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9. Прочитайте и кратко перескажите истории, используя план реферирования (см. Приложение). Обратите внимание на незнакомые слова.

lane – полоса движения

reverse – обратный ход

polite – вежливый

offence – нарушение, проступок

to commit – совершить что-либо

rate – тариф, расценка

licence – лицензия, водительские права

1. Two drivers

Two motorcars met in a very narrow lane in London. Neither of the drivers wanted to reverse and clear the road. The driver of the first car took out the newspaper “Times” and began reading. In an hour the second driver asked politely: “When you finish reading, won’t you give the newspaper to me? “

2. They will have to go in reverse

It is suggested that a speed limit for a motorist should be reduced for every offence he commits. Then some drivers would soon have to go in reverse.

3. Much more difficult

A famous doctor was protesting to the owner of a garage about the large sum of money he had to pay for repairs to his car. “All this for a couple of hours’ work”, he exclaimed. “Why your people are paid at a higher rate then we are”. “Well, you see; replied the garage man; “you’ve been working on the same model since the beginning of time; but we have to learn all about a new model every year.”

4. She has no licence

“Have you got the licence?” asked the police patrol driver.

“Don’t be funny, officer.” Said the woman-motorist who had just hit a lamp-post. “Who would give me a licence for the way I drive? “

5. Wasn’t she afraid?

The old lady was going to take a taxi. “Driver,” she said, “I want you to take me to the station.” “Yes, madam”, said the driver. “And you must drive slowly and carefully. Don't go until the policeman lowers his arm, and, please, don't rush round the corners as the road is very wet.” The driver was getting angry. “All right, madam,” he said. “But if we do have an accident, what hospital would you like to be taken to?”

10. Найдите в текстах автомобильные термины и приведите их русские эквиваленты. Переведите тексты. Обратите внимание на незнакомые слова.

to pound – бить , колотить

club – полицейская дубинка

to cause – вызывать, приучать

to obey – повиноваться, подчиняться

intensifier – усилитель

1. A nation of auto lovers

We are a nation of auto lovers. We know all about cars. If you don't believe it stop your car in a city street. Two fellows will get out of a truck and lift your hood. The first will say: “What do you think, Bill?” “I don't know,” the other will answer, “what do you think?”

Another fellow will advise you to try stopping on the starter. The next fellow will carefully examine the fenders and want to know if you have gas.

Another truck will stop. The driver will step down, wipe your windshield and lights and ask if you’d like a push.

Then a policeman will appear and advise you to “get your car out of there.” Then he will pound all the tires with his club. The engine; which was flooded, will immediately start, and you will say a grateful goodbye to all the happy mechanics.

2. Road safety

Every year several thousand people are killed on the roads in Great Britain. These people are injured in road accidents; mainly they are knocker down at the junctions. Accidents are often caused by carelessness in respect to the road signs. Mind, that the road safety mainly depends on obeying the traffic rules.

3. If the driver is tired

The French engineer Jan Guebelen has invented a new device for drivers. The “signalizer” registers the physical state of the driver tiredness, nervousness and use of strong drinks. The device in the form of a bracelet worn on the hand is connected to the intensifier mounted on the control board of the cars; its signals put in action the servoengine which controls feeding of fuel to the carburetor, thus reducing the speed or bringing the car to a full stop.

If the driver is tired a bell is sounded to make him stop the car. In case he does not do it the car will stop by itself. It will not start until the driver has rested. If the driver is drunk, the bracelet will not “allow” him to start the car. A very useful device, especially, if we take into consideration the number of accidents on the roads caused by drivers being tired or drunk.

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