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Long-lasting effect – продолжительное влияние, воздействие

skin cancer – рак кожи

bronchitis – бронхит

emthysema – мед. эмфизема

asthma – астма

a buildup of carbon dioxide – накопление углекислого газа

if allowed to continue - если так будет продолжаться

Ex.1. Give English equivalents to the expressions:

причинять вред, ископаемое топливо, извержение вулкана, загрязнение воздуха, загрязненный воздух, естественные причины, углекислый газ, глобальная температура, озоновый слой, лесной пожар, сжигать топливо, постепенное изменение климата, затопление прибрежных территорий, угарный газ, вызывать болезни

Ex.2. Find in the text sentences containing expressions from Ex.1. Read them aloud.

Ex.3. Fill in modal verbs (can, may, must, need):

  1. Fish from polluted streams … cause cancer and other health problems in human bodies.

  2. Cities … huge amounts of water every day for industrial and home use.

  3. Scientists … now work to conserve the Earth’s natural resources.

  4. Often the new species … spread freely because it has no natural enemies.

  5. When their environment changes, plants and animals … become endangered.

  6. Animals and plants … places to live.

  7. Ecologists … understand the sciences that deal with weather, climate, rocks, earth, soil and water.

  8. Ecologists … work in a laboratory or out in a natural setting.

  9. Certain animals and plants … share the same natural home; others … not.

  10. A fish … water, and a camel … survive in the driest of places.

Find in the text sentences with modal verbs, read them aloud. Explain the use of modal verbs.

Ex.4. Find English equivalents:

  1. углекислый газ

  1. carbon dioxide b) hydrogen c) nitrous oxide

  1. cохранять

  1. conservation b) conserve c) conservationist

  1. среда обитания

  1. place b) habitat c) home

  1. угроза, опасность

a) threatening b) risk c) threat

5. бензин

a) oil b) petroleum c) gasoline

6. необходимый

a) essential b) necessary c) equitable

Ex.5. Find the proper definition of the following words:

  1. carbon dioxide

  1. to cause some result or change in

  1. conservation

  1. any naturally occurring fuel, such as natural gas, oil, coal

  1. affect

  1. the precipitation of dilute solutions of strong mineral acids from the atmosphere

  1. greenhouse effect

  1. a very small piece or amount of something

  1. fossil fuels

  1. causing or likely to cause harm

  1. particle

  1. physical harm that is caused to something

  1. damage

  1. gas, having chemical formula CO2

  1. acid rain

  1. the management, protection and preservation of the earth’s natural resources and environment

  1. harmful

  1. the gradual rising of the temperature of air in the lower atmosphere as a result of the accumulation of gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons

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