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Our Academy

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law was formed on the base of Khabarovsk Institute of National Economy, established in 1970. In 1994 the Khabarovsk branches of Moscow Commercial University and Moscow State Juridical Academy were joined as the faculties of Khabarovsk Institute of National Economy.

The Institute was reorganized into the Academy according to the Order of the State Committee of Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

At the present time Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law is one of the leading Universities of the Far East.

More than 11 thousand students are studying at the Academy. The training of the diploma-specialists is done by the six faculties in full-time, part-time, long or short term forms of education and also distance learning (part-time).There are 17 specialities and 20 specializations: law, management, banking, finance, insurance, taxes and taxation, accounting, auditing, statistics, foreign economic activities, commerce, marketing, advertising, tourism, information technologies in economy, mathematic methods in economy.

Academy is taking an active part in Bologna process and offers to get the education in multi-level programs:

  • "Bachelor" in the following directions: economics, management, jurisprudence, commerce;

  • "Master of International Business" in the following directions: financial management, strategic management, international business, enterprise economy.

Academy is actively developing international collaboration with the Universities of different country.

Foreign students can study at the Center of Cross-Cultural Communication having classes of the Russian language and Russian Culture. Foreign students can be tested in the Russian language knowledge (TORFL).

Two studying buildings, laboratories, computer-classes, classes with free access to internet, sport-complex, mini-stadium, playgrounds, tennis-court are at the students disposal.

The library fund of the Academy is rich in educational and scientific literature and the total amount of books is about 400 thousand, including foreign editions. The electronic catalogue of books and articles is working at the library.

The student scientific-research center of Academy is dealing with organizing and carrying out the scientific competitions, conferences, preparing and realizing the students' programs and projects.

The creative studios are working at the Academy, they regularly hold the youth creative evenings, concerts and festival "Freshmen", KVN (Club of Cheerful and Smart).

great uncertainty – сильная неуверенность

to have a goal in life – иметь цель в жизни

drug addiction – наркотическая зависимость

a sign of an intelligent and broad-minded person – признак умной и

разносторонней личности

in order – чтобы

to alarm smb – тревожить кого-либо

to plan the future career – планировать будущую карьеру

to be well-educated – быть хорошо образованным

to be a sore point – быть больным вопросом

problems with adults – проблемы со взрослыми

early pregnancy – ранняя беременность

violence and crime among youth – насилие и преступность среди молодежи

to face a drugs crisis – столкнуться с наркотическим кризисом

to loose the connections with parents – терять связь с родителями

to evoke – вызывать

to take the first step in doing smth. – cделать первый шаг в чем-либо

to prevent the selling of drugs – предотвратить продажу наркотиков

to dedicate to – посвящать чему-либо

if they are given drugs – если им предложат наркотики

number one problem among smb.- проблема номер один среди кого-либо

conscription – воинская повинность

to be like a prison – быть как в тюрьме

military service – военная служба

to be society’s future – быть будущим общества

to be “lost” – быть «потерянным»

to be full of self-criticism – быть полным самокритики

frequent changes of mood – быстрая, частая смена настроения

dissatisfaction with the appearance – неудовлетворенность внешностью

to be easily influenced by – легко попадать под влияние

to fulfill one’s duties in time – выполнять свои обязанности вовремя

to be illiterate – быть безграмотным

ignorance – невежество

to make your dreams come true – претворять мечту в жизнь

Youth is a special time for any person: he or she is no longer a child and not yet an adult. And young people have some problems special to this period of life. One of them is the problem of finding oneself. Some teenagers still remain in a condition of Great Uncertainty: they don’t have particular interests or hobbies; there are no particular aims in their lives. That’s why they are in a constant search, which sometimes makes them choose the wrong way, for example drug addiction. I think if a person has a goal in life, or there is something in the world that interests him or her very much, that person is lucky. A wide range of interest is a sign of an intelligent and broad-minded person. That’s why almost all young people try different sides of life in order to find something which attracts them most of all.

The problem that alarms me most of all is the problem of planning my future career. It is essential to have a good job. And to get a good job you have to be well-educated I can’t enter any university without good knowledge, for example of English, so it is necessary to pay for special lessons which mean heavy expenses.

After graduating from the university you have another problem. How to find a good job? Unemployment is a sore point in our country. Even qualified professionals often cannot find a good job. they have to think a lot about the possibility of finding a good job after finishing my education.

. They have so many problems. The main ones are: hard drags, diseases, such as AIDS, problems with adults, early pregnancy and of course violence and crime among youth.

Our world is facing a drugs crisis. The greater part of teenagers are using, or have used drugs. This is the main problem in the world, I think.

Because of drugs, boys and girls become angry. They loose their connections with their parents, and misunderstand them. They have a lot of communicative problems. Teenagers don’t have enough money to buy drugs, so they must steal. And using drugs evokes such a dangerous illness as AIDS. Drug addicts aware of their illness and with this their lives end.

To my mind our government should take the first step in stopping this problem and prevent the selling of drugs. Besides our government should lead different educative programs, such as “Stop AIDS”, or something like that. They should have dreams about their future career. And even if they are given drugs, they should just say “NO”.

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