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Additional Exercises

Exercise 1

  1. cod – code – cork – core mat – mate – mar – mare

stock – stoke – storm – store plum – plume – blur – lure

shot – shone – short – shore punch – pule – purr – pure

net – neat – nerve – near Nack – shake – shark – share

hen – heat – her – here stack – stake – star – stare

quench – queen – perm – queer cut – cute – curt – cure

fin – fine – fir – fire sit – site – sir – sire

spit – spite – spurt – spire

Exercise 2

'Safe, 'even, 'mine, tube, 'nylon, due, life, style, dry, same, smoke, fame, mile, pole, drive, 'duty, 'eve, those, 'battle, club, jump, much, 'subject, myth, lorry, re'sult, 'butter, cute, pigs, 'budget, 'tiny.

Exercise 3

Bare, pure, care, core, rare, pre'pare, square, fire, 'tired, cure, 'merely, 'circus, star, chart, 'Turkey, term, 'surface, serve, 'hardly, 'organize, trans'form, force, firm, 'murder, 'turnip, con'serve, shore, sphere.

Exercise 4

Pet, peep, been, bee, sleeve, end, mess, bee, smell, seed, life, lift, pine, pin, tie, lie, side, snip, snipe, by, bind, fight, mild, find, site, sight, bay, maid, fleece, pale, cliff, cite, 'tailor, pain, mat, cede, cave, fat.

Exercise 5

Star, wrack, sharp, spends, bone, charm, weave, wrap, bold, doom, coke, fees, witch, arch, cool, whale, cock, wreck, cash, seems, wrist, wheat, boar, wheeze, took, pool, sold, told, shells, whence, while.

Exercise 6

'Tower, wing, pink, quite, worm, knelt, 'diagram, hire, 'power, single, flank, quaint, worst, knave, 'diary, spire, 'flower, sprinkle, quake, worth, knob, 'via, 'wiry, sung, quack, words, knees, 'diamond, shire, 'shower, quest, 'worthy, tire, knives, 'pioneer, de'sire, vio'lin, wires, tire, 'angry.

Exercise 7

Crew, suc'cess, arti'ficial, bathe, laugh, whole, de'cay, 'storage, knuckle, 'moisture, be'hind, sidle, me'chanic, 'pressure, caught, 'virgin, 'naughty, 'fountain, 'sympathy, o'bey, 'feather, sledge, pew, true, exact, cow, 'casque, aunt, a'ware.

Exercise 8

Sport, wove, slave, solve, hunt, ward, hard, stove, worry, hurry, pause, care, ware, as, was, soar, sour, sore, war, pore, square, spoor, flour, more, moor, pure, urge, lynx, hear, room, raze, roam, here, prey, tire, fair, raise, rise, rood, rude, four, or, there, hair, their, they, fare, fur, far, fire, cool, coal, curl, girl, dire, dear, true, warm, work, farm, where, your, tyre, fear, deal, air, quire, world, noun.

Exercise 9

Deep snow, clean seat, raw meat, new grain, each toy, low voice, flew low, smooth Brown, shrewd boy, grey soil, new glue, good wood, frail mail, green paint, main jail, took aim, wool goat, staunch crowd, gay queen, plain boot, low lawn, round cloud, foul hawk, sharp teeth, new tooth, dark hood, proud joy, loud noise, good choice, cheep clay, sea coast.

Exercise 10

Calf – carve, loose – lose, lip – fib, heat – heed, duck – dug, fetch – edge, lent – lend, sink – sing, cliff – live – leaf – leave, bit – bid – beat – bead. Give me five minutes. I believe in a good laugh. Please, use a pencil. His ties look nice. I need a good guide. He died at night. He used to buy used cars. He meets us in Leeds. He left his 'luggage in a 'village pub. Put out your tongue. I think things are changing.

Exercise 11 [ æ – e ]

Man, hand, bad, cap, hat, back, stand back. The man had his hat in his hand. Man – men, land – lend, gas – guess. Fin – fen – fan, miss – mess – mass, bit – bet – bat, bid – bed – bad. Bit – bid, bet – bed, bat – bad. Can I get a black hat? Mack’s neck is fat. The cat has 'blackspecks on her back. He let the cat out of the bag. Lend us a hand. My bed isn’t bad. She has a bad leg. I never said that. The man had ten tinned cans in his bag.

Exercise12 [ o – o: ], [ æ – υ ]

Got, lock, Tom. The pot is hot. He stopped the clock. Got – gut, lock – luck, gone – gun. The gun has gone off. She’s sung a song. Tom got a shock in the hot hut. Mop – mob, got – god, dock – dog. Tom is fond of hock. You’ve got a nice job. Short, talk, horn, law, more. They talked about Maude’s naughty daughter. No, home, moment. I don’t smoke. Law – low, court – coat, hall – hole. I bought a boat. The porter had mown the lawn. Court – cord, coat – code. He’s short of cord. Maude bought a long board. They found the code in his coat. Shot – short, lot – lord, fog – fork. Bob knocked at the door. We’ve got four bottles of Scotch. Cut – cot – caught – coat, cud – cod – cord – code.

