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Основы налогообложения (Терминасова, Малыхина).doc
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I. Answer the following questions:

  1. Is NIC related to people’s income?

  2. Who pays further contribution for the workers in paid employment?

  3. What were these payments for at first?

  4. How can you characterize the additional contribution the citizens pay now?

  5. How did these payments begin?

  6. What do most countries think about this system?

  7. What approach has been taken by the newly emerging industrialized countries?

II. Complete the sentences by choosing suitable endings right-hand column.

All workers and employers put …

.. effective social security systems.

A number of the world’s poorest countries are unable to operate …

… a different approach, however.

A national insurance contribution or a social security payment is simply …

… an additional tax.

Some of the newly emerging industrialized countries have taken …

… substantial proportions of their wages into a special fund.

Though there has been some cutting back in the past decade, there is …

… nevertheless broad agreement that the system is valuable and that it provides an important safety net for those in net or in retiment.

III. Find in the text and write out Russian equivalents for the following combinations.

Additional contribution; specific purposes; basic health care; related to income; possible future deprivation; social security payment; industrialized nations; to operate effective social security systems; sub-stantial proportions; the release of funds; the newly emerging industrialized countries.

IV. Find in the text and write out English equivalents for the following Russian combinations:

Пособие от государства; принудительное страхование; система страховки; откладывают значительную часть зарплаты в специальный фонд; развивающиеся страны; вероятнее всего зависит от дохода; снимать деньги со счета на определенные цели; помимо подоходного налога; получила распространение в большинстве промышленно развитых стран; принудительное накопление; для личного пользования.

V. Fill in articles where necessary.

  1. Some of … newly emerging industrialized countries have taken … different approach.

  2. There may be … further payment from … employer.

  3. … individuals pay … additional tax which may be … same for everyone.

  4. … idea was generated by … UK and spread to … most industrialized countries.

  5. … number of the world’s poorest countries cannot afford social security systems.

  6. On … retirement … money is given back to … individual for his or her own use.

  7. Malaysia has one of … highest rates of housing construction in … world.

  8. It is … kind of compulsory saving for … wage earners.

VI. Fill in preportions where necessary.

  1. NIC is likely to be related … their income.

  2. The idea spread … most industrialized countries.

  3. In addition … income tax, cilizens pay other taxes.

  4. A scheme exists, and all workers and employers put money … a special fund.

  5. Investment … and release … the fund have enableв people to build houses of their own.

  6. The contributor receives tax-free interest … the accumulated funds.

  7. … retirement, the money reverts … the individual … his / her own use.

  8. Allowances … the state are paid … times … need.

  9. Compulsory insurance is levied by government … possible future deprivation.