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3. Вставте пропущені слова, використовуючи текст “My Family”

1. I was born in __________________.

2.We are a family of ____________________.

3.We are happy to be living together and are ___________________ on all right.

  1. My father is a very _________________ person.

  1. My father often works____________________.

  1. He is the ___________________________ in our family.

  2. My mother is rather _________________ and _______________ she is always elegant and smart.

  1. She is a ___________________ woman of about 40.

  1. She is _____________________ of her work and always spends a lot of time there.

10.Shopping and ____________________ is nearly half a day's work for her.

11.I have a habit of __________________ her about the house.

  1. Boris is my _________________ brother.

  1. He has already _______________ university.

  1. They have got a child, my _________________________.

  2. It is a lovely little child of two with ________________ hair and dark blue eyes.

16.My granny always listens to my _______________________ stories about my school life.

  1. My granny used to work as a teacher in school, but she is on a ______________ now.

  1. I must admit, she is a very ___________________ person.

Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

Ex. 1. Read and translate the following text. Prepare for a discussion: The Way I Study History. History in My Life.

The Way I Study History

(Part 1)

1. Let mo introduce myself: I am Victor Belov, a student at Moscow University. "Now I am a freshman, as they put it in America, and I am doing history1 take a full course of world and Russian history, let alone some other things I ust say I take a special liking to the subjects in which I am going to major (to specialize). And that is modern history of Russia which was my favourite subject at school. It was shortly before leaving school that I made up my mind to enter this faculty and take up history seriously as my future speciality. Whether I will make a very good teacher or a research worker remains to be seen, but I am sure that eventually I will become quite knowledgeable in the field of history and perhaps social sciences. There are many historical subjects in our programme. When we are through with ancient history, we will pass over to the study of the Middle Ages ". As to Russian history, I think, we will start learning the contemporary period next year, but not until we are through with the feudal period. When I am in my third year, I wish to devote myself to the special study of modern and contemporary history by which I am greatly attracted.

Ex. 2. Supply vocabulary using given text.

Граматичний матеріал: Іменник. Однина і множина іменника.

These words are plural, so they take a plural verb: •    My trousers are too long.  (not my trousers is) You can also use a pair of + these words: •    Those are nice jeans.    or    That's a nice pair of jeans. (not a nice jeans) •    I need some new glasses.    or    I need a new pair of glasses. 

Some nouns end in -ics, but are not usually plural. For example:       athletics    economics    electronics   gymnastics    maths (= mathematics)    physics    politics •    Gymnastics is my favourite sport.  (not Gymnastics are) News is not plural: •    What time is the news on television?  (not are the news) Some words ending in -s can be singular or plural. For example:        means        a means of transport       many means of transport        series         a television series             two television series        species      a species of bird                 200 species of bird

Some singular nouns are often used with a plural verb. For example:      audience       committee       company        family        firm       government       staff       team These nouns are all groups of people. We often think of them as a number of people (= they), not as one thing (= it). So we often use a plural verb: •    The government (= they) want to increase taxes. •    The staff at the school (= they) are not happy with their new working conditions. In the same way, we often use a plural verb after the name of a sports team or a company: •    Italy are playing Brazil next week (in a football match). •    Shell have increased the price of petrol. A singular verb (The government wants ... / Shell has ... etc.) is also possible. We use a plural verb with police: •    The police are investigating the murder, but haven't arrested anyone yet. (not The police is ... hasn't) Note that we say a police officer / a policeman / a policewoman (not a police).

We do not often use the plural of person ('persons'). We normally use people (a plural word): •    He's a nice person.    but   They are nice people.  (not nice persons) •    Many people don't have enough to eat.  (not Many people doesn't)

We think of a sum of money, a period of time, a distance etc. as one thing. So we use a singular verb: •    Twenty thousand pounds (= it) was stolen in the robbery.  (not were stolen) •    Three years (= it) is a long time to be without a job.  (not Three years are) •    Six miles is a long way to walk every day.

Ex. 1. In each example the words on the left are connected with an activity (for example, a sport or an academic subject). Write the name of the activity. The beginning of the word is given.

1.    calculate       algebra       equation 2.    government       election        minister 3.    finance        trade        employment 4.    running        jumping        throwing

5.    light       heat       gravity 6.    exercises       somersault        parallel bars 7.    computer        silicon chip        video games

mathematics           p________________ e________________ a________________

ph_______________ gy_______________ el________________

Ex. 2. Most of these sentences are wrong. Correct them where necessary.

1.    Three years are a long time to be without a job. 2.    The government want to increase taxes. 3.    Susan was wearing a black jeans.    4.    Brazil are playing Italy in a football match next week.    5.    I like Martin and Jane. They're very nice persons.        6.    I need more than ten pounds. Ten pounds aren't enough. 7.    I'm going to buy a new pyjama.        8.    The committee haven't made a decision yet.        9.    There was a police directing traffic in the street.        10.  What is the police going to do?        11.  This scissors isn't very sharp.

Three years is a long time.    OK (wants is also corrrect)    _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Домашнє завдання:

  1. Скласти словник до теми “Моя сім’я”, підготуватись до словникового диктанту.

  2. Підготувати розповідь про своє рідне місто або село (використовуючи поданий матеріал). Доповнити текст розповіддю про своїх друзів та ваші захоплення (хобі).

  3. Опрацювати текст за професійним спрямуванням.

  4. Опрацювати граматичний матеріал, виконати подані вправи.