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Лекции по Теоретической Фонетике для Переводчиков Курс лекций состоит из 10. План Лекций.

1.Вводная лекция. Знакомство с курсом. (Introductory word. Course presentation)

А. Фонетика как область языкознания. (Phonetics as a branch of linguistics)

Б. Вариативная фонетика. (Comparative phonetics. Literary language. Orthoepy.)

В.Особенности английского консонантизма и вокализма. Вариативность. (Peculiarities of English consonants and vowels)

2. Географическая и социальная вариативность английского произношения. Стилистическая и индивидуальная вариативность английского произношения. (Accent variation in English: Geographical and Social, Accent variation in English: Stylistic and individual.)

3.Словесное ударение в английском языке. (Word stress in English)

4. Интонационная система английского языка. Константность и вариативность.( English Intonation. Constant features and variation)

5. Интонация. Компоненты и функции. (Intonation: Components and functions)

6. Интонация: Мелодика, фразовое ударение. (Intonation: Speech melody and phrasal stress)

7. Интонация: Ритм. Темп. (Intonation: Rhythm. Tempo)

8. Интонация текста. Качество голоса. (Text Intonation. Tamber or Voice quality)

9.Единицы интонационного анализа. К проблеме о смыслоразличительной функции просодии. (Intonation analyses patterns. Prosody)

10. Просодия. Личность и ее просодическое выражение. (Prosody. Personality and its prosodic image)

Lecture 1. Phoetics: art or science? Phonetics as a branch of linguistics.

Today we are going to speak about phonetics as a branch of linguistics, about literary language and orthoepy, pronunciation norm and segmental level of the phonetic system of the language, about phonetics and communication.

Language - is the “immediate actuality of thought, the most important means of human intercourse, which exists in two main speech forms: oral and written. Speech is a manifestation of language. Phonetics is something closely connected with the oral form of our speech. It is a manifestation of speech if you like, it is concerned with the study of speech in human communication.

The phonetic system of a language is a set of phonetic units arranged in orderly way to replace each other in a given framework. In fact phonetic system contains two levels: segmental and suprasegmental or prosodic. These levels are specifically organized in a language and have certain number of its elements.

What are they? What units constitute the segmental level of the phonetic system? These units are elementary sounds, vowels and consonants which form the vocalic and consonantal subsystems. Prosodic units are syllables, accentual or rhythmic units, intonation groups, utterances, which form the subsystems of pitch, stress, rhythm, tempo, pauses.

Here comes the question: what is phonetics???? The study of the sound phenomena of language, in all their aspects and varieties, constitutes the subject of the phonetic science.

It is concerned with the human speech and therefore with man himself. Phonetics explains the way in which our thoughts and feelings are realized in speech, when and a person acquires a knowledge of communication by means of sounds, how the pronunciation changes influenced by age changes in a man and the way it changes depending upon the situation.

The pronunciation of English language is of great interest because the language is global, but not because you should have such a subject and you learn English. People are in need of understanding each other in the world of global contacts and international relations.

Still it is a well-known fact that English has a variety of pronunciation norms of social and territorial origin I the countries where it is the native tongue for the majority and in the countries where it became the language of education.

For us, those who deal with English almost everyday and for your future it is necessary to know the difference between the pronunciation of vowels and consonants in English and Russian: to feel ad to understand the difference in the intonation patterns. Phonetics shows this difference.

Borisova-Metlyk sees phonetics as a branch of linguistics which studies sounds in the broad sense, comprising segmental sounds (vowels and consonants) and prosodic phenomena - pitch, stress, tempo, rhythm and pauses.

Dictionary of English Linguistics gives the following definition: phonetics is a science or study of the sounds of speech. (we may consider it to be incomplete, because it doesn’t include prosodic systems)

Akhmanova dictionary of linguistic terms contains the following information: phonetics is a branch of linguistics, which studies the way in which sounds are made in speech and explains their acoustic features, otherwise physiology and acoustics of speech sounds.

Shevchenko, the representative of Leningrad school of Phonetics, defines phonetics as a science concerned with the study of speech in human communication. One of the main aims of the phonetic science is to explain, to show, to describe the sounds are produced by the speaker (production), the way the sounds are perceived by the listener (perception), and the way the sounds may be processed (analysis and synthesis).

Speech production is studied by articulatory phonetics, speech perception is the object of auditory phonetics, speech signal measurements are taken by various techniques in acoustic phonetics.

Taking all this into consideration we can say that phonetics occupies itself with the study of ways in which the sounds are organized in to a system of units and the variation of units in all the types and styles of the spoken language. It also studies the acoustic properties of sounds, the physiological basis of sound production and the sound phenomena that reveal the individual peculiarities of the speaker.

The 2 major questions that I would like ask you now, after giving you some points on the subject, are:

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