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English Цветкова.doc
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in my opinion по-моему

dramatist ['dramatist] драматург

humorous ['hju:maras] stories юмористические рассказы

medicine f'medsin] медицина

lifetime (вся) жизнь

to be proud [praud] of гордиться чем-либо

sketch [sketj] зарисовка, набросок

comic ['komikj комический

to support [sa'po:t] поддерживать, содержать

volume [volju:m] том

to attract [a'traekt] attention привлечь внимание

to contribute [kan'tribju:t] сотрудничать (в газете,

журнале), писать (для газеты, журнала)

regularly ['regjulali] регулярно

established [is'taeblijt] признанный, известный

to develop [di'velap] развивать

a style of one's own собственный стиль

to give up бросить, отказаться (от чего-либо)

vein [vein] стиль, направление

from then on с тех пор, с той поры, с того времени

to concentrate ['konsantreit] on концентрироваться,


tuberculosis [tju:,b3:kju'lausis] туберкулез

(сокр. форма: ТВ [,ti:'bi:])

estate [is'teit] поместье

one-act comedy ['komidi] одноактная комедия

masterpiece ['ma:stapi:s] шедевр

it was a complete [kam'pli:t] failure ['feilja пье-

са провалилась

dull [с!л1] скучный, монотонный

clumsy ['klAmzi] неуклюжий, грубый,


production [pra'dAkfn] постановка

It was a cruel ['kru:al] blow to Chekhov.

Это был страшный удар для Чехова.

to perform [pa'fo:m] исполнять, играть

to go from bad to worse ухудшаться,

становиться все хуже и хуже

spa [spa:] курорт (с минеральными водами)

to produce [pra'dju:s] ставить (о пьесе)

first night премьера

immense [i'mens] огромный

influence [Influans] влияние

drama ['dra:me] драма

generation [,d3ena'rei/n] поколение

to imitate ['imiteit] подражать

to perfect [pa'fekt] совершенствовать

literary [litrari] литературный


1. Do you like Chekhov's humorous stories?

2. When and where was he born?

3. When did he begin writing his first humorous sketches?

4. Who helped Chekhov in his writing career?

5. What made Chekhov move to Melikhovo?

6. The Seagull was first staged in the Alexandrinsky Theatre. Why was it a complete failure?

7. What was Chekhov's last play?

8. Do you know any English or American writers who were influenced by Chekhov?


Agatha Christie is known all over the world as the Queen of Crime. She wrote 78 crime novels, 19 plays and 6 romantic novels under the name of Mary Westmacott. Her books have been translated into 103 foreign languages.

She is the third best-selling author in the world (after Shakespeare and the Bible). Many of her novels and short stories have been filmed. The Mousetrap, her most famous play, is now the longest-running play in history.

Agatha Christie was born at Torquay, Devonshire. She was educated at home and took singing lessons in Paris. She began writing at the end of the First World War. Her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, was published in 1920. That was the first appearance of Hercule Poirot, who became one of the most popular private detectives since Sherlock Holmes. This little Belgian with the egg-shaped head and the passion for order amazes everyone by his powerful intellect and his brilliant solutions to the most complicated crimes.

Agatha Christie became generally recognised in 1926, after the publishing of her novel The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. It's still considered her masterpiece.

When Agatha Cristie got tired of Hercule Poirot she invented Miss Marple, a deceptively mild old lady with her own method of investigation.

Her last Poirot book, Curtain, appeared shortly before her death, and her last Miss Marple story, Sleeping Murder, and her autobiography were published after her death.

Agatha Christie's success with millions of readers lies in her ability to combine clever plots with excellent character drawing, and a keen sense of humour with great powers of observation. Her plots always mislead the reader and keep him in suspense. He cannot guess who the criminal is. Fortunately, evil is always conquered in her novels.

Agatha Christie's language is simple and good and it's pleasant to read her books in the original.


Agatha Christie ^зедэвэ 'kristi] Агата Кристи the Bible ['baibl] Библия

Mary Westmacott [,теэп 'wes(t)makot] The Mousetrap ['maustraep] Мышеловка

МэриВестмакогт Torquay [torki:] Торки

Devonshire ['devnfla] Девоншир (графство в Англии)

The Mysterious [mis'tiarias] Affair [a'fea] at Styles

Таинственное дело в Стайпз

Hercule Poirot [ea,kju:l pwa:'rau] Эркюль Пуаро

Sherlock Holmes [Ja:lok 'haumz] Шерлок Холмс

Belgian ['ЬеМзэп] бельгиец

The Murder ['rra:da] of Roger ['rod3a] Ackroyd

['aekroid] Убийство Роджера Экройда

Miss Marple ['ma:pl] мисс Марпл

Curtain ['ka:tn] Занавес

Sleeping Murder Спящее убийство

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