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Английский, том 1.doc
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1. The harmful effect of shipping influence to the biological life of the shoreline is evident and dangerous. 2. One can realize the spoiling effect of some harmful substances poured out into water. 3. The physical influence on the coastal areas occurs through the building activities and deepening of the bottom. 4. Neither large ocean-going vessels nor small pleasure boats stimulate the risk of harm to the shores and vegetation. 5. Escaping from motors and fuel reservoirs is catastrophic to surface waters. 6. Ships may cause washing away of the shorelines. 7. Some negative factors take much longer period to recover biological processes. 8. The shore must renew its balance but changes will be considerable.

Ex. IV: Define in One Word:

a) the situation when shore’s flora and fauna are subjected to misbalance or damage;

b) different things ranged in size (bottles, cans, etc.), kitchen and toilet remains discharged into water;

c) oil presence on the water surface;

d) the process when liquid streams from the reservoir;

e) the hazardous damage of the shoreline;

f) able to recover;

g) a measure for oil or other liquid;

h) large water masses formed by the ship’s forward movement;

i) the condition of balance;

Ex. V. Translate into Russian:

to represent a serious threat

threat to biological life

boat traffic

the major hazards

disturbance of wildlife

coastal areas

physical impact

wave actions

solid-waste disposal

sensitive waters

chemical pollutions

deliberate oil-spills

oil leakage

fuel tanks

tanker accident

to constitute the major threat

serious consequences

brackish water

restorative biological processes

daily leakage from motors or small boats

engine rooms

to cause erosion

rapidly pushed large water masses

forward movement of the ship

the slope and material of the shore

to reach a state of equilibrium

the exposure of the shore

ship-generated waves

obvious changes

to wipe out vegetation

ocean-going vessels

pleasure boats

Trafficked areas

backwash from boats and vessels.

Ex. 6. Read and translate the text:

Text 4a


Shipping represents a serious threat to the environment, nature and biological life. This is due to its infrastructure, in particular harbours; to boat traffic itself; and to exhausts and spills from ships and harbours. Some of the major hazards are:

  1. Presence

  • Disturbance of wildlife in coastal areas through boat traffic, landings and spills;

  • Physical impact

    • On coasts, shorelines and bottoms by wave actions, anchoring, etc.

    • On coastal areas during construction, dredging, etc.

  • Waste / solid-waste

    • Solid-waste disposal in sensitive waters and along coasts;

    • Disposal of toilet and kitchen wastes;

  • Chemical pollution

    • Deliberate oil-spills along coasts and in open waters;

    • Oil leakage from motors and fuel tanks;

    • Major accidents, especially involving oil tankers.

    One might believe that tanker accidents constitute the major threat but, in fact, they represent at most a few percent of the oil spills. In the area where they occur, however, consequences are serious and long-term. Some factors as cold climate and brackish water can make restorative biological processes comparatively slow. But the less well-recognized daily leakage from motors of small boats is far the largest threat to surface water from shipping. Moreover, large volumes of oil waste from engine rooms etc. are produced in ships and must be got rid of.

    Besides, ships cause erosion of the shorelines. Erosion caused by ships is, like natural erosion, the result of wave action and currents. The currents are produced when large water masses are pushed rapidly during the forward movement of the ship. The impact of the waves depends on the slope and the material of the shore. Normally, shores have reached a state of equilibrium and will not change until being worked on by energy levels higher than that of the water.

    A shore that is subjected to erosion caused by ship traffic is given a sudden and persistent addition of energy. The erosion risk are connected to the material composition of the shore, the exposure of the shore to natural erosion, determined by the location towards open waters, exposure to ship-generated waves and probable direction of the attack by these waves.

    The shore must later renew its state of equilibrium, but changes can be great, obvious and disturbing to the human eye. Land can disappear, vegetation can be wiped out and the material composition of the shore can change. All this can happen in a short period of time.

    All this concerns not only large ocean-going vessels. Investigations on backwash from pleasure boats show that the problem and the risk of damage on shores and to vegetation can also occur in areas trafficked only by smaller boats.

    Ex.7. Answer the questions:

    1) Why does shipping present a serious threat to the environment?

    2) What are hazards presented shipping?

    3) What do solid waste consist of?

    4) In what way is chemical pollution produced?

    5) Do the tanker accidents constitute a threat?

    6) Is erosion a result of wave action and currents?

    7) What factors can make restorative processes more difficult?

    8) Can shores keep the state of equilibrium under conditions of ship traffic activities?

    9) What is the erosion risk connected to?

    10) Will it take much time for changes to become obvious and disturbing to the human eye?

    11) This exposure of the shore concerns only large ocean- going vessels, does not it?

    Ex. 8. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give grounds to your answer:

    1) Shipping represents a positive influence to the environment, nature and biological life.

    2) Wildlife in coastal areas is subjected to disturbance through landing and spills, not

    through boat traffic.

    3) Physical impact on coasts and shorelines is produced either by the natural energy of

    waves action or by construction, dredging, anchoring.

    4) If properly packed and disposed, toilet and kitchen wastes don’t represent a great threat.

    5) The tanker accidents constitute the major threat due to the oil spills.

    6) The restorative biological processes can undoubtedly overcome any erosion processes of human activities.

    7) The shores have reached a state of equilibrium and will not change by energy of water.

    8) Land can disappear, vegetation can be wiped out and the material composition of the shore can change in a short period of time.

    9) A shore that is subjected to erosion caused by ship traffic is given a sudden and persistent addition of energy of ship-generated waves and direction of the attack by these waves.

    10) The risk of damage on shores and to vegetation can occur in areas trafficked by smaller boats as well as large ocean-going vessels.

    Ex. 9. Translate into English:

    представлять серьезную опасность окружающей среде;


    выхлоп и утечка от судов;

    одними из главных опасностей являются;

    нанесение вреда фауне прибрежных районов;

    донное разрушение под воздействием волновой активности;

    размещение твердых отходов;

    прибрежные воды;

    химическое загрязнение;

    утечка масла;

    катастрофы нефтяных танкеров;

    представлять наибольшую угрозу;

    долговременные и серьезные последствия;

    соленая вода;

    восстановительные биологические процессы;

    объем масляных отходов;

    машинное отделение;

    размывание береговой линии;

    океанические течения;

    быстро передвигающиеся большие массы воды;

    направление движения судна;

    наклон и структура береговой линии;

    состояние биологического равновесия;

    подвергаться разрушительному воздействию;

    направление удара волны;

    очевидные для человеческого глаза разрушительные изменения;

    океанский лайнер;

    маленькая прогулочная лодка;

    прибрежная зона, разрешенная для судовождения только малым судам

    Ex. 10. Define the main topic and idea of the text, split it into the logical parts, and make up the plan of the text.

    Ex. 11. Retell the text in brief, using your plan.

    Ex. 12. Read and translate the text: