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1. access to smth (n, U) – доступ к чему-л.

access to markets — доступ к рынкам

e.g. All rooms in the hotel have access to the Internet. – Все комнаты в гостинице имеют доступ в Интернет.

2. advantage (n, С) - преимущество

an advantage of smth – приемущество в чем-л.

an advantage over smb/smth – преимущество над кем-л./чем-л.

e.g. Our team has the advantage of experience. — Преимуществом нашей команды является опыт.

Ant: disadvantage (n, C) – недостаток

e.g. Your advertisement has some disadvantages – Ваша реклама имеет недостатки.

3. attractive (adj) - привлекательный

e.g. The offer is very attractive to us — Это очень привлекательное для нас предложение.

attract (v) - привлекать

4. benefit (n, C) - выгода; польза

to get (a) benefit from smth — извлечь выгоду из чего-л.

Syn: advantage

Ant: disadvantage

5. commerce (n, U) - торговля; коммерция

home / foreign commerce — внутренняя / внешняя торговля

Chamber of Commerce — Торговая палата

commercial (adj) - коммерческий, торговый; прибыльный

6. compare smb/smth with smb/smth (v) – сравнивать кого-л./что-л. с кем-л./чем-л.

e.g. We always compare our goods with the goods of our partners. – Мы всегда сравниваем наши товары с товарами партнеров.

comparison (n, U) – сравнение

in comparison with – по сравнению с

7. compete with smb/smth (v) - конкурировать с кем-л./чем-л.

e.g. We compete with many foreign companies. — Мы конкурируем со многими иностранными компаниями.

competition (n, U) - конкуренция

competitor (n, C) - конкурент

competitive (adj) – конкурентноспособный

a competitive price – конкурентноспособная цена

8. consumer (n, С) – потребитель

сonsumer goods – потребительские товары

Syn: user, buyer

9. create (v) - производить, создавать

to create jobs – создавать рабочие места

10. deal (dealt - dealt) (v) – торговать; вести дела

to deal with smb in smth – торговать с кем-л. чем-л.

e.g. This shop deals in woollen goods. — Этот магазин торгует шерстяными изделиями.

e.g. We deal with a lot of customers. — Мы работаем с большим количеством заказчиков.

deal (n, C) - сделка, договор

to make / do a deal with smb - заключить сделку с кем-л.

e.g. We made a deal with them yesterday. — Вчера мы заключили с ними сделку.

11. equipment (n, U) - оборудование; оснащение

office equipment — офисное оборудование

equipment for road construction — оборудование для дорожного строительства

12. exceed (v) - превышать; выходить за пределы; превосходить

to exceed smb in smth – превосходить кого-л. в чем-л.

to exceed expectations – превосходить ожидания

13. feature (n, С) - особенность, характерная черта; признак

a special feature — особая черта

14. feedback (n, U) - обратная связь

15. go bankrupt - обанкротиться

e.g. The company went bankrupt last year. — Компания обанкротилась в прошлом году.

16. investigate (v) - расследовать; изучать

Syn: examine

investigation (n, C) – расследование

to carry out an investigation – проводить расследование

Syn: examination

17. marketing (n, U) - сбыт; маркетинг

marketing research — маркетинговые исследования

Syn: trade, commerce

18. mass media - средства массовой информации

19. provide smb with smth (v) - снабжать; обеспечивать кого-л. чем-л.

to provide smb. with goods — снабдить кого-л. товарами

e.g. Who provides you with the equipment? – Кто снабжает Вас оборудованием?

provider (n, С) - поставщик

20. purchase (v) - покупать, закупать

purchase (n, C) - покупка; закупка

purchase on credit / for cash — покупка в кредит / за наличные (деньги)

e.g. She opened the box and looked at her purchase. — Она открыла коробку и взглянула на свою покупку.

21. rent (v) - арендовать, брать напрокат

to rent a flat — снимать квартиру

e.g. He rented a car for the weekend. — На выходные он взял напрокат машину.

rent (n) - арендная плата (особ. плата за аренду жилья), прокат; плата за прокат

22. start-up (n, C) - новая фирма, предприятие, новая "интернет-компания"

Syn: dotcom

e.g. There are a lot of start-ups nowadays. — Сегодня существует большое количество новых фирм.

23. transaction (n, C) - сделка, соглашение

financial transactions — финансовые операции

e.g. The bank charges a fixed rate for each transaction. – Банк берет фиксированную плату за каждую операцию.

Syn: deal


Grammar: Modal Verbs

Reading: The Work of a Sales Manager

Tom Archer is Sales Manager of Malesan Ltd. This is a well-known wine company. Tom’s job is demanding but interesting. He has to get in touch with various customers all over Europe. Tom Archer needs to know the market very well, as well as his competitors’ products. Competition is a real challenge because customers may prefer some other brands or they might not be satisfied with prices. A sales manager has to maintain feedback with his regular clients and establish new connections. He has to travel a lot and take part in sales conferences and negotiations. Sometimes when he doesn’t have to talk to a customer face-to-face, Tom sends and receives a lot of e-mails. Archer must always be well-informed about the range of products, the latest vintage wines and popular brands.

As Senior Manager Tom has to perform a lot of other functions within the company. There are three sales managers in his department and Tom’s responsibilities are to supervise and motivate his staff. His employees should receive acceptable salaries, must understand their tasks, need good working conditions and job security. One very important thing in Tom’s work is to make his people a team. He has succeeded in this. He motivates his people not only by financial targets but the belief that their company sells high quality natural wines. At the same time Tom should not forget to develop a business plan, to monitor the progress of the company sales and to keep up with the changing management trends.

Last year was rather hard for Malesan. The volume of production dropped and the company had to increase prices. At the same time Chilean competitors became very active. Some corporate clients who were to purchase Malesan wines decided to place trial orders with their rival. Tom Archer had to offer the customers some attractive terms and additional discounts. He and his staff couldn’t lose their customer base. So they found new distributors and targeted the segment of family-type small restaurants. That helped the company to avoid great costs.

This year Tom Archer and his sales force are to break into one of the East European markets. With consistent quality at reasonable prices Malesan wines will be able to gain a good market niche and to bring sufficient profit.