have something to eat now and then I’ll see if I can help you with your Chemistry.

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