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2. Match the parts of the sentences совпадение части предложения

  1. I remember how frightened I was mostly…

A) for me and I was very shy.

  1. We drove up to that huge school building…

B) lined up along the walls.

  1. When we entered the classroom…

C) but I said that I didn’t know how to.

  1. I think that was just big stress …

D) because I didn’t know what to expect

  1. Some other kids who seemed concerned…

E) as one of the best and sweetest in my life.

  1. I noticed all the children …

F) so I threw my pencil case at her.

  1. I hardly noticed the parents …

F) and a bit scared.

  1. It is a paper cone …

G) played with me and we became good friends.

  1. Without a doubt this day stayed in my mind…

H) and the teacher was trying to teach him how.

  1. She was telling me to do my handwriting …

I) and my mom walked me in.

  1. He couldn’t pronounce the word “truck” properly …

J) I ran as fast as I could outside.

  1. She called me stupid …

K) dressed in their best outfits, sitting quietly in their seats.

  1. I was excited …

L) embarrassed about it.

  1. But as soon as she did it…

M) with different tasty things.

  1. Now I feel very …

N) there was so much noise

1. Я помню, как испугалась я в основном ... 2. Мы подъехали к огромному зданию школы ... 3. Когда мы вошли в класс ... 4. Я думаю, что это просто большой стресс ...

3. True or false? Правда или ложь?



  1. Terry lived in Boston in 1995.

  1. Terry had never been away from home.

  1. Terry cried most of the first day at school.

  1. Terry doesn’t remember what his class looked like.

  1. The first day at school is a sad memory for Cathy.

  1. Cathy entered the classroom with a shy look.

  1. Cathy’s parents waited for her outside the school.

  1. The first school table of James was green.

  1. James threw his pencil case at his new classmate.

  1. James had to collect litter in the classroom for detention.