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Colour wheel

A colour wheel or colour circle is an organization of colour hues around a circle, showing relationships between colours considered to be primary colours, secondary colours, complementary colours, etc. Artists typically use red, yellow, and blue primaries (RYB colour model), so these are arranged at three equally-spaced points around their colour wheel. Printers and others who use modern subtractive colour methods and terminology use magenta, yellow, and cyan as subtractive primaries. Colour scientists and psychologists often use additive primaries, such as red, green, and blue, and often refer to their arrangement around a circle as a colour circle, as opposed to a colour wheel.

The arrangement of colours around the colour circle is often considered to be in correspondence with the wavelengths of light, as opposed to hues, in accord with the original colour circle of Isaac Newton. Modern colour circles include the purples, however, between red and violet. Intermediate and interior points of colour wheels and circles represent colour mixtures. In a paint or subtractive colour wheel, the center is usually (but not always) black, representing all colours of light being absorbed; in a colour circle, on the other hand, the center is white or gray, indicating a mixture of different wavelengths of light (all wavelengths, or two complementary colours, for example).

Some sources use the terms colour wheel and colour circle interchangeably, though the one term or the other may be more prevalent in certain fields or certain versions as mentioned above. Some reserve the term colour wheel for mechanical rotating devices, such as colour tops or filter wheels. Others classify various colour wheels as colour disc, colour chart, and colour scale varieties.

18. Answer the questions:

a) What is a colour wheel?

b) What primaries do artists typically use?

c) What is the arrangement of colours around the colour circle often considered to be connected with?

d) Are the terms “colour wheel” and “colour circle” interchangeable?

19. Say whether the following is true or false:

a) Printers and others who use modern subtractive colour methods and terminology use magenta, yellow, and cyan as additive primaries.

b) Intermediate and interior points of colour wheels and circles represent colour mixtures.

c) In a paint or subtractive colour wheel, the center is usually black, representing all colours of light being absorbed.

d) The term “colour wheel” is used to describe mechanical rotating devices, such as colour tops or filter wheels.

20. Translate into English:

Системы (RGB, CMYK, HSL): в различных случаях в зависимости от того, как воспроизводится цвет используются различные цветовые системы. Если мы используем источники света - доминирующей системой является RGB (от "red/green/blue" - "красный/зеленый/синий"). Для цветов, которые получаются путем смешивания красок, пигментов или чернил на ткани, бумаге, полотне или другом материале, в качестве цветовой модели используется система CMY (от "cyan/magenta/yellow" - "циан/фуксин/желтый"). В связи с тем, что чистые пигменты очень дороги, для получения черного (букве K соответствует Black) цвета используется не равная смесь CMY, а просто черная краска. Другой популярной цветовой системой является HSL (от "hue/saturation/lightness" - "цвет/насыщенность/яркость"). У этой системы есть несколько вариантов, где вместо насыщенности используется хроматичность (chroma), светимость (luminance) вместе с яркостью (value) (HSV/HLV). Именно эта система соответствует тому, как человеческий глаз видит цвет.

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