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in the following manner — в следующем порядке

competent — компетентный

practitioner — практик, профессионал

respected — уважаемый

expert in the field — эксперт в своей области

external lines of communication — внешние линии коммуникации

reliable source of material for journalists — надежный источник мате­риалов для журналистов

public occasions — публичные мероприятия

in advance — заблаговременно

by direct contact — непосредственно

must have access to management — должна иметь доступ к менедж­менту


is responsible to top management — отвечает топ-менеджменту (выс­шему руководству)

must be able and willing to communicate — должен иметь возможность

и желание общаться arrange rehearsals — организовывать репетиции press receptions — мероприятия с участием прессы

Exercise A. True or false:

1.The PR manager should not cooperate with the management. The impulse must come from the PR manager.

2.The PR manager should be respected by management as an ex­ pert in the field.

  1. The PR manager should not be known by everyone but only by top management.

  2. The PR manager should be a reliable source of material for jour­nalists.

  3. Management must respect PR manager and keep him or her ful­ly informed.

  4. PR manager has to serve all departments of the organization and be responsible to top management.

  5. Management should arrange rehearsals for PR receptions.

  6. Management must be willing to communicate with the journal­ists from Internet media.

  7. PR manager may have to arrange rehearsals before press recep­tions.

Exercise B. Translate into English

1. Руководство компании должно сотрудничать со специали­стом по связям с общественностью.


  1. Менеджер по PRдолжен быть известен каждому и знать всех.

  2. Специалист по паблик рилейшнз должен создать внешние потоки информации и быть надежным источником инфор­мации для журналистов.

  3. Специалист по паблик рилейшнз должен подготавливать ру­ководство к интервью и публичным мероприятиям.

  4. Руководство должно заранее и напрямую информировать специалиста по PR.

  5. Менеджер по PRдолжен иметь прямой доступ к руковод­ству.

  1. Менеджер по PRдолжен нести ответственность перед выс­шим руководством, а работать на все подразделения органи­зации.

  2. Руководство должно хотеть общаться со специалистом по


Exercise С. Discussion

  1. Do you agree that PR manager should have direct access to top management? Why is it important?

  2. Why do you think PR manager should serve all departments?

  3. Is it possible that everyone in the company will know PR man­ager?


Text A The PR Department's Activities

Text В Tasks and Objectives of House Journals


The type of work carried out by a PR manager and staff will dif­fer from one organization to another and depend on many factors. Work responsibilies of PR professionals are the following:

  1. Writing and distributing news releases, photographs and other materials to the press.

  1. Organising press conferences, receptions and press-tours.

  2. Maintaining web-site.

  1. Arranging press, radio and television interviews for manage­ment.

  2. Editing and producing in-house magazines or newspapers, and organizing other forms" of internal communication such as wall newspapers, etc.

  3. Editing and producing external journals aimed at distributors, users, customers, etc.

  4. Writing and producing printed media such as company history, annual reports, literature for new staff, educational posters for schools, etc.

h) Organising PR exhibitions, including provision of vehicles. i) Commissioning forms of corporate identity and house styling

such as logos, colour schemes, uniforms. j) Handling PR sponsorships. k) Attendance of meetings of the board of directors and meetings

of production, marketing, sales and other executives. 1) Attendance of sales and dealer conferences, m) Training PR staff.

n) Commissioning opinion surveys (or other research), o) Supervising advertising, p) Contacts with politicians and civil servants. q) Official openings of new offices, plants, etc — arrangements for

VIPs, guests and press. r) Monitoring of the press.



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