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IV. Методичні вказівки до виконання самостійної роботи


Головна мета проведення самостійної роботи полягає у необхідності виконання домашніх завдань, що забезпечує глибоке опрацювання всіх аспектів тематики курсу та сприяє активному розвитку всіх мовленнєвих навичок. Систематична самостійна робота по виконанню домашніх завдань допомагає студентам у підготовці до поточних та фінальних тестів.


Зміст і обсяг самостійної роботи розраховується викладачем з урахуванням рівня мовленнєвої компетенції та прогресу групи, а також змісту практичного заняття за програмою курсу.

Завдання для виконання на тижні самостійної роботи:

3 семестр

Writing: Write a resume (chronological or functional) and cover letter.

Reading: Louise Kursmark, Best Resumes for College Students.

Speaking: Prepare a 2-3 minute speech about different jobs’ prestige in society.

Grammar: Prepare to write a quiz on Conditional clauses. FCE-2, ch. 8, ex. 170-187.

4 семестр

Writing: prepare a presentation “World religion in a nutshell”

Reading: the wisdom of Ecclesiastes

Speaking: Prepare a 2-3 minute speech on the following topic: “Should religion be separate from the state?”

Grammar: Prepare to write a quiz on Infinitive/ Gerund. FCE-2, ch. 2, ex. 34-45.


Назва теми

Кількість годин

Підготовка та виконання поточних практичних занять


Індивідуальні консультації з викладачем





Форми і методи контролю включають: письмове та усне опитування; перевірка домашніх завдань; проведення міні-тестів; підготовка доповідей, презентацій,тез; написання плану, есе; поточні та підсумкові контрольні роботи.


Згідно до методики рейтингової оцінки поточний рейтинг студента розраховується як сума балів за всіма видами практичних завдань (плюс показники відвідування лекційних та практичних занять) нарощується протягом семестру.

Студенти, поточні знання яких оцінені на “незадовільно” (0-29 балів), вважаються не атестованими і до екзамену з дисципліни не допускаються. Студенти, які за роботу в семестрі та на екзамені набрали 30-59 балів мають право на перескладання.


Підсумковий контроль знань здійснюється наприкінці семестру шляхом складання екзамену (заліку).

До екзамену допускаються студенти, які мають необхідний рівень поточних знань.

Залік проводиться в письмовій або змішаній формі, по завданнях, які складені на основі програми курсу та мають однаковий рівень складності.


Topics for exam

  1. What makes a good teacher and a good learner.

  2. Aims of education.

  3. The education system in Great Britain.

  4. Private education. Is it fair?

  5. Alternative education. (The idea of Summerhill)

  6. Educating children at home: advantages and disadvantages.

  7. Problems that students might face adjusting to higher education.

  8. Education attitudes in the USA.

  9. What makes students cheat and how to combat cheating?

  10. The social impact of illiteracy.

  1. Work values in the USA.

  2. Working at home: advantages and disadvantages.

  3. What factors influence success at work?

  4. The profession I'd like to have and the qualities essential for it.

  5. What does success mean to you?

  6. What factors influence people's attitude to work?

  7. If you could choose, would you work at home? Substantiate your choice.

  8. Gender roles in the workplace.

  9. What measures can be taken to reduce unemployment.

  10. Work is a nature's physician and is essential for human happiness.

  1. What does “democracy” mean in practice?

  2. Elections as one of the main democratic processes.

  3. How can common citizens influence politics?

  4. The political leader that I admire.

  5. The events that shaped the 20th century.

  6. “An honest person cannot be a politician.” Agree or disagree.

  7. Should rich countries help poor countries? Why (or why not)?

  8. What can be done about terrorism?

  9. How do you envision a perfect society?

  10. If you were the President…

  1. The concept of “Global village”. What factors led to its appearance?

  2. The role of the Internet in modern society.

  3. Cultural conflicts: communication and culture, ethnocentrism, stereotypes and prejudice.

  4. In your opinion, what area of culture creates the most serious problems in intercultural communication?

  5. What is the difference between having pride in one's identity and being ethnocentric?

  6. How can harmful stereotypes be combatted?

  7. Adjusting to new culture. Stages of adjusting.

  8. What factors make culture shock easier to overcome?

  9. Body language speaks louder than words.

  10. What makes people migrate?

  1. "If God didn't exist, it would be necessary to create him".

  2. What do different religions have in common?

  3. What kind of religious instruction, if any, do you plan to provide for your children?

  4. Discuss 10 Commandments. Which of these commandments do you feel are important rules for 21st century Ukrainians to live by? Which are the rules you want to live by? Why?

  5. Changes on the religious map of the world.

  6. The message of Desiderata (Headway Adv. Un. 12).

  7. What virtues do you appreciate most in the people?

  8. Evil is necessary for good.

  9. Before you change the world, you have to change yourself.

  10. “If people adopt Victorian Values, it will result in an excellent society” (Headway Up.Interm. T. 33. An interview with Mrs. Thatcher).

  1. Benefits and dangers of non-verbal communication.

  2. How to find your place in society?

  3. Are you a team-player or a soloist? Give examples.

  4. Men and women – different, but equal.

  5. Peer pressure and how to resist it.

  6. Your experience of the generation gap.

  7. When does a youngster become an adult?

  8. What makes young people commit crimes and how to prevent it.

  9. Shakespearean “seven ages of man” (Headway Upp.-Int. Un. 2). What are the joys and problems of each age?

  10. Current demographic trends in Europe and Asia.

  1. ’’Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children’’. Ecologist Leo Talbot.

  2. People and nature both lose when the tropical forest is clumsily invaded.

  3. What can you as an individual do to help solve the environmental problems?

  4. What is being done to save endangered plants and animals? How successful are these efforts in your country?

  5. Which of the environmental problems facing earth today may, in fact, cause a warmer world as a long-term result?

  6. Why is the term ’’green house effect’’ used in a discussion of global warming?

  7. Nuclear power stations: for or against?

  8. Alternative sources of energy. Is it really the answer to our energy problems in the future?

  9. ’’You can't really talk about ecology as a science only, you have to consider ecology within a social and political context’’.

  10. If you could solve one major socio-ecological problem, what would it be?

  1. “Art is long, life is short”. How do you understand this saying?

  2. What does art tell us about the society contemporary to it?

  3. Reading is to mind what exercise is to the body.

  4. The components of a great story. Use examples.

  5. How influential do you think paper books will remain in the future?

  6. Your favourite kind of art.

  7. Are you a creative person? Where do you (or, could you) channel your creativity?

  8. The distinctive traits of a genius.

  9. Is “popular art” true art? Why or why not?

  10. Should artists be subsidized by the state?