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Unit 10. Environmental medicine


With the development of civilization man’s interference in nature has increased. The problem of air and water pollution is of great social importance. Every year the world’s industry, cars and trucks pollute the atmosphere with millions of tons of harmful substances. Water pollution is considered to be an ever greater hazard to health than air pollution. It means contamination of surface or ground water sources by industrial waste and sewage discharge or garbage. Besides, city dwellers are badly affected by the increasing noise level which is as bad for human health as lack of fresh air and clean water.

Environmental medicine is a multidisciplinary field studying the interactions between environment and human health, and the role of the environment in causing diseases.

Practitioners of environmental medicine recognize four categories of environmental factors which affect health:

  1. Biological factors: bacteria, viruses, parasites, foods, dust.

  2. Chemical factors: substances such as petroleum products, pesticides, heavy metals, alcohol, tobacco and medications.

  3. Physical factors: heat, cold, noise, electromagnetic radiation, X-rays, nuclear accidents.

  4. Psychological factors: prolonged psychological stress in personal relationships or at work, a death in the family or job loss.

Many chronic and degenerative illnesses today are the result of exposure to these factors. Bacterial and viral contamination results in waterborne diseases spread such as typhoid, dysentery, cholera and hepatitis. Noise can cause the increased heartbeat rate, constriction of blood vessels as well as the stomach, esophagus, and intestines spasm. Poor concentration, decreased short-term memory or depression are the main symptoms of CNS impairment. Headaches, digestive problems, muscular and joint pains, ear, nose and throat problems, allergies can result from other organ systems impairments.

Chelyabinsk region population suffers from radioactive contamination. Millions of tons of nuclear wastes were discharged into local rivers and lakes by the Mayak nuclear plant. In 1957 after a nuclear accident in Kyshtym radioactive substances were emitted into the atmosphere. In 1967 there was an accident at the same nuclear plant and it means that the same areas suffered from contamination once again. Epidemiological studies of the exposed population showed increased morbidity rate in leukemia and other oncological conditions as well as communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Ecological problems have no borders. All countries must solve these problems together. The necessary measures should be taken. Congresses and conferences on these questions should be organized, as well as multiple approaches to treatment, including changes in lifestyle, diet and environment should be developed and applied.

New vocabulary:

  1. man’s interference – вмешательство человека

  2. to be of great social importance - иметь большое социальное значение

  3. to be considered to be an ever greater hazard – считается, что является бóльшей опасностью (риском)

  4. surface or ground water sources - источники поверхностных и грунтовых вод

  5. industrial waste - отходы промышленного производства

  6. sewage discharge – сброс сточных вод

  7. garbage – отбросы, гниющий мусор

  8. to affect - вызывать; поражать, повреждать; воздействовать

  9. lack of fresh air – недостаток свежего воздуха

  10. environmental medicine – медицина окружающей среды

  11. to recognize – признавать

  12. nuclear accidents, wastes, plant – ядерные аварии, отходы, завод.

  13. prolonged psychological stress – длительный психологический стресс

  14. personal relationships – личные взаимоотношения

  15. exposure – воздействие

  16. waterborne diseases spread – угроза распространения заболеваний передающихся через воду

  17. short-term memory – кратковременная память

  18. to suffer from – страдать от

  19. to be emitted into the atmosphere – выбрасывать в атмосферу

  20. the exposed population – облученное население

  21. morbidity rate - заболеваемость

  22. as well as communicable diseases – также как инфекционные заболевания

  23. to solve problems together – совместно решать проблемы

  24. measures should be taken – меры следует предпринимать

  25. to apply multiple approaches – применять многочисленные подходы

Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What problems are of great social importance nowadays?

  2. What are the sources of air pollution?

  3. What does water pollution mean?

  4. What is the most significant environmental pollutant for the city dweller?

  5. What is Environmental medicine?

  6. What categories of environmental factors do practitioners of environmental medicine recognize?

  7. What illnesses can result from the exposure to a variety of environmental factors?

  8. What diseases are caused by bacterial and viral contamination of water?

  9. What effect is noise pollution producing in city dweller?

  10. How are other organ systems affected?

  11. What global ecological problem is Chelyabinsk region faced to?

  12. What did epidemiologic studies of the exposed population in Chelyabinsk region show?

  13. What measures should be taken to solve environmental problems?