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At the Agent’s office:

Agent: Glad to meet you, Mr. Petrov. Can I see your Seaman’s Book? Mr. Petrov: Ah, here you are!

Agent: Mr. Petrov, we have to furnish a competent man in a second engineer’s position. What grade certificate of competency do you hold?

Mr. Petrov: I am a holder of a Class 1 engineer certificate issued one year ago by Odessa Harbour Master. 

Agent: Have you ever thought of working in Italy? Besides I heard you did a first class job for a Greek shipowner.

Mr. Petrov: I just did my best to perform the duties competent. 

Agent: What was the name of the ship on which you were last employed?

Mr. Petrov: The “Gloria”.

Agent: In what capacity were you employed on your last ship?

Mr. Petrov: I served on her board as 1st assistant engineer, which equivalent to the position of the 2nd engineer. 

Agent: What was the ship’s power and power plant type?

Mr. Petrov: She was propelled by a Sultzer. The engine power output was over 12000-horse power. 

Agent: What was her trading area?

Mr. Petrov: Oriental port, South East Asia, Japan and back to the Mediterranean area Via Singapore and Suez Canal. 

Agent: What was the reason of your discharging?

Mr. Petrov: I’ve just terminated my employment as specified in the Agreement. You can see the dates and places of my joining and leaving the “Gloria” in those columns.

Agent: Good. Now I think you can familiarize yourself with this contract of employment to see if it is something you can and want to do before you agree to it.

Mr. Petrov: Well, it isn’t exactly the kind of work I would prefer, I mean the type of power plant and my position on board, but I don’t have too much choice at the moment and the contract terms, especially those in the wages section, sound real good.

Notes: in the capacity of – в должности

grade – класс, категория competency – квалификация holder – владелец Harbour Master – капитан порта to think (thought, thought) – думать to agree – соглашаться power – мощность power output – выходная мощность

issued – выданный to formalize yourself – ознакомиться

discharging – списание to terminate – заканчивать

power plant – силовая установка, двигатель terms – условия

to do one’s best – делать всё зависящее

as specified in the Agreement – как указано в соглашении

to propel – приводить в движение, ускорять

Grammar exercises

Exercise I. Open the brackets and put the verb into right tense form. 

Model: The 3rd Mate (to keep watch) now. – The 3rd Mate is keeping watch now. 1. Our ship (to make) regular voyages to London, but now it (not to call) at British ports. 2. I (to keep watch) when the captain came to the navigating bridge. 3. He (to look through) the weather report and then (to ask) me to take bearings of the nearest ship. 4. While I (to take) bearings the captain (to decrease) the ship’s speed and (to phone) to the radio-room. 5. “Who (to keep) watch at the moment?” the chief engineer asked. 6. “Radio-officer Orlov (to be)”. 7. The captain (to write) a short telegram and (to ask) Orlov (to transmit) it immediately. 8. “What the Chief Radio Officer (to do) now?” he asked. 9 “He (to repair) a radio direction finder,” answered Orlov. 10. “Tell him to come to the navigating bridge when he (to be) free”. 11. We (to lubricate) the bearing at 5 o’clock yesterday. 12. We always (to check) engine room machinery. 13. The motorman (to lubricate) machinery in the engine room at this moment. 14. He (to check) the ME now. 15. During his watch the 2nd Engineer (to overhaul) this pump. 16. Motormen (to repair) boiler (котел). 

Exercise II. Fill in the sentences: some, any or a, an instead of gaps: Model: There are some tall ships in the port. 

1. There are not ___ boats there. 2. There is ___ river in the centre of the city.  3. There are ___ new words in the text. 4. Are there ___ ships at sea? 5. There is __ time for work. 6. There are not ____ tankers in the port. 7. Is there ___ port crane in the port? 8. There is ____ news in this newspaper. 9. Are there ___ sailors on the bow? 10. There are not _____ cadets on the ship. 11. There is _____ information in this radiogram. 12. There are not _____ maritime colleges there. 

Exercise III. Fill in the sentences: many, much, little, few instead of gaps:

Model: There is much oil in the tank. There is little oil in the tank.  1. There are __ ships in the port. 2. There is __ news in today’s newspaper. 3. There is __ money in my pocket. 4. There are __ days off this month. 5. There are ___ mistakes in your dictation. 6. How ___ sailors are there on the deck? 7. There is ___ petrol in the tank. 8. Are there ___ mistakes in my exercise? 9. There is ___ furniture in the room. 10. How ___ students are there in the college?

Exercise IVTranslate into English: много курсантов, мало ошибок, много работы, мало времени, много судов, мало новостей, много документов, много портов, много денег, мало воды, много трюмов, мало топлива, много моряков, мало матросов, много дел.

Exercise V. Change an adjective, which is given into the brackets using comparative or superlative degree of comparison (сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных).

Model: My room is larger (large) than my brother’s room.

1. Oil is ___ (light) than water. 2. He is ___ (good) student in our group. 3. This is ___ (large) ship in this port. 4. My cabin is ___ (comfortable) than his one. 5. I make _____ (good) coffee than Mike does. 6. The Baikal is ___ (deep) lake in the world. 7. This liner is ____ (big) than that vessel. 8. He is ____ (lazy) student in their class. 9. Our captain is ____ (experienced) than the Chief Mate. 10. My students are ___ (good) students in our Maritime College.

Exercise VI. Read the table. Compare the information about 2 ships. Complete the sentences. 

Vessel details

m/v Kennedy

m/v Freedom

Type of vessel

General Cargo Carrier

Container Carrier




Date of build

July 1995

August 1996

Length overall

149. 45 m

168. 60 m


21. 68 m

29. 00 m


8. 65 m

12. 40 m

Cargo on board

6500 mt

13. 400 mt

The m/v Kennedy is ______than the m/v Freedom (old). 

The m/v Freedom is ______ than the m/v Kennedy (long). 

The m/v Freedom is ______ than the m/v Kennedy (wide). 

The m/v Freedom is ______ than the m/v Kennedy (high). 

The cargo on board the m/v Freedom is_____ the cargo on board the m/v Kennedy (heavy). 

Exercise VII. Using Irregular Verb List find, write down and learn by heart three forms of following irregular verbs with the translation: be, bear, beat, become, begin, bend, bite, blow, break, bring, build, burn, buy, catch, choose, come, cut, deal, dig, do, draw, dream, drink, drive, eat, fall, feed, feel, fight, find, fly, forbid, forget, forgive, freeze

Exercise VIII. Translate into English.

1. Порт в этой стране не такой большой, как наш порт. 2. Наше судно больше вашего. 3. Это не мои документы, а ваши. 4. Чья это радиограмма? – Наша.  5. Второй помощник капитана заканчивает составлять план погрузочных работ. 6. Вчера мы разгружали груз и потратили много времени. 7. Завтра целый день радисты будут тщательно осматривать приборы спутниковой связи, радиоприемники и телетайп. 8. Судно сейчас входит в порт.  9. На палубе десять матросов. 10. Механики ремонтировали главный двигатель вчера с 3 до 5 часов вечера. 

Exercise IX. Tell about the students who visited m/v Seagate. What did they do and see there?

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