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Unit VI. Quiz: Do you know Britain well?

  1. Give the names of

  1. the longest river,

  2. the highest mountain,

  3. the largest lake,

  4. the largest city outside London,

  5. the busiest port in the British Isles.

  1. How wide is the English Channel at its narrowest part?

  2. Which river does Oxford stand on?

  3. What is the main difference between the Cumbrians and the Cambrians?

  4. What is Wales rich in?

  5. What is the average winter temperature in Great Britain?

  6. Why did the Romans call Britain Albion?

  7. What is the name of the English state flag?

  8. What is the name of the building in which the British Parliament sits?

  9. How many buildings do the Houses of Parliament consist of?

  10. Which of the two Houses of Parliament has more power?

  11. What is Downing Street in London known for?

  12. Where are most of the government offices situated in London?

  13. Why is a district in the centre of England called The Black Country?

  14. What is the name of one of the biggest textile industry centers in England?

  15. What is the name of the biggest city in Scotland, famous for its shipyards?

  16. Where is industry chiefly found in London?

  17. What’s the City?

  18. What important events took place in London’s history in 1066 (1577; 1666; 1836; 1863; 1952.)?

  19. What is the ceremony which takes place daily in the forecourt of the official residence of the Queen?

  20. What are English buses called?

  21. What is the name of the tower which contains the famous Big Ben?

  22. What is the name of a famous English architect who built 50 churches in London?

  23. Who guards Nelson in the Trafalgar Square?

  24. What is the name of the headquarters of London police?

  25. Who was the first monarch who took residence in Buckingham Palace?

  26. What is the name of London underground?

  27. Can you name the person of England whose final Battle was at Trafalgar?

  28. Who lives in the Tower of London?

  29. What is the money system of Great Britain?

  30. What is the famous place in Hyde Park where people can say anything they like?

  31. Which park is the largest in London?

  32. Who was the famous English general and statesman who won the victory of Waterloo?

  33. At what annual ceremony does the Queen of the UK wear a crown?

  34. How are the fur hats of the Queen’s lifeguards called?

  35. Who were important prisoners of the Tower of London a long time ago?

  36. What are the English policemen called?

Список использованной литературы.

  1. Timanovskaya N. Spotlight on Great Britain. Tula, 1998.

  2. Freeman J., Sharpe S. This Beautiful City London. 1990.

  3. Hewitt K. Understanding Britain. Oxford, 1994.

  4. Greenall S., Reward Pre-intermediate. Teacher's Book, Oxford,1994.

  5. Khannikova L. Spoken English. M, 1991.

  6. Hornby A.S. Oxford Progressive English for Adult Learners, 1992.

Составители: Новоженина Елена Васильевна

Леднева Ольга Вячеславовна

Багметова Нонна Васильевна

Маркова Ольга Васильевна

Игнатенко Ольга Михайловна

Редактор Л.П. Кузнецова

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