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16 Insert the appropriate degree of comparison of the adjective in brackets.

Example: The apple is _____ than the orange. (small) - The apple is smaller than the orange.

a) The orange is _____ than the apple. (big)

b) The yellow ball is _____ than the blue one. (small)

c) The red ball is _____ than the green one. (big)

d) The blue ball is the _____ of all. (big)

e) The green ball is the _____ of all. (small)

f) The girl on the right is _____ than the one on the left. (short)

g) The girl on the left is _____ than the one on the right. (tall)

h) The flower on the left is _______ than the one on the right. (beautiful)

i) Rome is _____ from Venice than from Florence. (far)

j) Bari is ____ to Brindisi than to Trento. (close)

k) The distance from Brindisi to Aosta is the _____. (far)

l) The distance from Potenza to Bari is the _____ (short)

Take-home assignment

1 Answer the questions about your family.

a) Who is the oldest in your family?

b) Who has dark hair in your family?

c) Do you have younger brothers? How many?

d) Do you have younger sisters? How many?

e) Do you have elder brothers? How many?

f) Do you have elder sisters? How many?

e) Who has the longest hair in your family?

f) Who is the tallest in your family?

g) Are there any red-haired people in your family?

h) Who is the youngest in your family?

2 Write a description of physical features of any member of your family. Supply a photo.

3 Insert the appropriate degree of comparison of the adjectives given in brackets.

Example: I am sure that this performance will be the _____ one. (successful) – I am sure that this performance will be the most successful one.

1. At first I couldn't say which picture was _____ but now I think the last one was _____ of all. (beautiful) 2. This is the _____ step he has ever made in his life. (clever) 3. The opera house is one of _____ buildings in the city. (old) 4. This problem is _____ than the other problems. (serious) 5. I always choose _____ way. (easy) 6. Richard is _____ of the two brothers. (short) 7. Are any _____ seats available? (expensive) 8. In the evening the light in the room grew _____ . (bright) 9. This is _____ room in the hotel. (sunny) 10. She is _____ woman I have ever known, but today she was _____ than ever. (nice) 11. The _____ future will see this part of the desert turned into an oasis. (near) 12. I have no one _____ than you. (near) 13. They shook hands and got down to business without any _____ delay. (far) 14. The _____ brother was 15 years _____ than the youngest. (old) 15. You should be _____ to your colleagues. (polite)

Unit 3 My house

Englishman’s house is his castle – English proverb