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V. Use too, also, either.

  1. A passer-by didn’t know the way to the British Museum and he asked me how to get there. but as it was my first visit to London, I myself didn’t know the way there … .

  2. My friend told me so many interesting things about St. Petersburg that I decided to go there … .

  3. ‘I like light colours. And you?’ – ‘Yes, I like them … .’

  4. The Embassy Hotel was full. There was no accommodation at the Tavistock Hotel … .

  5. ‘We would like to fly to Sochi. And what about you?’ – ‘I would … like to go there by plane.’

Unit 11 The Past Simple and the Past Continuous Tenses

The Past Continuous Tense выражает действие как процесс, the Past Simple Tense как факт совершения действия.

I was reading all day yesterday.

I read all day yesterday.

Я вчера читал весь день.

Когда два длительных действия совершаются одновременно, они оба выражаются с помощью либо Past Continuous, либо Past Simple. (Если мы придаем действию оттенок процесса, то употребляется Past Continuous, если просто констатируем факт, то Past Simple)

While he was having breakfast I was reading the newspaper.

While I had breakfast I read the newspaper

В то время как он завтракал, я читал газету.

Exercise 1. Open the brackets and use the Past Continuous Tense.

1. At 1 o’clock she (to have) lunch.

2. When I came in, he (to lie) in bed.

3. I looked out of the window. The sun (to shine) and the birds (to sing).

4. While Jane (to cook), I (to lay) the table.

5. I fell asleep when I (to read).

6. While I (to drive) along the road, a cat ran out in front of the car.

8. I met him in London. He (to study) at the University.

Exercise 2. Practise the use of the Past Continuous and the Past Simple Tenses.

1. When the guests (to arrive), Mrs Black (to cook) still dinner.

2. Tom (not to want) to lend us the money at first but then he (to agree).

3. The illness (to get) worse and worse. In the end he (to go) to hospital for an operation.

4. I (to walk) along the road yesterday when I (to meet) an old friend. She (to go) to the post-office.

5. We (to see) an accident when we (to wait) for the bus.

6. Where you (to go) at this time yesterday?

7. I (to go) to sleep at 3 o’clock this morning and (to wake up) an hour later at 4.

8. He (to give up) his job as a journalist and (to become) a teacher.

9. While we (to be) on holiday, we (to spend) most of our time swimming and sailing.

7. When the teacher came, we (to listen) to the tape.

10.We (to go) down in the lift when suddenly it (to stop).

11. When my car (to break) down, I (to phone) a garage.

12. When I (to shave), I (to cut) myself.

13. Ann (to show) me a photograph and then (to go) to the kitchen for some drinks.

14. Sally (to lie) in bed when her mother (to enter) the room.


How often do you travel? Where do you like to go? Do you ever travel on business?

Exercise 1. When you travel, which of the following do you like or not like? Make sentences as in the examples.