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Module 2 a place like home

Order the letters to make places in a house.

c h i t k e n b o o m r a t h v i g l i n o r o m r e m b o o d l o i t e t c y l b o n a

Can you name two things you can find in these places?

1. Pronunciation

Listen and repeat the phrases.

  1. in the room

  2. in the house

  3. in the flat

  4. in the kitchen

  1. on the shelf

  2. on the balcony

  3. on the stairs

  4. on the floor

2. Vocabulary and listening

2.1 Look at the plan of a flat and label the rooms.

2.2 Listen and repeat.

Look at the rooms in 2.1. What’s in them? Complete the lists.

in the kitchen

in the …

in the …

in the …

in the …

on the …













2.3 Louise and Harry are American tourists in England. They want to rent a house for the summer. Cover the dialogue and listen. Which three rooms in the house do they go into?

Listen again and complete the dialogue.

Estate agent:

Well, this is the hall. There are six ____ on this floor. There’s a ____ , a dining room, a ____ , a study, a ____ …


Wow! There’s a ____ !


What’s that room?

Estate agent:

That’s a ____ , madam.


How many ____ are there?

Estate agent:

There’s one downstairs and three upstairs.


Are there any showers?

Estate agent:

No, there aren’t, madam. This is an old house.

Estate agent:

This is the ____ .


Are those paintings original?

Estate agent:

Yes, I think so, madam.


Is there a ____ ?

Estate agent:

No, there isn’t, sir. But there’s a piano.

Estate agent:

And the ____ .


There isn’t a ____ !

Estate agent:

Yes, there is. It’s over there.


You call that a ____ ? Are there any glasses? I need a glass of water.

Estate agent:

Yes, madam. There are some glasses in that ____ . Now let’s go ____ .

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