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Занятие 4 oral practice

Знакомство с Чайковским филиалом ПГТУ (гиды - студенты института, гости – группа туристов).

Reading practice

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст № 4, найдите ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. How many faculties are there at Moscow State University? 2. What faculties are there at the University? 3. How many students and teachers work and study there? 4. What training facilities has the University? 5. In what countries have the scientists from the University delivered lectures over the past few years?

Text 4 moscow state university

Universities have long been sources of scientific knowledge and culture. Moscow State University is one of the largest and one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in our country. Founded in 1755 by the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov, it has a student body (контингент студентов) of 32,000. The faculty (профессорско-преподавательский состав) of the University is as large as 3,000.

Marx Prospect, 20

Lenin Hills

These are the two addresses belonging to Moscow State University.

On Marx Prospect we can see its old buildings. On their walls there are plaques [pla:ks] (мемориальные доски) with the names of outstanding scientists and public figures who studied and delivered their courses of lectures there, for instance, the great revolutionary democrats Belinsky, Herzen, Ogarev, the famous writers Griboyedov, Turgenev and Chekhov and well-known scientists Pirogov, Sechenov, Timiryasev and Zhukovsky .

The University has excellent training facilities. It is necessary to walk a distance of some 150 km to see them all. There are 15 faculties here: Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Mechanics and Mathematics, Geology, Soil Biology and others. Each faculty has its own up-to-date laboratories, libraries and experimental areas. The University also has research institutes, experimental stations, museums, botanical gardens, etc.

The University has agreements on scientific cooperation with a lot of foreign universities. Over the last few years the scientists from the University have delivered lectures in all the countries, e.g. the USA, France, Great Britain and Canada.

The University has a student hostel, apartments for the faculty, a conference hall seating 1500, a student club, a complex of summer and winter sports facilities.

While studying at the University many students take part in amateur activities (художественная самодеятельность). They have their choir and dramatic company (драматическая труппа), that are very popular not only among students.

So the University provides all the conditions necessary both for good studies and leisure.

Grammar review

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте предложения с прилагательными, определите степени сравнения и переведите их на русский язык.

Задание 3. Найдите в тексте предложения в Present Perfect. Переведите их на русский язык. Скажите, почему автор использовал здесь эту временную форму.

Домашнее задание. Выпишите из текста 10-12 слов и словосочетаний. Расскажите о МГУ, используя данные слова.

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