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Ex. 4. Прочитайте та перекладіть лист:

Department of English Language

University of Glasgow

12 University Gardens

Glasgow G12 8QH

28 September 1997

Dr Hilary Roberts

School of Languages

University of Westminster

18 Euston Centre



Dear Dr Hilary Crystal

I wonder whether you would like to come and lecture to our students again this term? They very much enjoyed your talk on sociolinguistics last year, and several of them have asked for a repeat performance. We shall, of course, pay you normal fee. Perhaps, you would be kind enough to phone me so that we can fix a date.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely


Rebecca Lee

Faculty Secretary

Ex. 5. Прочитайте та перекладіть поради для написання ділових листів:

When you write a business letter, use this checklist to remind you of the key principles of effective letter writing:

Keep it Short

Cut needless words and needless information

Cut stale phrases and redundant statements

Cut the first paragraph if it refers to previous correspondence

Cut the last paragraph if it asks for future correspondence

Keep it Simple

Use familiar words, short sentences and short paragraph

Keep your subject matter as simple as possible

Keep related information together

Use a conversational style

Keep it Strong

Answer the reader's question in the first paragraph

Give your answer and then explain why

Use concrete words and examples

Keep to the subject

Keep it Sincere

Answer promptly

Be human and as friendly as possible

Write as if you were talking to your reader.

Домашнє завдання:

Ex.1,2. Вивчити новий лексичний матеріал.

Ex. 6. Прочитайте та перекладіть лист:

Barton Supplies 9867 Cobton Rd., Charlesville, MI 963214

July 30, 2004

Chuck Riley

Total Parts and Service

P.O Box 5423

Littletown, OH 25467-8756

Dear Mr. Riley:

We have not yet received your payments. This is to remind you that both your first and second payments of $250.00 are now overdue. A total of $500.00 plus the balance of $125.00 is due on August 26, 2004.

In the credit agreement you signed, you agreed to pay off your bill in three payments. The first payment of $250.00 was due June 20, 2004, the second of $250.00 was due on July 20, 2004, and the final payment of $125.00 is due on August 20, 2004. Please send the full amount in 10 days.

Failure to pay on time will affect your ability to charge merchandise at out store. If you want to discuss your account, call me at 888-356-8745. Perhaps we can arrange a more comfortable payment plan.

Thank you for your immediate attention.


Paime Mimonei

Credit Manager

Cc: Norm Johns