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Конструкція to be going (to)

І am going to read this book.

Я збираюся (маю намір) прочитати цю книгу.

15 Translate the following:

1 He is reading a book now. I am going to read too. 2 They are working in a laboratory at present. We are going to work in the laboratory too. 3 The therapeutist is examining his patients now. The pediatrician is going to examine these children. 4 These nurses are giving the drugs to the patients now. This nurse is going to give the drugs to the patients too. 5 The patients are having their dinner at present. 6 The students are going to have their dinner too.

16 Answer the questions according to the model:

A.: I have already published my findings. Have you?

B.: I have not published my findings

I’ll have published them by the end of the month

1 I have already changed my method of research. Have you? 2 I have already counted the red blood cell. Have you? 3 They have completed their investigations. Have they?

17 Supply already or yet:

1 The scientists have introduced this term. 2 The researchers have not found out the origin of this disease. 3 The people have estimated the importance of this great discovery. 4 They have not published the book on their discoveries.

18 Explain the use of the definite time in each sentence:

1 a) I am waiting for the results of my blood analysis. б) I have been waiting for the results of my blood analysis for an hour. 2 a) The surgeon is examining the patient. б) The surgeon has been examining the patient for half an hour. 3 a) The nurse is giving the injections. б) The nurse has been giving the injections for two hours. 4 Professor Petrov delivered the lecture in Physiology yesterday. 5 Professor Petrov has already delivered the lecture in Physiology. 6 Professor Petrov has not yet delivered the lecture in Physiology. 7 Yesterday we got interesting findings after our experiments on animals. 8 We have just got some interesting findings after our experiments on animals. 9 We have not yet got any interesting findings after our experiment on animals.

19 Choose the correct form:

Mrs. Wood has hurt her arm. She is at the doctor’s.

Doctor: Does your arm hurt when you move it, Mrs. Woods?

Mrs. Woods: Yes, a little. It’s hurting/It’s been hurting me for about a week now. I fell/I was falling off a ladder when I cleaned/I was cleaning the windows at home last Tuesday. Are you thinking/Do you think that I’ve broken/I’ve been breaking my arm, doctor?

Doctor: No, you aren’t breaking/I haven’t broken it, Mrs. Woods. But I think you should go to hospital for an X-ray.

20 Translate the following:

1 The doctor had finished the examination of the patients when we came there. 2 What are these students waiting for? 3 Did the doctor make exact diagnose of the illness? 4 They were discussing this question at 6 o'clock yesterday. 5 They will be working at the surgical department from 9 till 12 o'clock tomorrow. 6 This Institute developed unique methods for the treatment of this disease. 7 Have you ever used this method of treatment? 8 Vascular surgery has made great progress. 9 We know that this professor had invented a new apparatus. 10 Does this doctor work at your hospital? 11 At present he is performing an operation.

21 Choose the necessary form of the verb:

1 The staff of this hospital (to elaborate) the methods of some complex operations this year. 2 The Institute (to restore) good health to many people last year. 3 This new hospital (to house) five clinical departments. 4 There (to be) a lot of patients in this clinic. 5 Now the doctors of this department (to make) the morning round. 6 They already (to examine) many patients. 7 The nurses (to give) the prescribed drugs to the patients tomorrow. 8 When the doctor (to come) in to the ward yesterday, the nurse (to make) all the proce­dures.

22 Fill in the blanks with ill or sick, pay attention to the different tense forms in the active voice:

1 Most of the … people are old. 2 How long has she been … with pneumonia? 3 She has been looking after her … aunt for a few months 4 I always feel … on board the plane 5 My grandfather is a … person. 6 I am sure the food was bad. I was … after I had eaten it. 7 Why is she absent? – She is …. 8 When are you going to visit your … uncle? 9 When we are … we send for a doctor.

23 Translate the following sentences, note the use of different tense forms:

1 We know that this writer is working at his new book. 2 Here are the students who work at the therapeutic department. 3 My friend says that he translated these articles without a dictionary. 4 His brother who lives in London is a specialist in ophthalmology. 5 This boy said to me that he studied at the medical college. 7 Those who stopped smoking, noticed complete or almost complete relief from coughing. 8 We think professor N. will deliver his lectures next month. 9 This is a student you wanted to speak to. 10 The scientist showed in his report the medicine had made a big progress in its development. 11 The place I was born is a big city now. 12 At the meeting our dean said they were going to send some students to Great Britain to visit their hospitals. 13 My mother has been suffering from a bad pain in the substernal area for three hours. 14 The patient had been complaining of a considerable muscular pain before he was admitted to the hospital. 15 By 3 o’clock the professor will have been delivering the lecture for half an hour.

