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2. Match the terms with their definitions:

1 contributor C

a) a certificate of property carrying the right to receive interest or dividend, such as shares or bonds

2 syndicate E

b) the par value of the total share capital that a company is authorized to issue

3 securities A

c) a person who provides money to help pay for smth, or support for a project

4 capital stock B

d) an owner of corporate capital stock

5 stockholder D

e) an association of business enterprises or individuals organized to undertake a joint project requiring considerable capital

6 bond H

f) a limited company that does not issue shares for public subscription and whose owners do not enjoy an unrestricted right to transfer their shareholdings

7 private company F

g) a highly organized market facilitating the purchase and sale of securities and operated by professional stockbrokers and market makers according to fixed rules

8 stock exchange G

h) a certificate of debt issued in order to raise funds

3. Use an appropriate word from the box to complete the text.







The Association of European Businesses represents and promotes the interests of European companies conducting business in and with the Russian Federation. The AEB carries out ____ to improve the Russian business and trade environment and to promote economic integration and ____ between the Russian Federation and the European Union. The AEB is an independent non-commercial ____ funded by membership and ___. AEB membership is made up of enterprises and ___ from the member states of the European Union and the European Free Trade Association. These members form the AEB General Assembly, which determines the overall strategy and policies of the association. The mission of the AEB is to represent and promote the interests of its Members by supporting them in doing business with and in Russia through quality ___ and through activities aimed at improving the Russian trade and business environment.  

Test 3. Business activities

  1. Give English terms to the following Russian definitions:

  1. управляющие с правами управления департаментами, заводами, подразделениями (middle management)

  2. руководители корпорации, избранные общим собранием акционеров и имеющие закрепленные в уставе полномочия (board of directors)

  3. сбор данных о нуждах потребителей с помощью анализа этих потребностей (marketing research)

  4. снижение обычной цены для клиентов, выполняющих определенные условия (price break)

  5. продажа одного и того же продукта разным покупателям или различных единиц товара одному и тому же покупателю по разным ценам (price discrimination)

  6. минимальная цена, гарантированная правительством фермерам или другим производителям (price support)

  7. предпринимательская деятельность, связанная с продажей товаров и услуг непосредственно конечным потребителям (retail)

  8. купля-продажа ценных бумаг или финансовых инструментов (transaction)

  1. Match the terms with their definitions:

1 accounting D

a) an amount of money spent

2 balance sheet G

b) a series of coordinated activities, such as public speaking and demonstrating, designed to achieve a social, political, or commercial goal

3 expenditure A

c) a commercial undertaking characterized by risk of loss as well as opportunity for profit

4 campaign B

d) a chronological list of debits and credits relating to a specified asset, liability, expense, or income of a business and forming part of the ledger

5 direct tax H

e) the combination of two or more companies, either by the creation of a new organization or by absorption by one of the other

6 venture C

f) a business company that is owned or controlled by another large company

7 merger E

g) a statement that shows the financial position of a business enterprise at a specified date by listing the asset balances and the claims on such assets

8 subsidiary F

h) a tax levied directly on the person by whom it is to be paid, as an income tax or inheritance tax

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