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Applying of basic medicines.doc
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Safety Tips

Prescription medications can be beneficial, while at the same time they may become dangerous. If they are abused or failed to be `administered correctly the patient may suffer a serious adverse or toxic reaction.

Consider the following:

Some patients may have difficulty seeing! Ask if their pharmacist can use a larger print size on their prescription bottles.

While your employer, usually the doctor is responsible for prescribing the right medication, and the pharmacist is in charge of filling the prescription, you as the medical assistant might be responsible for administering the medications and assisting your doctor and pharmacist in any way that you can by being able to answer questions about the medication and also making important information about the medication available to the patient.

Here are some tips on how you can fulfill those responsibilities:

During the initial patient intake interview ask the patient what medications he/she is currently on. Carefully list all medications by name and the dosage instructions into the patient's record every time the patient is seen. Write legibly and in a spot where the doctor can refer to it easily.

Suggest that the patient carries a smaller version of her medications list in her purse or wallet. That way, you will be able to reference it if question arise regarding current medications.

Always ask the patient if he/she has experienced allergies to medications and also chart it into the medical record each and every time the patient is seen. The abbreviation for no allergies to medications generally is NKDA (no known drug allergies.) If the patient reports allergies to medications it MUST be documented and the chart should be clearly labeled on the outside cover. Special medication alert stickers are available!

Depending on the severity of the allergic reaction to certain medications, suggest to the patient to wear an identification bracelet with the allergy information on it. Explain that in an emergency situation, if he/she is unable to communicate the information on that bracelet could save her life.

Don't forget to instruct the patient that if he/she is having any adverse or abnormal reactions to your prescription medications to contact the nurse and physician immediately!

Teach the patient to read prescription labels carefully and instruct them to follow any restrictions or warnings. Make sure he/she understands which medications may affect or impair physical or cognitive skills and instruct her to refrain from operating dangerous machinery while on those medications. And again, make sure it is charted into the patient's medical record!

Safety Alerts!

Use Caution with Pain Relievers

(NAPS) -- Pain relievers, when used correctly, are safe and effective. Millions of people use these medicines everyday. Not using them according to the label directions can have serious consequences.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines list all their active ingredients on the package.

For prescription drugs, the leaflet that comes with your prescription lists the active ingredients contained in the medicine. Many OTC medicines sold for different uses have the same active ingredient. Also, active ingredients in OTC medicines can be ingredients in prescription medicines. For example, a cold-and-cough remedy may have the same active ingredient as a headache remedy or a prescription pain reliever.

There are basically two types of OTC pain relievers. Some contain acetaminophen and others contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These medicines are used to relieve the minor aches and pains associated with:






menstrual cramps

These medicines are also used to treat migraine headaches, and to reduce fever.

Acetaminophen is a very common pain reliever and fever reducer. Taking too much of this active ingredient can lead to liver damage. The risk for liver damage may be increased if you drink three or more alcoholic drinks while using acetaminophen-containing medicines.

NSAIDs are common pain relievers and fever reducers. Examples of OTC NSAIDs are aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, and ketoprofen. There are some factors that can increase your risk for stomach bleeding:

if you are over 60

taking prescription blood thinners

have previous stomach ulcers

other bleeding problems

NSAIDs can also cause reversible damage to the kidneys. The risk of kidney damage may increase in:

people who are over 60

people who have high blood pressure, heart disease or pre-existing kidney disease

people who are taking a diuretic

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