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Examination Card № 5

  1. Reading

Read the text and complete the sentences.

First concert

The first concert is always an anxious execution. Think about it, you train yourself to be in public without making any mistakes, improve your skills to perform with excellence. And all these preparations are for half an hour of action on the stage. Of course you will be worried the whole time before the concert. A very big chance to ruin your first attempt on stage, and there will be no way out of it, because if you have ruined your first attempt it will be harder not to ruin the second.

So you have been preparing better than you thought you could. You go to the stage and your heart almost leaps out of your chest. Now you are standing there with your guitar and the drummer is starting his count “one, two, and one-two-three”…the straight line of the cardiogram, a gap that lasts a huge time period.

This is the moment of clarity.

Exactly at this moment you understand if you can accomplish your performance. There is no stage, audience or your mates, only you exist in this world now. Only you, your Fender and Dunlop. Blazing light isn’t disturbing you, the roar of the audience is dead, and you don’t hear them at all. The only thing you can hear now is the sound of your guitar, the exultation of your mind – you did it, you are doing it now! This great sensation is stronger than anything you have ever experienced.

The time is coming forward, you’ve become a famous musician, and everyone recognizes you on the stage. You have the army of your fans, and your life is quite good, because you’ve been doing your favorite thing – you’ve been playing guitar, like you wanted in your youth. But somewhere in your heart you understand that the sensation you are experiencing in every your dream – your first concert, is something that you will never feel even one more time again. And these memories are etched in your mind like the most beautiful things in your life!

1.Of course you will be worried the whole time before______________________________

2. If you have ruined your first attempt it will be___________________________________

3. There is no stage, audience or your mates______________________________________

4. Blazing light isn’t disturbing you, the roar of the audience is dead, and you___________

5. The only thing you can hear now is___________________________________________

  1. Writing

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

  1. I __________(not to do) the shopping yet.

  2. How__________ you__________ (to go) usually to work?

  3. They __________ (to play) in the garden now.

  4. Listen, she __________ (to play) the piano at the moment.

  5. We __________ (to buy) a new house already.

Examination Card № 6

  1. Reading

Read the text and answer the questions.

A Wise Judge

Once there lived two brothers. They worked together on their father’s farm. They were very honest and got along together very well. One day their father died leaving his property to his two sons. In his last will he told them to divide the property between them. But the brothers could not agree how. Each wanted to have the better part for himself. After some time they did not even speak to each other. At last they went to the judge who was very wise and always knew how to settle difficult matters. The judge listened to them carefully and then he said, “The matter is very simple.” We shall divide the property this way. One of will divide it in the way he thinks best and the other one will then have the right to choose whichever of the two parts he prefers.” In this way the case was settled.

  1. Where did two brothers work?

  2. How did they get along together?

  3. What did their father leave them after his death?

  4. What did he tell them in his last will?

  5. Why couldn’t the brothers agree how to divide the property?

  1. Writing

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

  1. Listen, she __________ (to play) the piano at the moment.

  2. We __________ (to buy) a new house already.

  3. He __________ (to go) to the theatre tomorrow.

  4. I __________ (not to do) the shopping yet.

  5. How __________you __________ (to go) usually to work?

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