24 Put the given verbs in the appropriate tense:

1 Whom … the doctor … at the hospital every day? (treat) 2 What … you … now? (study) 3 What … the surgeon already … ? (transfuse) 4 What … the surgeon … for two hours? (perform) 5 What mark … you … in Anatomy at your examination last year? (receive) 6 On what … the lecturer … yesterday at 2 o’clock? (report) 7 What … you … to do before you saw me? (decide) 8 What … the nurse … for an hour before the surgeon began the operation? (sterilize) 9 In what … you … tomorrow? (take part) 10 What … you … tomorrow at 3 o’clock? (do) 11 How many patients … the doctor … tomorrow by 5 p.m.? (hospitalize)

25 Translate the following:

1 Since the students have finished their work, they went home. 2 When the professor had arrived at this hospital, he began to examine the patients. 3 As soon as we received your telegram, we sent the specialists to you. 4 The patient will stay at this clinic until (till) he feels better. 5 He went where the doctors recommended him. 6 After the patients have recovered, they were discharged from the hospital. 7 The doctor speaks slowly in order that the patients may understand him. 8 They went away because there was no one there. 9 While the therapeutist was examining the patients, he prescribed them the treatment.

26 Rearrange the words to obtain the correct word order:

1 I have yet today not seen nurse B. 2 Angiography was last night well performed. 3 Some five litres of blood are per minute forced into the arteries in a systole. 4 Successfully the operation was in the late afternoon on March 11-th performed. 5 I never have seen a so serious case of mitral incompetence. 6 Such only cases always should surgically be treated. 7 You ought certainly as soon as possible to have at the health center your blood pressure taken.

27 Ask another student:

1 – when tonsillitis necessitates surgical treatment; 2 – what the pharynx contains; 3 – whether the condition carries any risks; 4 – what gives rise to epistaxis; 5 – what pallor of the ear indicates; 6 – if vertigo might be the symptom of some other disorder; 7 – how the sinuses communicate with the nasal cavity; 8 – which way the olfactory nerve passes; 9 – if offensive odours are caused by the patient’s anosmia; 10 – who uses the head mirror and the tongue depressor

28 Translate the doctor’s questions:

1 Чи турбує вас шлунок? 2 Чи є інші скарги? 3 Чи дуже боляче?

4 Чи боляче ковтати?

29 Explain the difference in the meaning of words and form sentences to illustrate it:

physician - physicist

selection - selectivity

estimated - esteemed

to compute – to calculate

disposal - disposition

automated - automatic

immunity - impunity

unlike - unlikely

treatment - cure

indispensable - necessary

advanced - progressive

to remain – to stay

progress - progression

alternative - unthinkable

technique - technology

institute - institution

30 a) Read the sentences used by a doctor during the examination:

1 Open your mouth, please. 2 Say “Ah”. 3 Strip to the waist. 4 Breathe deeply. Don’t breathe. 5 Stand quietly. 6 Lie down on the coach. 7 Show me where have you pain. 8 Dress now.

b) Say your indications and requests to your patient using the correct form of the verb:

to take the temperature, to show the tongue, to stand quietly, to strip to the waist, to breathe deeply, to lie down on the coach.

31 You are giving the sick boy's mother some instructions and advices. Put the verbs in the suitable form:

1 To apply cups (mustard plasters) on her child. 2 To give the prescribed medicine. 3 To give hot milk or hot tea with raspberry jam. 4 To make her boy an enema. 5 To keep her boy in bed. 6 To make his analyses of blood and urine. 7 To control his temperature. 8 To pay more attention to his feeding. 9 To give him some vitamins. 10 To visit the pediatrician after some days.

32 Give your instructions using the verbs in the correct form:

To the child: 1 to come here; 2 to take off your shirt; 3 to breathe deeply; 4 to turn round; 5 to lie down on the coach; 6 to stand up; 7 to open your mouth; 8 to show your tongue.

To his mother: 1 to take your child in your lap; 2 to take off his shirt; 3 to dress him; 4 to apply mustard plasters and cupping-glasses every other day; 5 to keep him in a bed; 6 to give him the medicine; 7 to give him to drink hot milk.

33 Give the doctor’s instructions:

1 (to ask) the doctor to come here. 2 (to give) the medicine to this patient. 3 (to examine) these patients, please. 4 (to fill in) this case history. 5 (to help) this boy to use the thermometer. 6 (not to pick up) this medicine.

34 Translate the following:

1 Зробіть електрокардіограму. 2 Зробіть аналізи крові та сечі. 3 Підійдіть до кардіолога і перевірте серце.