Exercise 13 [ ei ]

Day, game, make, face, nation. Let’s play a game. Haste makes waste. Play – plays – place, may – made – mate, pain – pained – paint. He waits – he wades. His pains were in vain. He stayed in that state till May.

Exercise 14 [ i, υ,, jυ: ]

Fear, idea, fierce. He feared her tears. The fierce storm filled us with fears. Fee – fear, peace – pierce, bead – beard. She hears him sneeze. Poor, sure, tour. What can’t be cured must be endured. Are you sure the doors are secured? Shoe – sure, two – tour, queue – cure. I am sure this is a tour for you too. Hair, share, affair, scarce. They glared and stared at the bear. Take care of your fair hair. May – mare, ways – wears. Can you pay my fare? Dear – dare, fear – fare, really – rarely. I fear it’s not fair. Can you spare a bottle of beer? 'Zero, 'period, ma'terial. The in'terior of the 'theatre was 'seriously 'damaged.

Exercise 15 [ : ]

Fur, firm, nurse, 'service, oc'curring. My turn comes first. Don’t 'dirty your new shirt. The nurse pulled back the 'curtains. Word, work, worse. His first 'verses are even worse. The early bird catches the worm. Fur – firs – first, learn – learns – learnt. Hurt – herd, burnt – turned. I heard the girl was hurt. First come, first served. The third word is a verb. Fir – fare, stir – stare, early – fairly. Where do you work? It was 'dirty in there.

Exercise 16 [ z – s ]

Zinc – sync, zip – sip, z – said. See, set, sick, seat, 'supper. He seems to be sea-sick. I’ve never seen such sunsets. I like soup for supper. Sing a song of 'sixpence. He sug'gested a 'system of 'simple 'symbols.

Exercise 17 [ ω, tω, ω – v ]

Win, weak, white. In winter the 'weather was wet and windy. What a wonderful week-end! We 'wondered where 'William went. West – vest, wine – vine, 'William – 'village. He went on a 'visit to the West Indies. What a 'wonderful voice! We waited in vain for William and his wife. This word is a verb. We 'never know the 'value of water till the well is dry.

Exercise 18 [ t, d, id ]

Cramped, boxed, listed, plotted, hoped, worked, walked, fasted, hooked, passed, lasted, standed, roofed, sanded, called, curved, minded, knifed, dried, talked, charged, lighted, clipped, pressed, sealed, cited, backed, locked, rushed, nodded, aimed, waved.

Exercise 19

'Surface, earth, cause, air, de'posit, 'valley, flood, 'glacier, ice, 'weather, 'nature, en'vironment, vol'cano, ge'ology, e'rosion, 'quality, e'cology, 'industry, pol'lution, environ'mental 'safety, drought, plant, 'shower, hu'midity, 'lightning, water, wind, pour, south, north, west, east, 'climate, 'damage, o'zone, 'acid, 'dangerous, 'human, 'flora, 'fauna, 'animal, re'cycle, 'temperature, conser'vation, pro'tection, 'atmo'sphere, ex'tinction, 'scientist, area, sea, 'pressure, 'habitant, 'wildlife, re'sources, 'species, 'ocean, 'island, e'quator.

Exercise 20

To'pography, meteo'rology, hyd'rology, 'mountain, high, mig'ration, 'season, type, vege'tation, 'forecast, 'minus, mass, clima'tology, swamp, 'purify, 'desert, 'autumn, de'bris, 'forest, grass, 'mammal, 'origin, 'eco'friendly, waste, re'serve, recre'ation, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon di'oxide.

Exercise 21 [ t, d, id ]

cook – cooked, dry – 'dried, dance – danced, spray – 'sprayed, mask – masked, flay – 'flayed, pass – passed, free – 'freed, weep – weeped, fee – 'feed, map – 'mapped, stall – stalled, help – 'helped, wall – walled, face – faced, shape – shaped, pat – patted, pad – padded, end – ended, bed – bedded, test – tested, land – landed, list – listed, skid – skidded, tend – tended, hand – handed, state – stated, date – dated, cite – cited, pride – prided, white – whited, hate – hated, trade – traded, vote – voted, code – coded, start – started, sort – sorted, port – ported, lord – lorded, cord – corded, root – rooted, paint – painted, need – needed, speed – speeded, point – pointed, hoist – hoisted, found – founded, sound – sounded, ground – grounded, pound – pounded.

Exercise 22

Tourism, hotel, company, guest, enquiry, reservation, fax, confirm, concierge, receptionist, through, advertisement, accommodation, departure, menu, seafront, luxurious, cafe, luxury, facilities, charismatic, canal, laundry, cruise, purse, beverage, chef, executive, staff, chief, steward, horizon, guide, journey, registration, fee, address, ruins, four, agency, agent, resort, lively, brochure, industry, career, museum, insurance, suite, decor, comfort, safary, hiking, flight, leisure, karaoke, tango, island, scenery, package, entertainment, economy, profile, development, nationality, cabin, variety, lounge, sauna, castle, ancient, tourist.


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