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Практичне заняття № 3

Тема заняття: Товари продовольчі та промислові


blouse – блуза

shade – відтінок

sleeve – рукав

fashionable – модний

expensive – дорогий

fitting room – кімната для примірок

tight – малий (за розміром), тугий

smart – гарний (мати гарний вигляд)

wide choice – широкий вибір

A: What can I do for you, miss?

B: Well, I'm looking for a blouse.

A: Oh, we have a wide choice of blouses of various shades and colours.

What colour would you prefer?

B: I'd rather have something in blue with long sleeves.

A: Here is a one. It's fashionable and not very expensive. Do you like it?

B: Hmm... Yes, I do. And where is your fitting room?

A: Right opposite you. Does it fit you well?

B: I'm afraid it's a bit tight.

A: O.K.. I'll bring a bigger one. Is it all right?

B: Yes, it fits me perfectly.

А: You are looking smart. And the shade becomes you.

B: How much is it?

A: Just six pounds.

B: All right. Where do I pay?

A: You may pay here. Thank you. Come again.

Ex.1. Answer the following questions.

1. Where do you usually clothes?

2. How much does the price of the thing you want to buy influence you?

3. Do you always use fitting room while buying clothes?

4. What do you prefer to attend: supermarkets or markets?

Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

How to Dance Freely

The first thing you need to do is find big space to dance, you'll need a radio and some comfortable clothes to dance in.


1. Get some music you really like to listen to. If you can't then dance to the radio.

2. Just let your body move to the music and relax.

3. Don't care if anyone is watching.

4. Dancing should calm you down when you're mad at someone.

5. It's important to take in the beat of the song, and trying to move to it , be it sideways, or up and down. It makes you look alittle better rather than lost.

6. Move your arms, legs, hips, head etc.

7. Make up your own dances. dances you make up are probably going to look better on you than dances you've seen Shakira and Beyonce do.

8. Watch MTV and MuchMusic for ideas, try to mimic some moves but not the whole thing. Mix and Match.


1. Dance how ever you want to. Don't care at all what other people might think. In fact, don't think at all; just move.

2. Ballet dancing at a party that plays hip-hop music is bizzare and weird. And vise-versa. Moshing at a classy ball room event is just stupid. Don't do that. Move with the music, not against it.

3. Don't worry if you're not a professional at dancing; other people are probably just as bad as you. Dancing is supposed to be fun, you can't have any fun if you're uptight and worried about what people are thinking.

4. Dirty dancing can be seen as inappropriate by some people. Be careful where you do it, i.e. don't bust out in a move that would make all the boys sweat if you're at a job function.

Ex. 1. Read the following text. Prepare for a discussion.

Граматинчий матеріал: виконання граматичних вправ

Study this example:

After although we use a subject + verb:     •    Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.     •    I didn't get the job although I had the necessary qualifications. Compare the meaning of although and because:     •    We went out although it was raining.     •    We didn't go out because it was raining.

Ex. 1. Complete the sentences with although / in spite of / because / because of. 1.    Although    it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. 2. a    _____________ all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.     b    _____________ we'd planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong. 3.  a    I went home early    I was feeling unwell.      b    I went to work the next day _____________ I was still feeling unwell. 4.  a    She only accepted the job _____________ the salary, which was very high.      b    She accepted the job _____________ the salary, which was rather low. 5.  a    I managed to get to sleep _____________ there was a lot of noise.      b    I couldn't get to sleep _____________ the noise. Use your own ideas to complete the following sentences: 6.  a   He passed the exam although _____________________________.      b   He passed the exam because _____________________________. 7.  a   I didn't eat anything although _____________________________.      b   I didn't eat anything in spite of ____________________________.

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