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Английский язык (тексты и упражнения).doc
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Vocabulary exercises

Exercise I. a) Find the English equivalents in the text: безопасность на судах; безопасность рабочего места; не загораживать трапы; соответствующее освещение; сохранять остойчивость судна; противостоять повреждениям; герметичный отсек; авария; иллюминаторы; предельная линия; без согласия капитана; снабжены соответствующей трюмной помпой; способна дренировать водонепроницаемый отсек; руль; баллер руля; задний ход. b) Give Russian equivalents using words of the unit: to withstand any damage; engine-room; maintenance; to drain the tank; listed ship; to check load line mark; watertight compartment; damaged hull; International Convention; oil compartment; officer in charge; walking surface; heating and ventilation; service conditions.

Exercise II. Translate into English:

  1. Необходимо держать сходной трап свободным от любых препятствий. 2.Капитан судна должен быть снабжен необходимыми инструкциями. 3.Освещение., отопление и вентиляция помещений на судне должны соответствовать стандартам. 4. Иллюминаторы, нижние кромки которых находятся ниже придельной линии, не должны открываться без разрешения капитана. 5. Главное рулевое устройство сконструировано таким образом, чтобы управлять судном на максимальной скорости. 6. Мотористы дренировали этот танк (ту цистерну). 7. Судно получило пробоину (hole) в корпусе.

Exercise III. Read the words. Match the body part with the type of protective clothing.

1. head

2. eyes

3. feet

4. hands

5. ears

6. whole body

a. safety boots

b. ear defenders

c. hard hat

d. safety goggles

e. overalls

f. safety gloves

Exercise IV. Read this article from a safety manual. Find words that describe body parts and injuries.

1. Seafarers sometimes break their arms and legs when they slip or fall. These accidents happen when they don't wear safety boots or when decks are wet and oily. Seafarers also fall when ladders are not secure. To prevent broken arms and legs, it is important to wear safety boots.

2. Seafarers sometimes strain their backs when they lift heavy objects. Back strain usually happens when seafarers lift objects alone or when they don't use lifting equipment properly. To prevent back strain, it is important to lift properly.

3. Seafarers sometimes suffer from burns (ожог) when there is a fire, explosion or chemical spill. Seafarers need to be careful when they smoke or when they work with chemicals. To prevent burns, it is important to obey "No Smoking" signs and to handle chemical cargos safely.

4. Seafarers sometimes suffer from cuts. They often cut their fingers when they are careless with sharp machinery. To prevent cuts, it is important to use safety guards and to wear gloves.

5. Seafarers sometimes injure their eyes when they work with machinery. Dust, sparks, and chemicals are very dangerous when they enter the eye. To prevent eye injuries, it is important to wear protective goggles.

Notes to strain back – потянуть спину to suffer from – страдать от

burn – ожог dust – пыль spark – искра

chemical spill - утечка химикатов