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к.р. Англ.язык.docx
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Вариант 2 Грамматическое задание

1. Вставьтевпропускиглагол to be в Present, Past, Future Indefinite (Sim­ple).

1. Where ... your children now? - They ... at school. 2. I ... at the institute yester­day, but I ... not ... there tomorrow. 3. Jack ... a doctor when he grows up. 4. Where ... you last week? - I ... in the country. 5. Jack ... inMoscow last year, but now he ... in St Petersburg. 6. These houses ... not very old. 7. Today the weather ... nice, but yesterday it ... cold. 8. Where ... you last Friday? -1 ... at the institute. 9. ... your parents ... at home tomorrow? 10. Thistimelastyearwe ... inParis.

2. Поставьте подчеркнутые существительные в форму множест­венного числа, если это возможно, сделав все необходимые изменения в предложениях.

1 .That is a goose. 2. When I was in the farmyard yesterday, I saw a sheep. 3. That city is not far from Moscow. 4. There was a woman in the hall. 5. This lady is that, gentleman's wife. 6. The ox drove a cart. 7. This is an English dictionary. 8. The roof of the house was covered with snow. 9. The cat caught a mouse. 10. The deer was in the man's field. 11. Thenewswasbad.

3. Переведитепианглийскийязык.

1. Внаших библиотеках много книг. 2. В чашке не было чая. 3. В вашем городе будет много кинотеатров. 4. В автобусе нет людей. 5. В этом тексте есть новые слова?

4. Раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательные и наречия в сравни­ тельную или превосходную степень. Предложенияпереведите.

1. This is the (simple) way to solve the problem. 2. You proved the theorem (well) than my friend. 3. It was our (late) meeting. We never met then. 4. This is my house, and his house is (far) than mine. 5. The (attentively) you listen, the (much) you hear. 6. Jack is my (old) brother. 7. Moscow University is the (large) University in Europe. 8. The Caucasus are the (high) mountains in Europe. 9. Ann is the (good) student in our group. 10. Friendship is (strong) than steel.

5. Употребите нужную форму личных местоимений.

1. My friend sends (I, me) a letter every week. 2. His brother knows (she, her) very well. 3. (I, me) often see (they, them) in the park. 4. Don't ask (he, him) about it. 5. Does (he, him) know Latin? -No, (he, him) doesn't know it at all. 6. Some­times (we, us) meet (she, her) at the Browns'. 7. The teacher greets (we, us) every morning. 8. Your son studies together with (she, her), doesn't (he, him)? 9. Your teacher knows (we, us) very well. 10. (I, me) know (he, him) and his wife.

6. Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений.

1. We have (our, ours) English class here. 2. Joan likes (her, hers) new dress very much. 3. Paul and Jack keep (their, theirs) books in the bookcase. Where does she keep (her, hers)? 4. I usually go to see (my, mine) friends in the evening. When do you go to see (your, yours)? 5. She always helps (her, hers) parents, and I always help (my, mine). 6. All (our, ours) books are on the table, and where are (your, yours)? 7. (Their, theirs) garden is beautiful, but (our, ours) is more beautiful.