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I asked the gardener, “What are you planting here this year

Ex. 5. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. The teacher asked Tom: “Do you come to school by bus or on foot?” 2. A man stopped me in the street and asked: “Have you got a watch?” 3. The teacher asked us: “ Do you understand the question?”4. Henry’s father asked his son: “ Do you want to be an engineer or a doctor?” 5. I asked my friend: "How do you feel after your holiday?" 6. "Alex is an educated man", remarks Flora. 7. "John never seems low or depressed", says Jane. 8. Jack's father asked him: "Who are you writing a letter to?" 9. "Jack is on the terrace. He is playing chess with his brother" , says Nelly. 10. I saw a cloud of smoke and asked: "What is burning?.” 11. I asked Peter: “Are you going to play football on Friday?” 12. He asked his secretary: “Hasn’t the postman been yet? ” 13. The teacher asked Tom, "Do you come to school by bus or on foot?". 14. A man stopped me in the street and asked, "Have you got a watch?". 15. The teacher asked us, "Do you understand the question?".

Ex.6. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. The teacher asked: "Which number can be divided by three?" 2. Peter asked me: "When are you going to have dinner?” 3. The policeman asked me: "Where did you lose your wallet?" 4. The teacher came into the classroom and asked the pupils: "What are you doing?” 5. I asked Bob: "Why did not you answer my letter?” 6. There was a crowd in the street. I asked the man in the crowd: "What is the matter?” 7. Mother asked Jane: "What are you doing here?". 8. Margaret asked Richard: "Where are you going for your holidays?". 9. Ann asked Mary: "What do you usually have for breakfast?". 10. The inspector asked: "Who caused the accident?". 11. The teacher asked: "When did you learn to swim?'. 12. Mary's mother asked her: "Where have you put your shoes?"

Ex.7. Translate the sentence from Russian into English.

1. Я спросила у нее, где ей сшили пальто.2.Я спросила у него, какие еще французкие книги он прочитал за последнее время.3.Друзья спросили его, куда он ездил в прошлое воскресение. 4.Родители спросили нас, что мы собираемся делать лето.5.Мы спросили преподавателя, как мы сдали экзамены. 6.Я спросил его, когда он собирается закончить эту работу. 7. Гид спросил туристов не устали ли они. 8. Яспросила своих гостей хорошо ли они спали. 9. Он поинтересовался часто ли мы ходим в театр. 10. Он хотел узнать долго ли у нас работает мистер Долби. 11. Они спросили меня, когда начинается мой рабочий день. 12. Он спросил, какую музыку любят мои друзья. 13. Мы спросили его, кто из его друзей знают два иностранных языка. 14. Журналисты спросили писателя, над какой книгой он работает. 15. Она спросила меня, где я был вчера. 16. Они спросили моего друга, как он провел летние каникулы.

Ex. 8. Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns and tenses.

1. "What's the time?" he asked.

→ He wanted to know ……….

2. "When will we meet again?" she asked me.

→ She asked me ………. 3. "Are you crazy?" she asked him.

→ She asked him …………..

4."Where did they live?" he asked.

→ He wanted to know ………..

5. "Will you be at the party?" he asked her.

→ He asked her …………

  1. "Can you meet me at the station?" she asked me.

→ She asked me …….

7. "Who knows the answer?" the teacher asked.

→ The teacher wanted to know ……

8. "Why don't you help me?" she asked him.

→ She wanted to know………..

9. "Did you see that car?" he asked me.

→ He asked me …….. 10. "Have you tidied up your room?" the mother asked the twins. → The mother asked the twins …….

Ex. 9. Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note whether the sentence is a request, a statement or a question and whether you have to change the tenses or not.

1."I was very tired," she said. → She said …….

2."Be careful, Ben," she said. → She told Ben ……….

3."I will get myself a drink," she says. → She says ………..

4."Why haven't you phoned me?" he asked me. → He wondered ……….

5."I cannot drive them home," he said. → He said ………

6."Peter, do you prefer tea or coffee?" she says. → She asks Peter ………..

7."Where did you spend your holidays last year?" she asked me. → She asked me ……..

8. He said, "Don't go too far." → He advised her ……..

9."Have you been shopping?" he asked us. → He wanted to know ………….

10. "Don't make so much noise," he says. → He asks us ……..

Ex. 10. Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences.

  1. She said, "Go upstairs." → She told me ……..

  2. "Close the door behind you," he told me. → He told me ………..

  3. "Don't be late," he advised us. → He advised us …………

  4. "Stop staring at me," she said. → She told him …………

  5. "Don't be angry with me," he said. → He asked her ……………

  6. "Leave me alone," she said. → She told me …………..

  7. "Don't drink and drive," she warned us. → She warned us …………

  8. "John, stop smoking," she said. → She told John ………..

  9. "Don't worry about us," they said. → They told her …………

  10. "Meet me at the cinema." he said. → He asked me …………….

Ex. 11. Imagine you want to repeat sentences that you heard two weeks ago in another place. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Change pronouns and expressions of time and place where necessary.

  1. They said, "This is our book." → They said …………..

  2. She said, "I went to the cinema yesterday." → She said ……………

  3. He said, "I am writing a test tomorrow." → He said …………

  4. You said, "I will do this for him." → You said …………

  5. She said, "I am not hungry now." → She said …………..

  6. They said, "We have never been here before." → They said …………

  7. They said, "We were in London last week." → They said …………

  8. He said, "I will have finished this paper by tomorrow." → He said …………..

  9. He said, "They won't sleep." → He said …………

10.She said, "It is very quiet here." →Shesaid………….

Задания на СРО:

Dogrammarex. 293-296onp.65 (Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика английского языка. Санкт Петербург, 2003)