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Political system of the usa

The United States of America is a parliamentary republic. The people rule the country through the representatives they elect. Today any citizen who is at least 18 years old can vote. The Constitution of the USA was written in 1787. It is the basis for its laws. The United States has a federalist system. There are fifty states in the USA. Each state has its own government and there is a federal or national government. Each state has its own constitution and can collect taxes. But only the national government can print money. The national government is divided into three branches. They are the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch. The legislative branch is represented by the US Congress. The US Congress consists of two parts. They are the House of Representatives and the Senate. The congress's main function is to make laws. There are 100 senators (two from each state) and 435 representatives. The number of the representatives from each state depends on the size of the state's population. Senators are chosen for six years. But one-third is re-elected or retired every two years. The executive branch is headed by the President and his Administration. The president of the USA is the head of the country. The executive branch administers the laws. The executive branch, consists of departments and agencies. The US President is elected for a 4-year term. The US President commands the armed forces, conducts foreign affairs, recommends laws to the Congress. The judicial branch is headed by the US Su­preme Court. The US Supreme Court has nine members. They are Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices. The judicial branch interprets the laws and makes sure that new laws are in keeping with the Constitu­tion. Each branch has certain controls over other branches. The US Congress makes laws, but the President can veto a law and the Supreme Court can decide that the law is unconstitutional.

There are two main political parties in the USA. They are the Democtatic Party and the Republican Party. The Democratic Party is symbolized by a "donkey." The Republican Party is symbolized by an "elephant." There are no clear differences between these parties. The Republicans are more conservative. They have more support among the upper classes. The Democrats are liberal. They have more support among the working class and the poor.

Тема: Географічне розташування та політична система України.


Ukraine is a sovereign state with its own territory and its bodies of state power and government. It also has national emblem: state flag and anthem. Ukraine proclaimed its independence on August 24, 1991, and confirmed this status on December 1st of the same year. The country is situated in the south-eastern part of Central Europe. It covers the area of 604,000 square kilometers. The territory of Ukraine consists of the Autonomy Republic of Crimea and 24 regions. Ukraine is inhabited by people belonging to more than 110 ethnic groups. The population of Ukraine is nearly 46 million people. It borders on Poland, Slovakia and Hungary in the west and on Romania and Moldova in the southwest. Its northern neighbor is Belarus and the eastern one is Russia. The territory of Ukraine is mostly flat and mountains make up only 5% of its territory (there are the Carpathian Mountains in the west and the Crimean Mountains in the south). The climate of Ukraine is moderate. The main rivers of Ukraine are the Dnipro, the Dnister, the Buh and Donets and others. The Dnipro is the main river in the country. It’s one of the longest rivers in the world. Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and has such important ports as Odesa, Mariupol, Mykojaiv, and Kherson. The geographical position of Ukraine is favourable, because the country lies on the crossroad of the ways from Asia to Europe. Like any other country in the world Ukraine has big cities; among them are Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine; Kharkiv, which used to be the capital of Ukraine and now it’s an important industrial and cultural centre; Donetsk is a coal-mining and chemical centre; Odesa is a big sea-port; Lviv is a large scientific and cultural centre and a lot of others. Due to favourable climatic conditions, Ukraine is traditionally an agricultural country. Wheat and corns, all kinds of fruit are grown here. The country is rich in national resources, such as iron ore, coal, gas. It produces planes and ships, lorries and buses, TV and radio-sets and other goods.

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