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Home Reading. The Fall of Edward Bernard

25.6 Кб




  1. Translate the passage “Don’t be grieved, old friend”, said Edward… “I think I have won mine” (p. 59).

  1. Give Ukrainian/Russian equivalents for the following word combinations and phrases, explain their meaning:

the bread he had cast upon the waters; she has eyes only for Edward; Edward Barnard’s father found himself a ruined man; that day week; the country wasn’t sorry to see the last of him; to give him a wide berth; in a round-about way; known apparently to all and sundry; didn’t see eye to eye on certain matters; to have a drain; a shake-down; to have a good yarn; it seemed a happy-go-lucky way of doing things; to hold a candle to smb.; to hold my own in conversation.

  1. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and expressions. Write out the sentences with them from the text and translate them:

донкихотство; нечего и думать переубедить ее; точная копия; ни единым намеком не выдать своих чувств; сиять (расплыться в улыбке); при условии что; отделался малой кровью (легко); клятва верности; забытый богом уголок; выдавать за кого-либо; внимательный взгляд; не сошлись во взглядах (не нашли общего языка); радостно вскрикнул от удивления; заваливать вопросами; четко вырисовываться; для поддержания разговора; поблагодарить господа; разбудить вовремя; выложить все как есть; ему не хватало твердости.

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. What was the aim of Bateman’s trip to the islands?

  2. What was Isabel like?

  3. Why did Edward leave Chicago?

  4. Who was Arnold Jackson?

  5. What was the first sign of Edward’s change in Tahiti?

  6. Where did Bateman find Edward?

  7. Describe the dinner at Arnold Jackson’s.

  8. What did Edward think of “his uncle”?

  9. Why didn’t Edward want to return to Chicago?

  10. What, in your opinion, is the main idea of the story? What is Edward Barnard’s idea of happiness?

  1. Give a short summary of the story.

  2. Be ready to tell the story contents to the class in brief.

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