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5. For each of the 15 adjectives above find in the list below the best adjective which describes the opposite kind of person.

  1. impolite

  2. hard-working

  3. silly

  4. pessimistic

  5. unsociable

f) sad

g) well-behaved

h) patient

i) quiet

j) untidy

k) bad-tempered

l) unambitious

m) cautious

n) unselfish

o) unimaginative


1. Read this paragraph an American student wrote about his best friend. Follow these steps:

1. Underline the topic sentence. Find the three qualities of the person, and circle the enumeration signals for each one.

2. Draw a line through irrelevant sentences, and add appropriate words to signal the examples.

3. Compare your ideas with a partner. Check your answers with the class.


Kyle Robertson, my best friend from childhood, has three good qualities that I admire. His sister s name is Emily. The first quality is his energy and sense of adventure. We visited his grandparents in Georgia. His grandfather drives a Volvo. We went to see my uncle in San Francisco. We went skiing, backpacking, or rock climbing together. A second quality is his technical skills. In junior high, we spent hours at the computer as "pilots" of simulated planes and, in high school, flew remote-controlled planes. Now we enjoy different activities. We like building Web sites and editing videos together. A third good quality is that he is loyal. He is always there for me, no matter when or where. I recently needed last-minute help at 4 A.M. with an important Java assignment. I love computers. There was no problem when I telephoned and woke him up, and he had an answer to my question, as always. In short, Kyle has many good qualities and is really a special friend.

2. Write your own paragraph. Follow these steps:

1. Underline the topic sentence. Find the three qualities of this person, and circle the enumeration signals.

2. Find the examples of these qualities. Underline words used to signal examples. If some examples need signals, add words in appropriate places.

3. Make any other changes necessary, and write the second draft.

3. Read the essay. Mind some tips for writing an essay in English and in Russian (in the Appendix). Write your own essay for the following topics:

1. Am I a good friend?

2. Friendship in the modern world.

3. Pen-friendship. Does it exist?


Are you thinking about the most important qualities in a friend? Do you know some features of an ideal friend? Can you imagine the change in your life if you have an ideal friend? In fact, an ideal friend is a friend that has some qualities that make him such as your brother or more than that. This essay will cover three significant qualities for an ideal friend, including being faithful, funny and friendly.

First of all, the most important quality that the friend should have is being faithful. It is so important to have this feature because of two main reasons. First, if my friend carries that feature, faithful, I will be so confident while I am with him because I will know that he will never hide my mistakes. I think everyone needs to be informed about his mistakes in order to get rid of them. Moreover, each one desires to know his mistakes, but not from a foreign person, so that will be the friend's job. Second, having a friend who is faithful is very significant because I can notify him of my secrets. Furthermore, I think it is not a hidden thing that everyone feels like he wants to tell his friend about his secrets so as to reduce some of his nervous; however, he can't inform anyone about my feeling and my secrets only if he is faithful friend. According to that, I feel that the friend must have that quality.

In addition, the other significant quality is to be funny. Having this quality in my friend helps me a lot because of several reasons. First, he will make me pleased if I sense of distress. For example, if I have a problem, and I feel that I can't endure it, I can get the help from the friend that has a great sense of humor because he will be the only person who can cheer me up and let me forget my problem. Second, not only will he make me satisfied when I have a problem, but also when I go out with him. For instance, I will never think to go out with someone who is always angry, serious and earnest because I believe that I will never enjoy my time with him, so I think I must have a friend who has a sense of humor to let me take a great pleasure in my time.

Finally, the last essential quality is being friendly. First, if I get a friend who is friendly, I will benefit a lot from him because he will let me identify on new friends. For instance, if I have a friend like that, he will surely have a lot of friends, so when I will go out with him, I will make new friends on. Second, having a friendly friend makes me learn how to deal with people. Because of his variety of friends, he will be able to grapple with people, so I will find out how I can deal with a lot of people. Finally, being a friend of a friendly friend will give me a motivation to be more social with the people. That is because when I will make new friends, I will start to know how easy to be get friends; as a result, I will be more gregarious person I will know more about grappling with people.

To sum up, being faithful, funny and friendly are the most important features for an ideal friend. Therefore, I recommend all people to be sure that his friends have those qualities in order to have a comradeship forever. I hope to all friends to have a great friendship because the life is meaningless without an ideal friend who asks about you whenever you are absent. Thus, do you think that there is a taste for a life without an ideal friend?